Fran Lung Analytics
Analysis, stats and news from the sport of CrossFit. We've got the latest from the CrossFit Games, the World Fitness Project and all the other major competitions.
Fran Lung Analytics
Can Sara Sigmundsdottir make it back to the CrossFit Games in 2024 after a 3 year absence?
The last time we saw Sara Sigmundsdottir at the CrossFit Games it was in 2020. After a torn ACL wiped out her 2021 season, she has just missed out qualifying in 2022 and 2023. We take a look at athletes who have made it back to the CrossFit games after missing 3 or more years, and what the chances are of Signmundsdottir not only making it back to the CrossFit Games, but also being competitive with the Fittest on Earth.
Athlete images courtesy of the CrossFit Games
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