Fran Lung Analytics
Analysis, stats and news from the sport of CrossFit. We've got the latest from the CrossFit Games, the World Fitness Project and all the other major competitions.
Fran Lung Analytics
A look at the women who qualified for the Rogue Invitational through The Q
The Rogue Invitational is the premiere off-season CrossFit competition. With invites handed out to the top 15 athletes from the CrossFit Games, is ensures the Fittest on Earth are in attendances. The final 5, or in the case of 2023, 6 spots are earned through a qualifier simply known as "The Q"
In this video we take a look at the Q women who made it to the top of the stacked field in the Q. This years qualifiers were Dani Speegle, Manon Angonese, Elena Carratalá Sanahuja, Lauren Fisher, Christine Kolenbrander and Kyra Milligan.
Athlete images courtesy of the CrossFit Games
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