Fran Lung Analytics
Analysis, stats and news from the sport of CrossFit. We've got the latest from the CrossFit Games, the World Fitness Project and all the other major competitions.
Fran Lung Analytics
Getting the RIGHT athletes to the CrossFit Games: Minimum Qualifying Times in The CrossFit Open
For the 2025 CrossFit Games season, the top 1% of athletes from the CrossFit Open will be eligible to advance to the In-Affiliate Semifinals. 12 men and 12 women will advance from the In-Affiliate Semifinals to the CrossFit Games. Everyone in CrossFit, the athletes, the fans and the coaches want it to be the right 12 people.
What if instead of taking the top 1%, it's the top 1% who finish the workouts faster that a minimum qualifying time. We dive into that idea on this episode of the Fran Lung Show.
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