Fran Lung Analytics
Analysis, stats and news from the sport of CrossFit. We've got the latest from the CrossFit Games, the World Fitness Project and all the other major competitions.
Fran Lung Analytics
The Logistics to competing in the 2025 CrossFit Season
You have the CrossFit Games with it's 10 in-person qualifying events along with the in-affiliate Semifinals happening over 9 weeks. The World Fitness Project tour stop one is also smack dab in the middle of that. Then you have the CrossFit Games and the World Fitness Project Event 2 in August. Plus the Rogue Invitational, the World Fitness Project Finals and Wodapalooza between Halloween and the end of January.
That's a lot of CrossFit in 2025. It's also going to be a challenge for athletes to know when and how much to compete.
I take a look at the logistics and timelines of what some athletes could be looking at this season. From three competitions a year, to potentially three in a month.
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#CrossFitGames #worldFitnessProject