Master The Pause

Salvatore Zambito is Back! The Ways To Be Free From Fear Through Breath

Maryon Maass, ERYT-500, Feldenkrais Practitioner, Qi Gong Episode 18

Salvatore Zambito is a mystic, rogue scholar, and world-traveling recluse. He studied Psychology and Rolfing.

His yoga adventure began in 1954 when he was seven years old and saw a magnificent yogi perform a complex, elegant āsana on television. He never forgot it and attended his first yoga-āsana class in 1967. In 1968 Sw Vishnu-Devananda asked Salvatore to begin teaching.

He has since established yoga centers in the United States and has taught yoga and related subjects in ashrams, universities, and institutes around the world. His teaching areas span meditation, the Yoga-Sūtras of Patañjali, anatomy, kinesiology, and physiology.

Salvatore is the founder of the Yoga-Sūtras Institute and the author of three authoritative yoga references:

  • The Yoga-Sūtras Sanskrit-English Dictionary
  • Patañjali in Eternity: The Legend of Patañjali – The Rishi Sage of Yoga(CD), 
  • andThe Unadorned Thread of Yoga: The Yoga-Sūtra of Patañjali in English, which presents each of the 196 sutras, with text analysis and twelve authoritative translations.

You can find more information at


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Maryon Maass