Master The Pause
Master The Pause
Healing Early Childhood Experiences through Conscious Breath Experiences: Michael Luchino Shares
From early in his life Michael was using conscious breathing to help get him through early trauma and difficult situations. Though early on he wasn’t fully aware of the healing properties of using his breath he just knew it calmed him down and later realized it had become his "go to" healing modality.
Michael has had interesting careers from being a professional radio personality and then television talk show host to piloting aircraft and acrobatic gliders. He also became a certified hypnotherapist to help understand some of his deep and hidden emotional trauma’s.
With that practice he learned the power of breath in healing his body and emotions which began in early childhood.
All his life Michael has had a love of technology and understands how using our breath is the technology of our body and emotions. Currently he consults clients and repairs computers brilliantly.
Hear how Michael healed himself from buried trauma using his breath through various modalities through out his life.
Michael is available at mluchino@gmail.com
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Maryon Maass