The Novel Queers
The Novel Queers
TNQ 31 | Fred: An Unbecoming Woman
Listen to us babble our way through our very first memoir - Fred: An Unbecoming Woman by Annie Krabbenschmidt!
Out today, June 3rd! Go get yourself a copy!
This debut book is half essay, half memoir, and wholey authentic. Annie Krabbenschmidt explores compulsory heterosexuality, womanhood, and perfection with astonishing wit and insight. Fred discusses coming of age in a time where Marriage Equality seemed like a distant fantasy, casual homophobia was extremely casual, and Twilight had everyone convinced stalking was the height of romance.
Spoiler: It kinda sucked, but we got through it.
Citrus: Lime (but very academic)
Gore: A Bone Gets Broken
Trigger Warning for… homophobia, sexism, capitalism, transphobia, self harm, eating disorder, diet culture, unhealthy relationship dynamics, poor sexual education, dieting, eating disorder, thigh gap, pandemic, covid-19, extreme loneliness, and sports injury
Mentions of… food, alcohol, drugs, rivers, drowning, memoir-typical second-hand embarrassment, Twilight, unsanitary bodily functions, stalking, drugging, eye virginity, 101 Dalmatians, skinning, Jim Jones, cults, kink, bdsm, vibrators, and sex