The Novel Queers
The Novel Queers is a bi-weekly queer novel read-along meets book club podcast. Think of us as your two queer, excitable friends who want to tell you all about that book we just read. First, we'll give you our book report. Then, we'll take you to book club for a deep dive. Each episode will cover a short story or chapters in a novel. This is not a spoiler-free podcast! Find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram as The Novel Queers. Drop us a line at thenovelqueers@gmail.com
34 episodes
TNQ 31 | Fred: An Unbecoming Woman
Listen to us babble our way through our very first memoir - Fred: An Unbecoming Woman by Annie Krabbenschmidt!Out today, June 3rd! Go get yourself a copy!This debut book is half essay, half memoir, and whol...
Episode 31

TNQ 30 | Manga (Dick Fight Island)
Hold onto your butts - we're going to Dick Fight Island by Reibun Ike!Eight warriors gather every four years to decide who will lead their people! None of them are wearing pants, and all of them are ready to fight to the...
Episode 30

TNQ 29 | How to Build a Home for the End of the World
It's the end of the world as we know it, and we feel fine!And that's because we're going on an apocalypse road trip with our advance copy of Keely Shinners' How to Build a Home at the End of the World.(And all ou...
Episode 28

TNQ 28 | Manga (Our Dining Table & I Married My Best Friend to Shut My Parents up)
Guess who's back!We're back! Yay!We realized that manga counts as a novel, and we crammed two of them into this episode to make up for the long absence.Please also look forward to our next episode coming soon ba...
Episode 28

TNQ 27 | Cemetery Boys (Ch 13 - Epilogue)
Enjoy part two of our coverage of Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas before you turn back into a pumpkin at midnight!Yadriel, Maritza, and Julian are no closer to figuring out this murder mystery plot than when t...
Episode 27

TNQ 26 | Cemetery Boys (Ch 1 - 12)
The episode everyone's been waiting (and waiting) for...Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas!!!Yadriel is a trans boy determined to prove himself as a brujo to his traditional Latinx family by summoning a ghost. ...
Episode 26

TNQ | 09.24.2021 Announcement!
Hey y'all!We've got a few important announcements for you!The Good: We are DONE moving cross country. That means we can get back to producing this podcast soon.The Bad: We are completely and utterly ...

TNQ 25 | Duck! (Ch 10 - End)
Duck!!Ha! Gotcha again!We're continuing to cover Kim Dare's avian shifter series Duck! this episode!Ori's shift... didn't go as planned and now Reynard has fled under the foolish impression t...
Episode 25

TNQ 24 | Duck! (Ch 5 - 9)
Duck!!Ha! Gotcha again!We're continuing to cover Kim Dare's avian shifter series Duck! this episode!Ori and Reynard become so close that the few months they've spent together quickly begin to...
Episode 24

TNQ 23 | Duck! (Ch 1 - 4)
Duck!Just kidding, you can get up.We're covering the first four chapters Kim Dare's avian shifter series Duck! this episode!Avian shifter society has a strict hierarchy that must be observed....
Episode 23

TNQ 22 | The Lightning-Struck Heart (Ch 25 - Epilogue)
Our fourth and final ever part of our first ever requested book, The Lightning-Struck Heart by TJ Book Daddy Klune, is all yours for the listening!!!Thanks again for the rec, jools10!Now that Prince Justin ...
Episode 22

TNQ 21 | The Lightning-Struck Heart (Ch 17 - 24)
Our third ever part of our first ever requested book, The Lightning-Struck Heart by TJ Book Daddy Klune, has arrived!Thanks for the rec, jools10!Sam Haversford continues his merry quest to rescue the prince from d...
Episode 21

TNQ 20 | The Lightning-Struck Heart (Ch 9 - 16)
Happy Pride, y’all!!! Our second ever part of our first ever requested book, The Lightning-Struck Heart by TJ Book Daddy Klune, is here!Thanks for the rec, jools10!Sam Haversford wakes up to fin...
Episode 20

TNQ 19 - The Lightning-Struck Heart (Ch 1 - 8)
Our first ever requested book is The Lightning-Struck Heart by TJ Book Daddy Klune!Thanks for the suggestion, Jools10! We love it so far!Sam Haversford figured out he had magic at around about eleven yea...
Episode 19

TNQ18 - No Man of Woman Born (His Father's Son)
We predict you'll enjoy No Man of Woman Born by Ana Mardoll, an anthology of queer characters finding their way amidst prophecies and fairytales.His Father's Son features Nocien, an otherwise gentle young man tota...
Episode 18

TNQ17 - No Man of Woman Born (King's Favor)
We predict you'll enjoy No Man of Woman Born by Ana Mardoll, an anthology of queer characters finding their way amidst prophecies and fairytales.King's Favor features Caran, a simple hedge witch on an undercover mission in host...
Episode 17

TNQ16 - No Man of Woman Born (Tangled Nets)
We predict you'll enjoy No Man of Woman Born by Ana Mardoll, an anthology of queer characters finding their way amidst prophecies and fairytales.Tangled Nets features Wren, a humble fisher with a big, scaly reason to b...
Episode 16

TNQ15 - Flaunt (Ch 31 - Epilogue)
Time to wrap up strutting your stuff with Flaunt, the first book in E. Davies' F-Word Series!Kyle and Nic passed 'no strings attached' about a mile ago and show no signs of stopping as the ambiguous threat of arson hangs over t...
Episode 15

TNQ14 - Flaunt (Ch 16 - Ch 30)
Get ready to strut your stuff with Flaunt, the first book in E. Davies' F-Word Series!It turns out that Kyle was not, in fact, ready to commit, but things change fast when a fire breaks out at the PLUS office and he needs a place to sta...
Episode 14

TNQ13 - Flaunt (Ch 1 - Ch 15)
Get ready to strut your stuff with Flaunt, the first book in E. Davies' F-Word Series!Nic is a trans man whose just moved to LA from Idaho and is having a difficult time fitting in and finding his people. Kyle is a flashy eccentric gay ...
Episode 13

TNQ12 - Red, White, & Royal Blue (Ch 11 - End)
Welcome to the Situation Room! The situation is: we finished Red, White, & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston!Alex Claremont-Diaz, FSOTUS, unghosts himself through spectacular application of a private jet and yelling outside of ...
Episode 12

TNQ11 - Red, White, & Royal Blue (Ch 6 - 10)
The second episode in our minute by minute coverage of Red, White, & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston. Alex Claremont-Diaz, FSOTUS, has, regrettably, fallen head over heels for HRH Prince Henry of whatever don't make me l...
Episode 11

TNQ10 - Red, White, & Royal Blue (Ch 1 - 5)
The inaugural episode in our coverage of Red, White, & Royal Blue y Casey McQuiston. Alex Claremont-Diaz, FSOTUS, has beef with HRH Prince Henry of Wales. When that beef ends up in the tabloids, the two are fo...
Episode 10

TNQ09 - Romancing the Werewolf (Ch 6 - End)
Here's the finale of our holiday double feature of "Romancing the Werewolf" by Gail Carriger. Biffy and Lyall are drowning in babies, pine boughs, and plum-colored curtains, but still manage to thwart a mysterious cult. But it migh...
Episode 9