Connect Inspire Create

176 Creating Unique Paths in Medicine with Dr Rachel Beanland

Season 5 Episode 176

In today's fast-paced world, many healthcare professionals find themselves feeling trapped in traditional career paths that seem more like constraints than opportunities. This struggle for fulfillment in one's professional life can often lead to dissatisfaction, burnout, and a sense of being stuck. 

Dr Rachel Beanland's journey is rooted in a passion for integrating mindfulness into every aspect of her medical career. With a focus on supporting doctors to build flexible, flexible, fulfilling careers, she combines her experience as a physician coach and mindfulness teacher to guide her audience in crafting unique career paths that align with their values and aspirations. 

By providing evidence-based tools and strategies, Rachel empowers her clients to dream bigger, navigate transitions, and embrace careers that allow for both personal fulfilment and professional impact​​.

In addition to her expertise as a physician coach, Rachel is also a certified yoga and meditation teacher who advocates for a holistic approach to health and wellness. She believes that living consciously—through mindfulness, self-awareness, and intentional practices—can transform both personal well-being and professional success.

Healthy Boundaries meditation listen here

Click here - Where to find Rachel 


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And listen to Rachel's podcast Authentic Tea - Mindful Career Changes for Doctors here

Hello from your host, Carol Clegg. A coach for coaches! I work with women coaches to find balance with ease and flow, manage stress, cultivate self-empathy, and set meaningful goals that resonate with their individual coaching practices.

My clients often have too many ideas and struggle to decide which one to focus on first, leading to a HUGE BLOCK in just getting started. I love to help simplify the process, explore what is getting in the way and guide you to choose the next project, enjoy the journey, and celebrate progress while taking small, meaningful steps.

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Speaker 1:

What is that feeling that is making you feel stuck? What are those reasons that your environment at work or at home, or in your life is not aligned? What are the things that are going on that you would like to remove and really acknowledge those fears that are coming up, really acknowledge where those expectations are coming up.

Speaker 2:

Well, hello and welcome to Connect, Inspire, Create. I'm your host, Carol Clegg, a progress and mindset business coach, here to help you thrive and flourish and turn those challenges into opportunities for growth. This podcast is all about giving you your weekly dose of practical strategies, motivation and insightful conversations designed to boost your business skills, personal growth and happiness. So, whether you're looking to find balance, say goodbye to procrastination or just in need of a friendly nudge towards your goals, remember we're all on this journey together. Well, hello, everybody, and welcome Thank you for listening to the show today.

Speaker 2:

I am joined by my guest, dr Rochelle Beanland. Hi, rochelle, hi, thanks for having me I'm excited for this conversation.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so Rachel is a public health doctor, physician coach and, importantly, a mindfulness and meditation teacher.

Speaker 2:

So, just to catch the attention of those that are listening and can think of someone who might want to listen to this episode or you might want to share it with I love this part that you shared a resilient physician coach.

Speaker 2:

So I just want to share a little bit that I had read about you on your journey being rooted now in passion for integrating mindfulness into every aspect of your medical career and with your focus on supporting doctors to build flexible, fulfilling careers.

Speaker 2:

You have combined being a physician coach and a mindfulness teacher to just create unique career paths. That's just, I think, going to be so valuable for people who listen to this. That's a beautiful segment of the market that you are helping and working with, and I know that you work with some basically evidence-based tools and some strategies that you use to just help your clients dream bigger, navigate transitions and embrace the careers that allow for both personal performance and professional impact. But I know that we're talking about the medical industry and I think more than just doctors can be listening to this nurse practitioners, nurses, anybody who works in that field, around medicine and with people. But many doctors I'm sure that you relate to this feel like they're on a fixed career path and they think that breaking away from the traditional mold to create something unique that still feels fulfilling.

Speaker 2:

But I'd love to hear a little about your journey because you found your own unique path, so do tell us, how did that happen?

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you, that's a beautiful introduction and it really does encompass so much of what I love to share with the world. And you're right, a lot of it is a reflection of my own journey and I think anyone who's out there who has followed a career where they have that goal, they always know they're going to become something. It's a very vocational career going into healthcare, you're going to become a doctor, you're going to become a nurse, you're going to become a nurse practitioner, and you have a very set pathway for you and that can be fantastic. It can give you all of those steps, it can keep you moving in the right direction, but what it can also do is really make you feel like there are very few options outside of that, and so when that pathway doesn't quite gel with your life, it can feel quite uncomfortable and it can feel quite difficult, lonely. Sometimes, it can be very uncomfortable and challenging to find other alternatives, and that's where I found myself.

Speaker 1:

So, I started in clinical medicine. I had a very exciting you know, very busy beginning to my career in my 20s and in my early 30s and lots of it I loved. But I was always looking for the next step and I could never see it. I could never really see the people around me who I wanted to be like and at the same time I wasn't really creating the life I wanted. You know, my work was really everything. It was like taking over 100%.

Speaker 2:

You know the balance just wasn't there.

Speaker 1:

It just wasn't there and I really wasn't able to look after my own health or wellness, particularly my emotional health, and I think for me those two things meant that I got to a point where I felt really stuck. I knew I wanted to make a change in my career. I knew I wanted to. For me, it was really about working in global health, thinking a bit more broadly about health in general, and looking outside of where I was. But I also knew I wanted a life that gave me more than just my career.

Speaker 1:

You know, I wanted a life where I felt more purposeful, more conscious of what I was doing, and that, for me, was that, that moment. And so many of my clients come to me at that moment. They feel very stuck, they don't quite know what is the next step, but they they feel like something slightly out of line and so for me, this happened probably about 15 years ago was my real transition. I transitioned out of clinical work so I stopped seeing patients one-to-one and I started to do much more public health, so more population level health, looking at prevention, looking at more holistic approaches to health and moving into things like research and policy and working at that level.

Speaker 1:

But at the same time, I think what really happened for me is I realized that, instead of looking outwards for answers, I had to kind of look inwards, and this was the real work for me. And this is why I'm so passionate about sharing mindfulness and those tools with people, because, at the same time as that journey of changing my career, actually what I really was able to do is start learning those tools, those practices of being more mindful, of being more connected to what was going on, to being more connected to my needs, to my values, to the way I wanted to show up every day, and that is really what I believe has enabled me to continue making changes in my life, you know and I've continued to do that in my career.

Speaker 1:

I've made different changes. I've moved countries we were just chatting about. You know where life has taken us outside of the countries that we started off in and grew up in, and I believe those tools have really given me the ability to stay grounded throughout change and throughout challenges that have come along, and that's why I'm so passionate about supporting other health professionals and doctors to really think about their careers yes, think about how they can make those changes but see their career as part of their life See all of those other elements and really find that balance with everything that they want to bring into their life not just their career and not just that sense of being a doctor.

Speaker 2:

And I think what is so beautiful and I'm listening to as you share this is that you didn't give up, you didn't go. Okay, I am done. I cannot do this industry anymore, no matter. You poured all of that into what you've been doing, and that turning inwards, as as you said, because we can put exterior pressure and live up to expectations of so many other people, but when we start to look inside, look what a beautiful path it's taken you on that.

Speaker 2:

You know you, you move, but you stay within your industry and then that realization that, wow, this could have been a burnout, could have been a breaking point, and that we have that power, which is so, so important, of coming back to now, coming back internally into present, to allow hope. That's also what I'm hearing in that is, there's hope ahead if you can bring these things into a bigger circle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, totally, and I find that actually, when I work with a lot of doctors, they often come to me thinking that they might want to leave the profession. And actually most of them don't, so I often say that.

Speaker 2:

Which is wonderful.

Speaker 1:

all got a huge passion that led us to go into this career in the first place and actually what I find is the majority of people need to refine their passion, they need to reconnect with those values, they need to kind of find those tools again to take them on a different path.

Speaker 1:

And that path might look very different for everyone and can look very unique. Which is what I love to promote is that sort of uniqueness, so you know that we don't have to follow a set path. We can create that unique career, but actually retaining and using all those skills and all those amazing years of experience in a way.

Speaker 2:

That means you can go to work and you can come home and feel fulfilled, but you also feel passionate about other things in your life and you can go to work and you can come home and feel fulfilled, but you also feel passionate about other things in your life, and you can also be really truly present and I think that's something that mindfulness is so helpful with is really being present.

Speaker 1:

In whatever you're doing, you know, whether that's being present in work and being present in that interaction, or being present with your loved ones and really being there, which is something I think a lot of people struggle with, particularly in the world we live in at this moment, in time with so many distractions and everything.

Speaker 1:

But that is where I really believe mindfulness can be so helpful, because it's that, it's that being really present in what and what you're doing and bringing that quality in and you know the beauty of that, of course, is that the benefit for the patients or whoever you are giving up.

Speaker 2:

I mean, if you are moving into research or doing something more in the public health, there's a gift that you're giving to the world if you can look for the gift inside but I'm sure doctors struggle with you know that guilt or that identity shift is like I'm not supposed to do this, I'm supposed to just press on and I just should have, you know, the ability within me to cope.

Speaker 2:

So you know what are the typical challenges that you find when they reach that stage and they go ah, and they might want to give up. You know how do you help them navigate that. What is some of the first things that come up? You know, if they need a complete shift but they want to stay in medicine, how do you explore that with them?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I think some of the things that come up, one is really expectations. You know often it can be internal expectations on what we think we should do, but also external expectations on what other people view you as and what they think we should do, but also external expectations on what other people view you as and what they believe you should do. And the other big thing that comes up for people is fear. It's like fear of uncertainty, fear of the unknown Can.

Speaker 2:

I do anything else.

Speaker 1:

What will happen if this doesn't work? Am I going to be able to make any money doing something different?

Speaker 2:

What will it look like?

Speaker 1:

So a big part of what I do with my clients to really start their journey is that acknowledgement, the acknowledgement of what is actually going on right now. And you know what is that feeling that is making you feel stuck, what are those reasons that your environment at work or at home or in your life is not aligned. What are the things that are going on that you would like to remove and really acknowledge those fears that are coming up, really acknowledge where those expectations are coming up, which can be difficult to do. It can be very uncomfortable, you know it often involves a lot of emotions and sometimes, you know, tears and very, very heavy like releasing, I think. But it can be so freeing to actually be honest about where you are right now, because it can be very difficult and I think anyone will probably recognize this that when they're at work it can be very difficult around your colleagues to say you know, I'm not sure I like this or I'm looking at a different job.

Speaker 2:

You know we all have that sort of fear of like, yeah, what will someone think of me?

Speaker 1:

So that is the biggest step, really, is that kind of acknowledgement is acknowledgement of what is going on.

Speaker 1:

What are those fears? I'm really picking into those fears so that we can start to find ways to see the solutions and the steps that people can take. And the big thing that I love to work with people is getting really clear on that why and trying to let the what come, because the what is obviously really important. That what of you know? What job are you going to do? How much is it going to pay you, what does it look like? How many days are you going to work? All those things are really important. But if you don't have that connection to the why, it's very hard to identify those what's. So I work a lot with people on really connecting to their inner why, that real purpose and I love to talk about dharma, which is, you know, that sense of that purpose in our lives and really connecting to what that is, because that sometimes can get lost.

Speaker 2:

I was just going to say it sort of gets pushed down, and just what you were sharing about acknowledging these emotions, and especially even at work, it's push the fear aside, push the uncertainty aside. I shouldn't be feeling this and I'm thinking as I'm listening to you. You know, giving people time, this is not a thing to rush through. Even with coaching with you, I'm sure that it's a process, because it's like unpeeling the layers and then sometimes you've kind of got to put them back on again.

Speaker 2:

And it's almost a loop, isn't it? You know, you sort of go with hope and then fear comes in, and then you hope again, and then fear comes in, and then you hope again, and then fear comes back in and realizing that that's going to happen, but almost having a sense of curiosity is, well, let's, and then they've got you to journey with them. Let's explore this with curiosity, because you've been there.

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah, yeah, and that's why I love coaching, because for me, that coaching space when I had coaching myself and I still have coaches at various times in my life and different challenges that come up and you know, business creation etc absolutely but I think providing that space for people, where they can have that respect, that trust, they build that relationship and, most importantly, they have that accountability.

Speaker 1:

And I think that that's how people do their best thinking, because I know from my own experience that was what was really helpful for me at pivotal moments in my life. So that's what I love to provide for people is that space where they can go deeper into what is going on, get that clarity on their why, the clarity on what their skills are, their expertise, where their passions really lie, and also have that space to start actioning, to actually start putting little steps in motion that they can, you know, actually make steps towards their goals, know actually make steps towards their goals. And, like you say, it does mean that you're peeling off those layers and it does take time and I think I mean I'm sure you would say this too that actually I've I often work with people for quite some time so my initial program is is four months, which I say, is like a good step to get over that initial kind of block of time, but it's very intense.

Speaker 1:

You know I like to work with people every week so that we get that momentum and then often my clients will carry on. You know, we often have a continued relationship because it takes time to implement and make changes. You know, and I think that that can often be in the world we live in, where we want, often we look for immediate solutions.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we want immediate answers, right actually I would say any coaching.

Speaker 1:

For me is definitely. When I've had coaching and the way I like to coach people, I really think that ongoing relationship makes a big difference. I think that that can actually be where the magic comes.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you feel the same with your pitching no, I do the longer that you build that relationship. And I think the other thing that I find personally for myself is that when that confidence starts to come from recognizing your why and exploring, then creativity sets in, and creativity is another form of happiness. So, you know, it all just blends and ties together so beautifully. So that's the awareness, and I guess the same thing for your clients is realizing that they can partner with somebody and that they can make a change. And you know you don't have to do it alone, but how important it is to have a safe space of someone that you can slowly open up with, explore, build confidence, get creative, yeah, and realign with the passion, because why not? Yeah, it's so beautiful. Well, thank you so much for all this lovely inspiration that you've shared with our listeners. If somebody was wanting to add mindfulness into their lives and it was kind of still a little foreign to them what would be one small step that you would recommend to get them started?

Speaker 1:

I love that. I love that question. I think for me, the easiest time I find to add some mindfulness is the first moment that you wake up, because for most people and I know if you have very young children this may be a bit different, but for most people as they wake up they have that, just that moment of realizing the day is starting, and so I would love to invite people to take that moment to connect to themselves and the breath is a really beautiful way to do that. So by just noticing your first breath that you take in and just connecting to it and just feeling on and bringing yourself to that present moment, Because I love, you know really beautiful mindfulness in my own life.

Speaker 1:

But I think making it really simple for people is a great way to start adding in those small moments and to find those practices that really work for you.

Speaker 2:

And I think that first thing in the morning can just be so helpful to set the day off, you know, give you that positive start to your day and know that you've connected to yourself in that moment in time, and I'd love to add to that, because I think that is critical starting your day or you know on the right foot that you're starting with a win, but also to remind people that it's the end of the day. Remember to celebrate yourself. You know, know, think back and just grab something out of your day and celebrate yourself, not, oh, what have I got in my to-do list for tomorrow? Yeah, just come back something that you have done, um, ground yourself in celebrating you.

Speaker 2:

so wonderful yeah, so I'd love if my listeners want to connect with you. Where is the best place to find you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so by all means, please connect with me. You can go to my website, which is resiliencephysiciancoachingcom, and you can also find me on Instagram, which is Dr Rachel Beanland. So I'll send you those links so you can share those. Carol, fantastic Rachel.

Speaker 2:

I'll make sure to have those in the show notes. And then I know that you do have a meditation that people can find on your website.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so meditation for me has been a big tool in terms of reconnecting to myself, and it's also a tool that I use to help me navigate all the ups and downs of life, so I've really loved to share meditation with my clients, and so the meditation that you can access on my website is a healthy boundaries meditation, which I find is very, very helpful for most people actually.

Speaker 1:

But most people that I work with really struggle with implementing healthy boundaries. So if you're someone who wants to think about prioritizing your own needs and you'd love to try a meditation it's a short guided meditation, so you'll hear my voice talking to you and it's a really nice way to start to see if meditation is a tool that can help you also to bring more mindfulness into your day as well. Wonderful Well.

Speaker 2:

I agree with you that it's certainly in the boundaries. We could have got into a whole other conversation to extend that. That, as well, is important. Rachel, thank you once again for being my guest and I look forward to seeing you out on the website and on Instagram, and I'll make sure that our listeners know where to get hold of you, and I hope they stop by and listen to that meditation.

Speaker 1:

Fantastic. Thank you so much for inviting me. It was really wonderful to have this conversation with you.

Speaker 2:

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