Mile Hi Church Podcast
Mile Hi Church Sunday talks posted weekly here! Mile Hi is a New Thought church in Lakewood, Colorado. Practical and universal spirituality, affirmative prayer, meditation and oneness are at the heart of all we do. Our community focuses on healing, growth, empowerment, positive living, mindfulness and a grounded spiritual path as well as overcoming anxiety, focusing on forgiveness and fostering healthy relationships.
487 episodes
The Journey From Victim To Victor with Michelle Medrano
Sun., March 9The Journey From Victim To Victorwith Michelle MedranoWe all have experiences in life that can leave us feeling victimized, from large hurts and betrayals to small daily irritations. Empowered living and freedom com...

What Is Your Worth Worth? with Josh Reeves
Sun., March 2What Is Your Worth Worth?with Josh ReevesWhat is your individual value and how do you measure it? Is it by how much you have, how much of your potential you've realized, or by the impact you've had on others? When w...

All My Little Flaws with Josh Reeves
Sun., Feb. 23All My Little Flawswith Josh ReevesI have these little flaws I don’t want you to see. Yet, if I try to hide these flaws from you, I am refusing your ability to see the real me. And if you did see the real me, ...
Season 8
Episode 8

The Fall Into Love with Michelle Medrano
Sun., Feb. 16The Fall Into Lovewith Michelle MedranoFalling in love requires great vulnerability. Whether we allow ourselves to fall in love romantically or with our work, ourselves, or our world, are you willing to fall?
Season 8
Episode 7

Practice, Not Perfect with Josh Reeves
Sun., Feb. 9Practice, Not Perfectwith Josh ReevesSpiritual living doesn’t give you a perfect life. But if you can keep up a spiritual practice, it will reveal an awareness of something perfect that’s running through your life.&n...

Atonement or At-one-ment? with Michelle Medrano
Sun., Feb. 2Atonement or At-one-ment?with Michelle MedranoMany of us have been taught to atone for our mistakes or sins, and there can be power in spiritual atonement. Yet, it will always be most effective when it returns us to ...
Season 8
Episode 5

Back To Basics Week Four: What Is Greater Than What Was with Josh Reeves
Four-Week Sunday SeriesBack To Basics 2025The Divine Ideawith Josh ReevesSun., Jan. 26What Is Greater Than What WasHere is a divine idea: what is, is always equal or greater than what was. Embrace this idea and y...
Season 8
Episode 4

Back-To-Basics Week Three: Oneness Revealed with Josh Reeves
Four-Week Sunday SeriesBack To Basics 2025The Divine Ideawith Josh ReevesSun., Jan. 19Oneness RevealedAs humanity, we are better than how we sometimes think about and treat one another. Our very purpose is to rev...
Season 8
Episode 3

Back-To-Basics Week Two: God Is More with Josh Reeves
Four-Week Sunday SeriesBack To Basics 2025The Divine Ideawith Josh ReevesSun., Jan. 12God Is MoreNever limit God, and your life will be filled with possibilities.Music: Featuring guest artist, Eddie Watki...
Season 8
Episode 2

Back-To-Basics Week One: Co-create Your Life With Love Intelligence with Josh Reeves
Four-Week Sunday SeriesBack To Basics 2025The Divine Ideawith Josh ReevesSun., Jan. 5Co-create Your Life With Love IntelligenceThere is a power for good in the Universe, and you can use it.Music: Featurin...
Season 8
Episode 1

Fan the Spark of Curiosity Within You with Jackie Harris
Sun., Dec. 29Fan the Spark of Curiosity Within Youwith Jackie HarrisIt’s been a year of wars and rumors of wars throughout the world; of dramatic weather patterns and drama at the polls; and the flurry of getting everything done...
Season 7
Episode 72

The Gift of Life with Josh Reeves
Sun., Dec. 22The Gift of Lifewith Josh ReevesThe gifts of life are being given all the time, but are you receiving them? Whether it’s the gift of relationships, of solitude, of play, or of purpose, the greatest gift is life itse...
Season 7
Episode 71

The Fourth Magi with Roger Teel
Sun., Dec. 15The Fourth Magiwith Roger TeelThere is both a wondrous gift and a magnificent purpose offered to us in the Christmas experience. This gift opens us to an inner dimension of vast energy, wisdom and power. The purpose...
Season 7
Episode 70

You Can’t Stop the Music with Josh Reeves
Sun., Dec. 8You Can’t Stop the Musicwith Josh ReevesWhich do you identify more with—being an instrument or the music that it plays? Certainly, we are both. But where instruments can rust, great music goes on forever. Let’s celeb...
Season 7
Episode 69

The Cosmic Christ with Michelle Medrano
Sun., Dec. 1The Cosmic Christwith Michelle MedranoHow does our faith tradition embrace Jesus and the Christ? Learn how it impacts our celebration of the holidays.
Season 7
Episode 68

Season of Light: Rights of Passage with Michelle Medrano
Sun., Nov. 24Season of Light: Rites of Passagewith Michelle MedranoAs we begin to move into the sacred days of December, let’s refresh our celebration with new activities, rituals, and practices that can have profound meaning fo...
Season 7
Episode 67

Home Is Where the _____ Is with Josh Reeves
Sun., Nov. 17Home Is Where the _____ Iswith Josh ReevesFill in the blank—home is where the ____ is. For some of us, it’s "heart.” For some of us, it’s "hurt." For some of us, it’s "work." Let’s look at the concept of home as to ...
Season 7
Episode 66

Josh & Michelle: Post-Election Conversation
Josh & Michelle converse about the 2024 United States presidential election.
Season 7
Episode 65

As I Am Present in the Now with Josh Reeves
Sun., Nov. 10As I Am Present in the Nowwith Josh ReevesAs I am present in the now, God takes care of every how. As I am present in the now, I experience God's good manifest everywhere. As I am present in the now, what is past is...
Season 7
Episode 64

Being an Enlightened Citizen with Michelle Medrano
Sun., Nov. 3Being an Enlightened Citizenwith Michelle MedranoAs it is the final Sunday before the U.S. Presidential election, it has been in intense journey getting here. We can use this charged time to anchor into ourselves for...
Season 7
Episode 63

On Calling: Josh Reeves Speaks with Jackie Harris
Josh Reeves speaks with Jackie Harris about her spiritual path and her call to ministry.
Season 7
Episode 62

AIF Week Four: Finding True Waters with Josh Reeves
Four-Week Sunday SeriesAdventure in FaithRelevant FaithFinding Oneness in an Ocean of UncertaintySun., Oct. 27Finding True Waterswith Josh ReevesFinding oneness in an ocean of uncertainty can mean all at once...
Season 7
Episode 61

AIF Week Three: The Wisdom of Discernment with Zemirah Jazwierska
Four-Week Sunday SeriesAdventure in FaithRelevant FaithFinding Oneness in an Ocean of UncertaintySun., Oct. 20The Wisdom of Discernmentwith Zemirah JazwierskaRelevant faith deepens the spiritual gift of disce...
Season 7
Episode 60

AIF Week Two: Faith Revealed with Josh Reeves
Four-Week Sunday SeriesAdventure in FaithRelevant FaithFinding Oneness in an Ocean of UncertaintySun., Oct. 13Faith Revealedwith Josh ReevesRelevant faith isn’t invented; it is revealed. It is faith that has ...
Season 7
Episode 59

AIF Week One: Transformational Vulnerability with Josh Reeves
Four-Week Sunday SeriesAdventure in FaithRelevant FaithFinding Oneness in an Ocean of UncertaintySun., Oct. 6Transformational Vulnerabilitywith Josh ReevesRelevant faith isn’t an unshakeable belief but a tran...
Season 7
Episode 58