DIY Guitar Making
Luthier Eric Schaefer dives deep into acoustic guitar building techniques, sharing secrets of the craft so that you can step up your lutherie game! From soundboard bracing to neck angles to fretwork, no stone is left unturned. Sometimes it is a solo show that delves into a particular topic. Sometimes it is a Q and A show featuring member's of Eric's online guitar building course. Sometimes it is an interview with another luthier, woodworker, or guitar repair tech.
Podcasting since 2020 • 69 episodes
DIY Guitar Making
Latest Episodes
Guitarmaking Q&A | Setting up your Lutherie Shop and More!
In this episode of DIY Guitarmaking, I answer YOUR questions!🔴 All episodes available at diyguitarmaking.com🔴 Register for an 8 day Hands-On Guitar Building Workshop in Bernville, Pennsy...

Q&A Building Jigs and Forms, Fretboard Polish, Rosette Cutters
In this episode of DIY Guitar Making, I answer YOUR questions!Questions/Topics:- tonewood suppliers- Electric Guitar neck angles- Rosette cutting jigs- What material to use for molds forms and jigs- What do you use t...

Q&A | Buying or Building Side Benders, Where did EVO Gold Fretwire Go, and More!
In this episode of DIY Guitar Making, I answer YOUR questions!Questions/Topics:- Fixing cracked sides- Sharpening plane blades and chisels- Buying or building a side bending machine?- Using cactus juice to harden wood