Appreciating Shakespeare with Doctor Rap
Appreciating Shakespeare by Gideon Rappaport is now available as a BOOK (in hardcover and paperback) wherever books are sold. Offering knowledge and tools for appreciating Shakespeare's deep and universal meanings. Published by One Mind Good Press. Check it out.
Questions?: Email DoctorRap@zohomail.com
55 episodes
The Nature of Art (Series I, Chapter 15, Session 3)
Series I, Chapter 15: The Nature of Art, Session 3Based on the teaching of Professor Mary HolmesTopics:Judgments of ArtTalking about ArtWhat Makes a Work of Art Great?Questions? Email DoctorRap@zohomail.co...

The Nature of Art (Series I, Chapter 15, Session 2)
Series I, Chapter 15: The Nature of Art, Session 2Based on the teaching of Professor Mary HolmesTopics:Paradox 2: Escape and ReturnParadox 3: I and WeParadox 4: Integrity and ChangeThe Power of ArtThe Goal of...

The Nature of Art (Series I, Chapter 15, Session 1)
Series I, Chapter 15: The Nature of Art, Session 1Based on the teaching of Professor Mary HolmesSession 1 Topics: Why Art? What is Art? How Art Works Paradox 1: Empathy and Psychic Distance...

Selected Sonnets 129-146 (Series II, Podcast Z)
Series II, Podcast Z: Selected Sonnets 129-146129130135138144146Questions? Email DoctorRap@zohomail.com

Selected Sonnets 73-116 (Series II, Podcast Y)
Series II, Podcast Y: Selected Sonnets 73-116737494116Questions? Email DoctorRap@zohomail.com

Selected Sonnets 1-65 (Series II, Podcast X)
Series II, Podcast X: Selected Sonnets 1-651-171820293042556065Questions? Email DoctorRap@zohomail.com

Hypothetical, Spurious, and False Shakespeare (Series I, Chapter 14)
Series I, Chapter 14: Hypothetical, Spurious, and False ShakespeareHypothetical: Love's Labour's Won, CardenioSpurious: Hecate passages in MacbethFalse Attributions: "The Passionate Pilgrim," Arden of Feversham, "Shall I Die?" A...

Did Shakespeare Collaborate? (Series I, Chapter 13)
Series I, Chapter 13: Did Shakespeare Collaborate?Edward IIIPericlesHenry VIIIThe Two Noble KinsmenSir Thomas MoreReferences are to the following:Melchiori, Giorgio, ed. The New Cambridge Shakesp...

The Tempest (Series II, Podcast W)
Series II, Podcast W: The TempestShakespeare's most mystical play.References are to the following: C.S. Lewis, The Discarded Image (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1964, repr. 1967), Chapter VI; C.S. Le...

The Winter's Tale (Series II, Podcast V)
Series II, Podcast V: The Winter's TaleQuestions? Email DoctorRap@zohomail.com

Troilus and Cressida (Series II, Podcast U)
Series II, Podcast U: Troilus and CressidaShakespeare's one satire, on the matter of Troy.Questions? Email DoctorRap@zohomail.com

Shakespeare's Other Poems (Series I, Chapter 12)
Series I, Chapter 12: Shakespeare's Other PoemsVenus and AdonisThe Rape of LucreceThe Phoenix and the TurtleA Lover's ComplaintNotes:I have taken some facts and quotations from the following: On T...

Henry V (Series II, Podcast T)
Series II, Podcast T: Henry VPageantShakespeare's Ideal KingBanishment of FalstaffNote: The Thompson quotation is from Philip Thompson, Notes on Shakespeare in Gideon Rappaport, ed., Dusk and Dawn: Poetry a...

Henry IV, Part II (Series II, Podcast S)
Series II, Podcast S: Henry IV, Part IIPromise Fulfilled: Prince Hal becomes King Henry VDefense of Prince JohnFalstaff's BanishmentNote: The Thompson quotation is from Notes on Shakespeare in Philip Thompson, Dusk a...

Henry IV, Part I (Series II, Podcast R)
Series II, Podcast R: Henry IV, Part IThree metaphorical heirs to the throne: Hal, Hotspur, FalstaffTwo excessive humors and Plato's three soulsPrince Hal's CharacterQuestions? Email DoctorRap@zohomail.com

Richard II (Series II, Podcast Q)
Series II, Podcast Q: Richard IIChiasmusRight vs. MeritThe Beginning of the Wars of the RosesQuestions? Email DoctorRap@zohomail.com

Richard III (Series II, Podcast P)
Series II, Podcast P: Richard IIIScourge of God"Despair and Die"End of the Wars of the RosesNotes: Two quotations come from Anthony Hammond, Introduction to King Richard III, The Arden Shakespeare (London: Methu...

Introduction to Shakespeare's History Plays (Series II, Podcast O)
Series II, Podcast O: Introduction to Shakespeare's History PlaysNotes: The Thompson quotations are from “Notes on Shakespeare” in Philip Thompson, Dusk and Dawn: Poems and Prose of Philip Thompson, ed. Gideon Rappaport (Sa...

What Is a Sonnet For? (Series I, Chapter 11)
Series I, Chapter 11: What Is a Sonnet For?What is a poem?What is a sonnet?Shakespeare's SonnetsDid Shakespeare really mean it?How long did it take him to write one?To whom did he write them?Was Shakespeare gay?<...

Antony and Cleopatra (Series II, Podcast N)
Series II, Podcast N: Antony and CleopatraRome and EgyptReason and PassionParticulars and the Universal5 Key Lines12 Specific NotesNotes: The Thompson quotation is from Reflections (Literary and Philosoph...

Macbeth (Series II, Podcast M)
Series II, Podcast M: MacbethA short discussion followed by 9 key lines and 13 specific notes to help in your reading.Note: Biblical quotations are from the Geneva BibleQuestions? Email DoctorRap@zohomail.com

King Lear (Series II, Podcast L)
Series II, Podcast L: King LearNote: Biblical quotations are from the Geneva BibleQuestions? Email DoctorRap@zoho.com

What Kind of Thing Is It? Histories, Romances, Satire (Ser. I, Ch. 10, Sess. 2)
Series I, Chapter 10: What Kind of Thing Is It? Categories of PlaysSession 2: Histories, Romances, SatireHistoriesRomancesOne SatireFalse Category: Problem PlaysNotes: The Halliday quotation is from F.E. Hall...

What Kind of Thing Is It? Categories of Plays: Tragedies and Comedies (Ser. I, Ch. 10, Sess. 1)
Series I, Chapter 10: What Kind of Thing Is It? Categories of PlaysSession1: Tragedies and ComediesRevenge TragediesDe Casibus TragediesDomestic TragediesComic ReliefNotes: The quotation from Morton Bloomfi...