The Life of Prophet Muhammad - by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
An in depth biography of Prophet Muhammad by Sheikh Azhar Nasser, presented by WhyQuran. Watch these lectures with video at http://why-quran.org
The Life of Prophet Muhammad - by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
False Prophets
With the success of Islam, now multiple people started popping up and claiming to be Prophets.
They included:
- Musaylimah al-Kazzab: a Yemeni who had accepted Islam in the year 10AH. He claimed to have been sent revelation giving him dominion ofer half the earth while (as per him) Prophet Muhammad was supposed to rule the other half. Tribal fanaticism in his area granted him a following, with supporters saying "A liar from [us] is more beloved to us than a truthful man from the [the Prophet's tribe]." He was killed during the Riddah wars during Abu Bakr's reign, continuing to be a threat to Muslims until then.
- Al Aswad ibn Ka'b Al-'Ansi: A magician used to captivating and manipulating people. After Imam Ali had left Yemen for hajj he took advantage of the power vacuum to promte himself as a leader and even claimed prophetic authority to the new converts. Some of the prophet's companions, seeing the threat he posed, organized a plan to eliminate him. He was killed on the eve of the Prophet's death.
- Tulayha ibn Kuled bin Nufal al Asdi: A tribal leader from Banu Asad who saw a chance to claim prophethood. His declaration appealed to those who didn't want to be under the authority of someone from Quraysh. He lived past the Prophet's death and his movement became very strong, lasting til the reign of Umar.
Lessons from the rise of false prophets:
- **Jealousy blinds**: Musaylima nd Tulayha rose because of tribal jealousy instead of a genuine belief in their message. This can happen at individual or community levels, when we fell tribal about our masjid/community, and can cloud our judgement and make us violate basic Islamic teachings
- **Chasrima can be deceptive**: Al-Aswad used his skills as a magician to captivate and manipulate people. Charismatic individuals can amass large followings and wield influence that threatens established social structures. We must evaluate leaders based on their character.
- **Fight deception with clarity**: The Prophet rejected Musaylima's proposition (to rule half the earth) and labeled him "the liar", making his stance clear to the community. Unambiguous responses like this are crucial when dealing with false claims or deceptive individuals who can mislead others
- **Beware opportunists during crises**: Power hungery people take advantage of a community's moment of vulnerability. They exploted this to assert themselves, hoping to get the uncertain followers. In times of crisis, be aware of opportunists emerging.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=788.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRZO0Ubd08o&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.