The Life of Prophet Muhammad - by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
An in depth biography of Prophet Muhammad by Sheikh Azhar Nasser, presented by WhyQuran. Watch these lectures with video at http://why-quran.org
103 episodes
Death of the Prophet
This lecture covers various events that occurred on the day of the prophet's passing and the day after, up until his burial.This lecture includes:- The Prophet consoling Fatima by telling her she would be the first of his family to ...
Episode 103

Was Prophet Muhammad Poisoned?
Everyone knows the prophet died of illness, and many say it was due to poison. Some say it was poison he consumed during te Battle of Khaybar three years earlier, but there are some serious doubts about that theory. Another theory sugg...
Episode 102

Prophet Offering Retribution
In his last days, knowing death was imminent, Prophet Muhammad called his uncle Abbas and Imam Ali. He asked his uncle to carry out his will and settle his affairs after the prophet's death. When the uncle demured, the prophet asked Imam Ali, w...
Episode 101

Denied Pen and Paper, the Calamity of Thursday
In these last few days, many of the companions explicitly disregarded the prophet's instructions in order to secure political power after his demise. The prophet had attempted to prevent their schemes by instructing many of the senior companion...
Episode 100

Disobeying the Prophet
The Prophet's death was impending, and he had commanded all his companions to join Usama ibn Zayd's army to go fight the Romans. Usama was a young man, and many companions chaffed at being put under the leadership of something that age. The pr...
Episode 99

False Prophets
With the success of Islam, now multiple people started popping up and claiming to be Prophets.They included:- Musaylimah al-Kazzab: a Yemeni who had accepted Islam in the year 10AH. He claimed to have been sent revelation giving him...
Episode 98

The Aftermath of Ghadeer Khumm
After Prophet Muhammad declared Ali ibn Abi Talib's successorship, the angel Gabriel descended with an extension of the verse Quran 5:3, adding "today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed my blessing upon you, and I have...
Episode 97

The Event of Ghadir Khumm
Prophet Muhammad was worried about people rebelling against him if he announced Imam Ali as his successor, so he delayed following the message to formalize his succesorship as long as he was allowed to.The wisdom of this showed by how d...
Episode 96

The Prophet's Only Hajj
In the last months of the prophet's life, Gabriel descended to the prophet conveying a message from Allah: "There remain two obligations that you must convey to your people: the obligation of Hajj, and the obligation of Wilayah (the guardianshi...
Episode 95

Missions in Yemen
Prophet Muhammad sent a mission to Yemen to invite them to Islam. The first mission was led by Khalid ibn Al-Walid, who was a harsh man who had fought against the Muslims in the Battle of Uhud, but he had an aristrocratic background and by maki...
Episode 94

Tax Collection Struggles
After the Conquest of Makkah, the prophet dispatched tax collectors to different Bedouin tribes, aiming to consolidate an Islamic state and establish a system of governance that would ensure stability, support the needed, and fund state activit...
Episode 93

Disavowing the Polythiests
Prophet Muhammad wanted to eradicate polythiesm and all practices associated with it, such as doing tawaaf around the kaaba naked. Surah Tawbah was revealed, which included a message that the idolaters should not be allowed near the kaa...
Episode 92

Event of Mubahila
Among the delegations that came to Prophet Muhammad was on e from the Christians of Najran after their chief chief bishop and his people were invited to Islam. They came to negotiate a truce with the Prophet.They offered terms that were...
Episode 91

Year of Delegations
The Expedition of Tabuk demonstrated to Arabs the strength of the Muslims. Over the next year, the various tribes responded by sending the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) delegations to accept Islam and pledge their allegiance. Prophet Muhammmad welcom...
Episode 90

Masjid ad Zarar destroyed
Masjid ad Zarar, the Mosque of Harm, was a mosque built by the hypocrites of Madinah to coverty oppose the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). They completed it just before Prophet Muhammad departed on the Expedition of Tabuk.Upon his return, Alla...
Episode 89

Assassination plot at the Mountain Pass
Allah had warned Prophet Muhammad in the Quran (64:4) that his companions contained hypocrites so skilled at deceit that the prophet himself was pleased by their speech and appearance. Only revelation could expose them.Later, during the...
Episode 88

Imam Ali - As Harun was to Musa | Tabuk Pt 2
When leaving for Tabuk, the Prophet (s) appointed Imam Ali (as) as his deputy in Madinah to protect against any uprising led by the Munafiqeen. Explaining it's significance, he said to Imam Ali "You are to me as Harun was to Musa, except that t...
Episode 87

Tabuk Part 1 - Rome Conquers Persia
This lecture covers the prelude to the Battle of Tabuk. Key topics include:- Birth of Ibrahim: Upon returning to Medina, the Prophet’s wife Mariya the Coptic gave birth to a son, named Ibrahim. The Angel Gabriel congratulated the Prophet on...
Episode 86

The Siege of Ta'if
After victory against Banu Thaqif at Hunayn, Prophet Muhammad marched his army to Ta'if, where Banu Thaqif had retreated to and barricated themselves inside with enough food and water to last them for a year.The Prophet declared any sla...
Episode 85

The Battle of Hunain
Banu Thaqif had been long standing rivals of the Quraysh. They saw the Quraysh's defeated as an opportunity to attack and seize control of Mecca for themselves.In response, Prophet Muhammad called all Muslims to battle and led an army o...
Episode 84

Converting in Droves
After the conquest of Mecca, hundreds of thousands of Arabs came to the prophet to convert and pledge their allegiance. This lecture covers why they joined now and reflects the verses of Surah An-Nasr which predicted this.The Prophet al...
Episode 83

Conquest of Mecca [4] - Amnesty Granted
Prophet Muhammad destroys all the idols in the Kaaba with Imam Ali's help and washes the images that had been drawn inside.He then introduced Islam to the Meccans, discarding their ideas of nationalism and tribalism, and offered a gener...
Episode 82

Conquest of Mecca [3] - Mecca Surrenders
Prophet Muhammad had promised safety to any Meccan who either remined in their own home during the invasion or went to Abu Sufyan's home.After seeing the Muslim's strenght, Abu Sufyan saw the futility of struggle and urged the Meccans t...
Episode 81

Conquest of Mecca [2] - Tactics and Betrayal
Prophet Muhammad kept the attack on Mecca a closely guarded secret. However Hatib ibn Abi Balta'ah sent a letter to the Quraysh warning them of the attack. The Prophet was informed of this by revelation and he sent Ali and Zubayr to retrieve it...
Episode 80

Conquest of Mecca [1] - The Broken Treaty
The Treaty of Hudaybiyya had included a vow of there being no fighting between the Quraysh and the Muslims. However, when the tribe of Banu Bakr asked the leaders of Quraysh for help in a raid against their long time foe Banu Khuza'ah, a tribe ...
Episode 79