The Bilingual Family Cereal Dates Podcast
Raising bilingual children can be a challenge, thats why we have Cereal Dates, where we discuss our parenting journey and grow as a bilingual family. If you are passionate about bilingualism, child development, Montessori and all things parenting, join us. We will share our best parenting tips while enjoying a bowl of our favorite cereal.
128 episodes
Want to speak Spanish all day long? Here are 2 words to get you started!
Podcast Episode: Want to Speak Spanish All Day Long? Here Are 2 Words to Get You Started!Welcome to the Bilingual Family Podcast, where we make language learning simple, fun, and part of everyday life!In today’s epis...

Chaos-Proof Bilingual Parenting: How to Build Routines to Work Even When Life Doesn’t
Episode SummaryWhat do you do when chaos strikes? Today, I’m sharing a surprising lesson I learned after being the only teacher in our preschool classroom when three of our guides were unexpectedly out sick. Spoiler alert...

Stop Making Resolutions: The Year-End Review that Actually Changes Lives
Dream, Do, Review TEDx talkJoin Mighty Bilingual Families...

5 minutes matter! - can you raise bilingual children in 5min/day?!
Join Mighty Bilingual Families! Virtual Casita open until January 15th.

Homeschooling? 3 steps to help you gets started
Episode Summary:In this episode of The Bilingual Family Cereal Dates Podcast, Daniela reflects on her family’s homeschooling journey with their oldest son, Mateo, sharing insights from six months of experience. She addres...

3 Tips for Making Bilingual Mornings Easier!
In this episode of the Bilingual Family Podcast, we’re sharing 3 simple tips to make your mornings easier! Whether you're juggling school drop-offs or getting ready for a busy day with your bilingual family, these strategies will help you creat...

Simple Tips for Getting Kids Speaking in the Target Language
Stuck in the car line and wondering how to get your child to *speak* in the target language? In this quick and practical episode, we’ll share simple strategies you can use right away to encourage your kids to respond in Spanish (or any target l...

Language Learning Through Meaningful Projects
Mission Dinos - El Monstruo Del Mar (season premiere

The power of bilingual audio books and how to create your own
Free tutorial How to make your own audio book

Bilingual Family Camping Guide: Tips and Tales from Our Wilderness Adventures
Embark on an unforgettable wilderness adventure with our Family Camping Guide: Tips and Tales from Our Wilderness Adventures. In this episode, we share valuable insights and personal anecdotes from our own camping experiences with our kids. Joi...

Finding Authentic Spanish Children's Literature - Interview with Vanessa Nielsen Molina, founder of Sol Book Box
In this episode, we speak with Vanessa Nielsen Molina, founder of Sol Book Box, a subscription service for diverse children's books. As you may know, we (believe that reading is a powerful tool for raising bilingual children, which is why we're...