The Muddy Puddle Teacher
The Muddy Puddle Teacher approach is a revolutionary new outdoor education approach created by teacher and author Sarah Seaman. The Muddy Puddle Teachers focus on the three Muddy M's. Mental Health, More Kids Moving and Mother Nature. Listen to this podcast to get tips on how to teach with a new positive and muddy outlook. A must for all educators and the only Outdoor Learning Podcast out there! Sign up for FREE teaching resources and CPD outdoor learning teacher training www.themuddypuddleteacher.co.uk
34 episodes
S12E3: Let'ss talk Twiddle Food with Viktoria
My name is Viki. I am a qualified Nutrition Coach and specialise in Culinary Medicine. I am also a mum of two young girls and a self-taught chef.Twiddle is my “passion child”, born out desperation to deal with my daughter’s fussy eating ...
Season 2
Episode 3

S2E2: Let's Diddi Dance with Anne-Marie
The classes were created in 2003 by diddi dance founder, Anne-Marie Martin, a professional dancer with over 25 years teaching experience. After running for over 20 years in London we now have over 40 locations across the UK with more opening up...

S2E1: Let's chat Practictioner Fest with Louise
More details on Practitioner Fest. Welcome to Practitioner Fest 2024Fordell Firs FifeFriday 4th of October to Sunday 6th of October Friday Conference from 6.30pm
Season 2
Episode 1

#31 Let's chat about government benefits with Simon
Setting up a Help to Save account online is quick and easy to do, and takes less than 5minutes to sign up. Eligible individuals can find out more and how to apply on GOV.UK or viathe HMRC app.

#30 Let's chat with Teacher Tessa about Bob!
Children’s author Tessa Singh visits schools and Eatly Years settings delivering interactive workshops designed to get children bringing books to life, both inside and outside the classroom. Her approach is to use music, books and props to real...

Let' chat Stories with Liv :)
Oh my goodness I don’t know how I’ve missed this / so sorry what a nightmare! Can I still blame baby brain??Olivia is an early years literacy consultant from West Yorkshire. She specialises in drama pedagogy and storytelling. ...
Season 1
Episode 29

#27 Let's talk about the weather with Caryl Hart
In this episode, 6-year-old Florence Seaman interviews one of her idols, author, Caryl Hart. Caryl Hart is an award-winning children's author who writes picture books and young fiction. She lives with her family in Sheffield and lo...
Season 1
Episode 27

#25 Let's chat with Headteacher Sarah Godbold in her mission for a more playful curriculum
Mrs Sarah Godbold Executive Headteacher of the Churchside Federation. Listen to Sarah and her mission to achieve a more playful curriculum in her two schools. Sarah talks about early y...
Season 1
Episode 25

#22 Let's get Wild Little Ones with Author Olivia Hope
To discover more about Olivia splash this way:Olivia Hope is an Irish writer with a special love for children’s fiction.A former record breaking athlete, she competed internationally representing Ireland.She has worked with al...
Season 1
Episode 22

#21 Let's talk about artistic learning in America with Elizabeth
Find more about Elizabeth here:

#24 Let's follow the map of leaves with author Yarrow Townsend :)
Yarrow Townsend spent her childhood among the moss, oak and heather of the New Forest. After working as a teacher, and then as a stable- hand, Yarrow completed an MA in Writing for Young People at Bath Spa University, before returning to...
Season 1
Episode 24

#23 Let's help talk thrive outside with Beca and Becky :)
Listen to a really fabulous edition of how speech and language can be supported by going outside!Thriving Language co-founders Becky and Becs (The Beckies) using their joint work to create environments where all children are understood....
Season 1
Episode 23

#20 Let's get Green with Ed Moore
Listen in to teacher Ed More and discover some top tips and ways to become a more sustainable school and greener teacher. Follow Ed on LinkedIn.Edd Moore, Multi-Award Winning Teacher and Eco CoordinatorEdd Moore has bee...
Season 2
Episode 5

#19 Lets talk about STEM and Literature with Pooja
Pooja Puri graduated from King’s College London with a first-class degree in English Language and Literature. Whilst at university she read for a publishing house and has since worked in the education sector. A winner of the ‘Ideas Tap Inspires...
Season 2
Episode 4

#18 Let's thank Caryl Hart for the Little Things
Caryl Hart is an award-winning children's author who writes picture books and young fiction. She lives with her family in Sheffield and loves café walks, mountain biking and wild swimming. She also runs creative literacy workshops for sch...
Season 2
Episode 3

#17 Let's chat about PSHE Picture Books with Molly Potter
Molly Potter started out as a scientist. However, she soon realised that chemistry did not have abundant opportunities for working with people and they were what really interested her - so she jumped ship and trained as a primary school teacher...
Season 2
Episode 2

#16 Let's Climb our Emotions with Hannah Packham
Hannah Peckham is an Award-winning Author, counsellor and Mum living in Sussex. Conker the chameleon, published February 2021 started her journey as an independent publisher of little Bodhi Books. Conker has won the hearts of teachers and...
Season 2
Episode 1

#15 Let's talk about Outdoor Learning with Aled from Natural Resources Wales
Listen in while I chat with the lovely Aled who is Specialist Advisor: Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills for Natural Resources Wales. Find out more:
Season 1
Episode 15

#14 Let's talk Social, Emotional and Mental Health with Sonia :)
Sonia Mainstone-Cotton is a freelance nurture consultant, she currently works in a specialist team in Bath supporting 3 and 4-year-olds who have social, emotional and mental health needs. Sonia also trains staff across the country on children’s...

#13 Let's talk about taking KS2 outside with Jacki!
Listen in to Jacki KS2 teacher, Muddy Puddle Trained, Forest School Teacher and content writer at The Muddy Puddle Teacher. Plus special guest Jackie mum, author and writer and Jackie's little boy Benjamin! Jacki is a Muddy Pudd...

#12 Let's talk about Yoga with Nic from Australia!
Nic Russell is the founder of South East Yoga and Wellbeing. Her passion is in teaching educators how to use yoga in their early childhood education and care environments, meaningfully & holistically so that children's wellbeing...
Season 1
Episode 12

#11: Let's talk about Outdoor Continuous Provision with Judith Earl from Pownall Hall School
Let's chat with the fantastic Early Years Lead and Teacher Judith Earl on her thoughts of her outside space. Judith is a teacher at Pownall Hall School in Wilmslow. This is an inspiration...
Season 1
Episode 11

#10 Let's talk School Farms with Helen at Boothroyd Primary in Leeds
This amazing primary school is located in a deprived area of Leeds whereby the special focus on the children's education here is on wellbeing. Knowing that that also involves the staff providing them with calm areas and even a gym!&nb...
Season 1
Episode 10