Asian Women MEAN Business

The Journey To Self Love

Rupinder Kaur Season 1 Episode 4

Growing up, I was raised with the idea that I must put myself last in everything I do. Whether it was a goal, a dream, or an idea for dinner, I needed to put myself last in order to elevate other people. I grew up to be selfless in every aspect that I often would do things and not even realise that I was simply doing what I thought others would want me to do, not what I felt in my heart that I needed to do. 

This is common for many women in our community, we prioritise others and shrink ourselves.

Self-Love had been such a foreign concept to me. I still believe that being selfless is such an amazing quality and I believe that selflessness is an important character trait to posses. That being said, I have learned that when you love yourself and make your well-being a priority, you can serve other’s in such a better capacity! I’ve learned that in order to serve others in a truly selfless way, you need to love yourself first. 

You can not pour from an empty cup!

Some of the key learnings:

  • Self love has taught me to not be a martyr. I cant give to others to the detriment of myself
  • I have learned to be myself UNAPOLOGETICALLY because I love myself deeply 
  • It's a daily practise that has to be cultivated 
  • Self love is not a destination to be reached when certain conditions are meant, it starts now!

Make the decision to master your life and start living as the most joyful, successful version of yourself possible. Our Inspire Club reopens in March! Waiting list is here