Asian Women MEAN Business

Life List Ideas: Inspiration for Women Who Want to Embrace Life

Rupinder Kaur Season 1 Episode 10

Have you ever felt that your days are passing you by without the meaning and depth you desire? What did you accomplish in the past month? What are your goals for the next two months? Look at the things that you have been doing and the things that you’re planning to do next — do they mean anything to you if you are to die today? Having a life list reminds you of what’s really important to you so that you can act on them.

I think milestone birthdays are a perfect moment to pause and reflect and ask “am I living a life true to me?”. Well, it’s different for every woman, but one way to “get started living” is to create a LIFE LIST to spur you into action from here on out.

Similar to a bucket list a LIFE list is a list of all the goals you want to achieve, dreams you want to fulfil, and life experiences you wish to try during this lifetime. It’s a list to identify everything you’ve ever wanted to do, whether it’s big or small, purposeful or random. The whole point of creating a list is to maximize every moment of our existence and live our life to the fullest. It’s a reminder of all the things we want to achieve in our time on Earth so that instead of spending our time on pointless things, we direct it toward things that matter to us.

Create Your Life List

Now, take out your pen and paper or open up a text document. Start writing down what comes to mind as you hear the questions on the episode or read them here: