Tactical Tuesday with Modern Milsim
Tactical Tuesday is the podcast where we discuss in detail the application of a broad spectrum of actual military (and in some cases law enforcement) tactics to Military Simulation (MILSIM) operations. Our goal is to assist players in formulating more efficient tactics, techniques and procedures that will make them more effective on the MILSIM battlefield.
Podcasting since 2021 • 39 episodes
Tactical Tuesday with Modern Milsim
Latest Episodes
Tactical Tuesday Episode Thirty-Four - Advanced CQB TTPs for Breaching and Clearing Adjacent Rooms: Facing the Long Angle Threat
In this episode of Tactical Tuesday with Modern Milsim, we continue our discussion concerning more advanced CQB TTPs. Specifically, we discuss:Holding Cover (2:43)Holding Cover on Multiple Doors/Entry Points&nb...
Season 2
Episode 13

Tactical Tuesday Episode Thirty-Three - Advanced CQB Tactics, Techniques and Procedures: Becoming More Lethal in Close Quarters
In this episode of Tactical Tuesday with Modern Milsim, we discuss begin our discussion concerning more advanced CQB TTPs. Specifically, we discuss:Set-Snap Technique (2:52)Plating (4:29)Rolling...
Season 2
Episode 12

Tactical Tuesday Episode Thirty-Two - Clearing Straight and Commercial Stairways: This is no Stairway to Heaven
In this episode of Tactical Tuesday with Modern Milsim, we discuss maneuvering through and clearing hallways. Specifically, we discuss:Angles of Attack/Angles of Exposure (2:08)Essential Elements of Stairway Cl...
Season 2
Episode 11

Tactical Tuesday Bonus Episode Four - U.S. Army Doctrine: Deep Diving into Operations on the MILSIM Battlefield
In this bonus episode of Tactical Tuesday with Modern Milsim, we discuss Army Doctrine including TTPS and the interplay between Tactics, Operations and Strategy as they pertain to the MILSIM battlefield. Specifically, we discuss:<...
Season 2
Episode 4

Tactical Tuesday Episode Thirty-One - Maneuvering Through Hallways: Clearing the Way to the Target Room
In this episode of Tactical Tuesday with Modern Milsim, we discuss maneuvering through and clearing hallways. Specifically, we discuss:Hallway Danger Areas and Dead Space (1:38)Single Team Online Hallway Format...
Season 2
Episode 10

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