Episode 017: Healthcare Leaders Take Charge > Dutch Rojas..."The Man, The Legend, The Mantle!"

Marketing Manager Season 2 Episode 17

Dear SMASHer... buckle your seatbelt! It sounds like a page ripped out of a comic book but this time its real. Every once in a legendary while a star is born and iconic figure emerges from the fire of pain that's been pelted to those in need, you know the ones less fortunate than most. As they lift their heads and stare at the mountaintop a victor raises his voice, clenches his fist, and through the grit of his teeth says, "This terror stops NOW!". The hero in this story doesn't wear a cape, although it may be fitting. Instead this is a man of high moral character, the intestinal fortitude of a true warrior, and confidence of one branded by an eagle, globe, and anchor. His honor, his courage, and his commitment is to eliminate that which stops healthcare from becoming affordable for all. The man is none other than Dutch Rojas! Be ready to be inspired and challenged because this podcast carries more than the weight of Thor's Hammer. Get ready to get SMASHed!! Follow us on social media and to listen to past podcasts visit