SMASH stands for "Serious Medical Advisors Saving Healthcare" and "IT" stands for Information Technology. Through this podcast we intend to invite guests who provide powerful feedback that will impact listeners and help to inspire a revolution in healthcare of those who are like-minded, educated, and technology driven, to engage collectively in the transformation of healthcare as we know it. We will engage in tantalizing topics that surround what it means to think differently when it comes to a "Buy Differently and Sell Differently" attitude that is required to initiate the changes needed in healthcare. The technology is available today to make these changes... so why don't we? Together we can create a solid foundation to eliminate the wasteful spending in healthcare and correct the course! Get ready to get SMASHed!! www.SmashIThealthcare.com
25 episodes
Episode 019: Healthcare Leaders Take Charge > Dutch Rojas..."Are Leaders in healthcare targeting technology to properly eliminate waste and move toward the goal of true affordable healthcare?"
Bob and Dutch in this episode ask the age old question "Did you do the most?" What's your Didymos killer? Did you do the most as a healthcare leader to take out ...
Season 2
Episode 19

Episode 018: Healthcare Leaders Take Charge > Dutch Rojas..."Building Legendary Leaders in Healthcare and Life!"
One must ask their peers often..."Why are great leaders so few and far between?" Some leaders have an innate relentless pursuit to build something great and lead those around them to do the same. In this episode Bob speaks once again with
Season 2
Episode 18

Episode 017: Healthcare Leaders Take Charge > Dutch Rojas..."The Man, The Legend, The Mantle!"
Dear SMASHer... buckle your seatbelt! It sounds like a page ripped out of a comic book but this time its real. Every once in a legendary while a star is born and iconic figure emerges from the fire of pain that's been pelted to those in nee...
Season 2
Episode 17

Episode 016: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > Healthcare Payment Model$...Do they make cents?
Welcome back SMASHers to a new episode with Bob, Jonny B Lightning and Danny from SOHO where the tantalytical topic of "Healthcare Payment Models" is poked, prodded, and interrogated for life, liberty, and the success of modern healthcar...
Season 1
Episode 16

Episode 015: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > Pricing Transparency in Med Device...the Good, the Bad, the Ugly!
15 episodes deep and Bob and Jonny B Lightning dive into all facets of "Pricing Transparency" in Medical Device and healthcare. How does it affect of the overall cost of healthcare? Will transparency help to eliminate waste and drive...
Season 1
Episode 15

Episode 014: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > What type of TEAM should your med device company be developing in this TECHNOLOGICAL age?
In episode 14 we journey through the technological realm that most of us experience daily in different shapes and sizes. We "sometimes" efficiently interact socially and operate in our own private lives and circles, with the use of te...
Season 1
Episode 14

Episode 013: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > "The cost of the inefficiencies in medical device operations and how the data can help."
How do we quantify the cost of the inefficiencies in medical device supplier operations? How can collecting and crunching the data help? In this episode Bob and Jon discuss the different ways that inefficiencies in medical device sup...
Season 1
Episode 13

Episode 012: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > The Headwinds of Change...Why is it so hard for Med Device Manufacturers to change?
In this episode Bob and Jon highlight a couple of articles from Orthostreams where the points are brought to light regarding the difficulty of MEDICAL DEVICE MANUFACTURERS embarking on and f...
Season 1
Episode 12

SB 011: Respected Senior Citizen or Cash Cow?
Do Grandma and Grandpa deserve better treatment than being regarded as a data point? Sound like a silly question? Well, that's because it is! www.smashIThealthcare.com
Season 1
Episode 0

Episode 011: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > Is Better Care Needed for our Seniors?
Do Grandma and Grandpa deserve better tech that can help improve their quality of life and make their care more efficient? Sound like a silly question? Well, that's because it is! Bob and Jon discuss what senior healthcare shou...
Season 1
Episode 11

SB5.1 Don't operate on yourself...LOL!
When is the right time to seek medical care? Get a good laugh with this one! Listen to the entire episode and laugh some more (

SB10: Does the rep in the operating room matter?
If you are a sales rep working in the hospital during a surgical procedure...you will want to hear this! Maybe you know one and want to share. Go SMASHers!
Season 1
Episode 10

Episode 010: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > Why are independent distributors good for Med Device?
In this episode Bob and Jon evaluate the specifics on "Why independent distributors are good for Med Device." Both Bob and Jon reflect on their thirty plus years of experience selling for both big and small manufacturers. Both o...
Season 1
Episode 10

SMASH: Serious Medical Advisors Saving Healthcare!
Join our show and join the mission to discuss how together we can make changes in healthcare that count! www.smashithealthcare.com
Season 1
Episode 0

Ep9 Soundbite: Do Med Device leaders have the "IMPETUS" factor covered?
Listen to Episode 9 and hear the full breakdown! www.smashithealthcare.com
Season 1
Episode 9

Episode 009: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > Why do some medical device manufacturers perform overall better than others?
In this episode Bob and Jon march through the looking glass of, "Why do some medical device manufacturers perform overall better than others?". In today's turbulent economy, post COVID trauma and shock, what will change for these compani...
Season 1
Episode 9

Episode 008: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > Capitated Pricing & Vendor Capitated Programs in Hospital Systems: Is there another way?
What if you were a patient about to have an implant put in you that would last the rest of your life possibly and someone told you that the one you were to receive was not the best solution because the facility wouldn’t ap...
Season 1
Episode 8

Episode 007: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > Famgenix CEO pioneers healthcare first! Genetics anyone?
What if your genetics sat on your couch and told you a true story of your family's health history dating back two hundred years and explained how certain members thrived and how the others didn't fair so well and why. This genetics
Season 1
Episode 7

Episode 006: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > Medicare...good or bad?
Is Medicare such a boring topic we no longer care? OR is it part of an institution that has been bastardized and monetized in such a way that it leaves our elderly in the dark? We should honor our seniors by taking the time to discuss wh...
Season 1
Episode 6

Episode 005: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > The Anacondas of healthcare...don't let your bills constrict you! What's the real solution?
In this episode we dive deep and laugh hard while Team SMASH bluntly discusses the Anacondas of healthcare...don't let your bills constrict you! Do you read your bill? Have you said no to general anesthesia before (LOL)? Why do certain i...
Season 1
Episode 5

Episode 004: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > Who is Dan Crenshaw and why does America need more of him?
Who is Dan Crenshaw and why does America need more of him? In this episode we honor someone who not only is an American veteran and hero, but a Navy Seal, a United States Representative for Texas's 2nd congressional district and most imp...
Season 1
Episode 4

SB1.1: Does reimbursement dictate healthcare?
Does coding and reimbursement dictate healthcare and how physicians treat their patients? Is that the correct path? Is this the future of healthcare? Does "Doctor knows best!" really not apply anymore? Let us know what you think and email us at...
Season 1
Episode 1

Episode 003: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > Where does all the money go?
Where do hospitals spend their money? Why is the wasteful spending overlooked. Is there a method to the madness and how does it effect all of us? Tired of all of the healthcare change talk that leads to nowhere? Ready to unite and initiat...
Season 1
Episode 3

Episode 002: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > Share the Health!
Why don't we do more preventative healthcare? Is there something wrong with us that we don't stand up and call to action remedies that help prevent one's health from worsening? Tired of all of the healthcare change talk that leads to nowh...
Season 1
Episode 2

Episode 001: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > Think Differently
Tired of all of the healthcare change talk that leads to nowhere? Ready to unite and initiate real change? We are launching a platform for the generals in healthcare to discuss the problems, their impact, and how to enact solutions that make a ...
Season 1
Episode 1