More than Construction: A Journey Group Podcast about Building Community
Journey Group is a Midwest construction company making a big impact on countless lives. Join us as we discuss the people, projects, communities, and careers we build at Journey. We hope to educate, inform, and inspire through our stories of how we deliver More than Construction.
19 episodes
Episode 19: Building Community by Serving the Community
"It's our mission statement – Positively Impacting Lives By Building Community – if that doesn't say volunteer and be involved in your community, I don't know what else can!" This episode highlights the volunteer and service opportunities of fo...
Episode 19

Episode 18: Winter Work Is Possible and Better for the Community
SFC Civil thrives on exceeding expectations and accomplishing the impossible, and one of those great impossibilities is building bridges in the middle of the South Dakota winter! Winter work actually comes with many advantages for both construc...
Episode 18

Episode 17: Finishing with Excellence, Our New Journey Carpentry Brand
Introducing the second of two new Journey Construction brands: Journey Carpentry! Journey Carpentry is our team of skilled craftsmen in charge of finish and detail work at the end of every project. They place the final details of each space and...
Episode 17

Episode 16: Starting with Excellence, Our New Journey Structural Brand
Introducing the first of two new Journey Construction brands: Journey Structural! Journey Structural is our rugged and fearless crew in charge of erecting the steel and precast skeleton of each building. They establish the structure of bo...
Episode 16

Episode 15: Building on the Legacy of Community and Company Leaders
We talk a lot about community impact on this show, and our three guests have in one way or another positively impacted the entire Sioux Falls community and region! That's right – almost every resident of the Sioux Falls area has benefited from ...
Episode 15

Episode 14: Building Careers and Leaders with Project Engineers
Don't let the name fool you! Our Project Engineers have an extensive array of responsibilities that might surprise you! Not only are Project Engineers vital to the success of our projects, but they are also vital to Journey Group's leadership m...
Episode 14

Episode 13: Likemindedness Enables Better Community Impact with Avera Health
Having the same mission as your partners makes impacting community SO much easier - and more fun! This is no better exemplified than by Journey Group's relationship with Avera Health. Join our conversation about how both of these organizations ...
Episode 13

Episode 12: Helping Local Businesses Save Money and Make a Better First Impression with Simple Parking Lot Repairs and Maintenance
"Parking lots are both the first thing you notice about a business and often the least cared-for part of the property as well." Journey Group offers More than Construction in many ways, one of which includes repairs, restoration, and preservati...
Episode 12

Episode 11: How Pendar Properties Is Developing Cherapa Place to Build Community for Centuries
The Cherapa Place Development is one of the most exciting and monumental community-building projects in Sioux Falls history! Hear from Jeff Scherschligt and Anne Haber of Pendar Properties about why partnering with Journey enables them to reali...
Episode 11

Episode 10: Solving Supply Chain, Streamlining Processes, and Eliminating Wastefulness with Lean
Journey's Lean Department has been an enigma for too long, but no longer! Learn exactly what lean is and how it brings More Than Construction to literally every arena it touches! Our Lean Team is solving supply chain issues, streamlining comple...
Episode 10

Episode 9: How Hunter Deckert Built His Career as a Project Manager
More Than Construction means we build more than just bridges or roads or buildings - we also build people, leaders, and careers. This episode highlights the developing and encouraging story of how Hunter Deckert built his career at Journey. Spo...
Episode 9

Episode 8: How to Build Community WITHIN the Company
"Building Community" doesn't only happen in our community - we also intentionally build community within our company! Join the conversation with our Team Builders team on building community, redefining "culture," and listening to our people wit...
Episode 8

Episode 7: Keeping People Safe by Building Relationships
Journey Group's Support Teams are perfect examples of the "more" than construction that we offer, and our Safety Department is no exception. They are building an environment of safety that is so successful, it overflows to our partners, our cli...
Episode 7

Episode 6: Virtual Construction Helps Everyone Win
At Journey Group, we perform "Dress Rehearsals" for every construction project we build. This process is directed by our VDC department, lead by Jamison Mutschelknaus and Adam Scholes. Join our discussion of the fascinating digital world of Vir...
Episode 6

Episode 5: Who Is Ainsworth-Benning Construction?
The conclusion (for now) of our Divisional Highlight series, this episode features Ainsworth-Benning Construction – our full-service division located on the "west coast" of South Dakota in beautiful Spearfish. Hear from Tate Johnson, Division L...
Episode 5

Episode 4: Who is Black-Top Paving?
This episode continues our series highlighting Journey's unique Divisions. Black-Top Paving was the first paving company in Sioux Falls and has been on the leading edge of horizontal construction to this day. Ryan Kerkvliet, vice president of B...
Episode 4

Episode 3: Who is SFC Civil?
Journey Group's unique Divisions enable us to provide specialized expertise and services for almost any construction project. This episode focuses on our bridge and heavy highway Division – SFC Civil Constructors. Hear from Jared Gusso, vice pr...
Episode 3

Episode 2: Who Is Journey Construction?
Journey Group is made of up distinct Divisions, each of which specializes in a different aspect of construction. This episode highlights Journey Construction – our vertical construction Division. Listen to Darin Hage, vice president of Journey ...
Episode 2

Episode 1: What Does It Mean to Build Community?
Who is Journey Group? Why are we called "Journey"? How has Journey Group built community across South Dakota?Join president and CEO, Randy Knecht, and vice president of Operations, Marlyn Bergeson, as we examine the history, origins, and mi...
Episode 1