Friends Friday Fun Podcast
The power of the 4 Cs For Success strategy for all areas of your life allows you to be a great human being to reach your desired results in all areas of your life. Embrace the Positive Attitude Zone Talk time with friends and explore the power of investing in experiences through respectful relationships. Keep FUN as priority in every day activities to live your best life now!
95 episodes
Committing to YOU!
Committing to you is a short, powerful podcast designed for those who are ready to take charge of their lives, set meaningful goals, and stay accountable to their personal growth. In just 30 minutes, we cut through the noise and deliver acti...
Season 3
Episode 1

Human Design & friendship with Juliette Stapleton
This is an eye opening episode with my friend Juliette Stapleton, the Online Visibility Expert. Surprised by the definition of a friend I discovered; Juliette shares the analogy she heard about on Mel Robbins podcast "Start Here" of the F...
Season 2
Episode 42

"Writing notes to friends shows your support" says Jorja
This young lady is full of great ideas to encourage and nurture long term friendships. Jorja Moore is leading by example how to be a good friend and how to communicate in a variety of ways that make a difference in a positive way. I just ...
Season 2
Episode 41

"A Fresh Frame of Mind"
Following Liz and Christine making history in January 2023 with our 1st Trio convo. This February 2023 we make history again with Liz and Dwight. They share their thoughts on #1 C of the 4 Cs For Success COMMITMENT. I just love the perspe...
Season 2
Episode 40

"Decommit To Recommit To Learning Something New" says Chipochemeso
My long time friend and mentor, Chipochemeso shares her wisdom on commitment, the 1st C FOR SUCCESS! What fun she is to talk with when she sheds new light on how to view things. Being open to try new things and letting go of the old. Like a new...
Season 2
Episode 39

"Consider Passion When Asking of Others"
What a wonderful young woman I had the privilege of speaking with on this episode about the 1st C for Success. Lucy is a committed individual to her passions and to her friends. She shares some great insight on living your best life now in this...
Season 2
Episode 38

A Doorway To Greater Possibilities
Making history in 2023 with my business partner Liz M Raymond and GradUit Thrivers member, Christine Toth both joining me for a group conversation on the 4th C For Success. Liz shares her wisdom gained by honing listening skills in collab...
Season 2
Episode 37

"The Most Valuable Gift Bestowed On Mankind"
This man has some powerful thoughts for you to ponder, that's for sure. What a wonderful conversation Rahul and I had around the 4th C For Success.....Collaboration. Learn from this MBA financial wizard why "collaboration has been so ...
Season 2
Episode 36

Collaborating In University Is A Must To Succeed!
Happy New Year 2023! What a fun conversation with this amazing young woman, Audree Brisson. She says that setting yourself up for success is easily done through collaborations. This young woman has been making a difference in her communit...
Season 2
Episode 35

Be Brave, Be Fearless Stepping Into 2023!
What a great way to wrap up the year! My business partner, Liz and I have a great conversation about the 3rd C for success......Community. It's time to reflect, reframe and plan your 2023. Learn from new communities when you can to ...
Season 2
Episode 34

"Community is A Tribe Of Present And Future Makers" says Michelle
What a wonderful gift Michelle has to share right in time for the holidays. This lady is full of great wisdom. She shares the 6 basic needs we have as humans and how to better relate to others through the relation of receptivity. "Underst...
Season 2
Episode 33

"Being Part Of A Creative Community Is Invaluable"
What a beautiful soul I had the privilege to speak with on this episode. My new to me young friend, Abbey already has the right mindset for success! Listen in to hear how valuable the 3rd C for success Community is to her. "Being pa...
Season 2
Episode 32

Awareness Of Tone Leads To Improved Communicaitons
My business partner and good friend, Liz M Raymond and 1 discuss as Rayne suggested on our last episode..... face to face communication as a learning tool for better understanding others. Liz shares what makes her happy and leaves us with...
Season 2
Episode 31

"Feelings have a huge impact on effective communication."
What a fun and informative conversation with communication expert Sylvie Poitras of SWYCit. My friend has so many great tips to share on more effective communication I had not considered from verbal to written. Take time to think ab...
Season 2
Episode 30

Get Comfortable Talk To People Today!
In this episode I have an amazing conversation with my new young friend, Rayne. She shares why she chose the Communication topic of the 4 Cs For Success and why she prefers to communicate face to face of all the ways possible to com...
Season 2
Episode 29

"Be The Boss" she says!
Both Liz and I learn from an 80 year old's life lesson......"Be The Boss" she says! A wonderful conversation about commitment and improving habits daily. Something that may not come easy to many is changing habits, however wit...
Season 2
Episode 28

Influence Children Through Positive Experiences
This incredible lady and dear friend has a wealth of knowledge of health and is on a mission to help others understand the connection between nutrition and overall health. It was thanks to her parents influence at age 18 that Natasha had a life...
Season 2
Episode 27

"Easier To Commit When You Love To Do It"
A fun conversation with a new to me young friend, Samika referred by my Nia Technique colleague, Uma. Thank you for this wonderful conversation on Commitment. "Being fully there when tutoring young kids is so important" says Samika. ...
Season 2
Episode 26

"Energy Together Is Much More Powerful Than By Yourself" Liz explains
My long time friend and business partner, Liz and I have so much fun as usual speaking about one of our 4 Cs For Success. This week we discuss Collaboration. Understanding that with Collaboration comes greater knowledge, value and stronger rela...
Season 2
Episode 25

"Relations Are Gods Gifts To Self Awareness" says my guest Helen Terry
How fun it was to speak with my guest Helen Terry, Nia Technique Black Belt Trainer on this episode. Helen is an amazing person to speak with about Collaboration. We discuss her 2022 statement "Collaborating with the inevitable".&nb...
Season 2
Episode 24

"Trust Is Key In Collaborating" For my young guest Taylor
This fun conversation with my cousin's daughter, Taylor was simply a blast. Listen in to hear this wise young girl's great insight on how to have successful collaborations. Find out how her newest collaborative experience allowed he...
Season 2
Episode 23

Try Something New In Search For A Likeminded Community Says Liz!
In this episode, my business partner, Liz M Raymond shares her tips for the never ending search for a likeminded community. From a single mother supportive community to a NEW belly dancing community or perhaps a ballroom dancing community? &nbs...
Season 2
Episode 22

This Gypsy At Heart Takes THE Step To Growing Every Community She Lands In.
Dr. Elizabeth Joy Shaffer was a blast to speak with about Community! We laughed so much at the stories she shared about her ongoing adventures in life. Making friends has not always been easy for this now outgoing woman leading the ...
Season 2
Episode 21

A Community That Has Your Back Is One To Learn From
This young new to me friend, Owen Harvey at only 12 years old understands how valuable community is. From a hockey community where the other team players cheer each other on to being able to have a conversation with local store owners. This is ...
Season 2
Episode 20

Be encouraged to verbally communicate with Liz
My business partner at GradUit Thrivers, Liz and I have a great conversation around the communication challenges we discovered. "No such thing as art of communication in messenger, text, or chats." Learn how to trigger memories thro...
Season 2
Episode 19