Arun Church Podcast
Bringing Life to Everyone, Everywhere, Everyday – weekly Bible teaching from Arun Church, Littlehampton, UK. Find out more at arunchurch.com
477 episodes
A New Way with Words: Greater Right Living - Wealth & Worry
This week Becca continues our New Way series and our focus in on The Sermon on the mount as we look at what is said about wealth & worry. Jesus tell us sometimes our stuff and our worries are both a distraction and a barrier to God and stop...

A New Way with Words: Greater Right Living - Jesus' Prayer
This week Joe continues our New Way series, looking at Matthew 6: 1-18. We study, the centre of the Sermon on The Mount, the moment Jesus taught his disciples to pray. Listen and explore Jesus resetting of this ancient practice that invites us ...

Celebrating 20 years of The Wickbourne Centre
Celebrating 20 years of The Wickbourne Centre, Becca Jupp & Jon Jolly share the miraculous story of God’s provision of our community centre, and look to the future of the centre’s transformation. We also hear different personal stori...

A New Way with Words: Greater Right Living - Promises & Enemy Love
This week Jon continues our New Way series, looking at Matthew 5:33-48 in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. We explore the surprising message to love those who don't like you, and to take creative action to highlight your worth as a child in God's ow...

A New Way with Words: Greater Right Living - Murder, Adultery & Divorce
This week Becca continues our series 'A New Way', looking at Greater Right Living from Matthew 5:17-32. Jesus talks in these verses about Murder, Adultery & Divorce, so let's explore these big subjects together.

A New Way With Words: Kingdom Identity - Light of the world
This week Jo Gisbey continues our series A New Way looking at Kingdom Identity, The Light of the World from Matthew 5:14-16. This is our identity as children of God, so let's illuminate the landscape!

A New Way With Words: Kingdom Identity - Salt of the world
This week Joe Gisbey continues our new series of A New Way, with words: Kingdom Identity. Looking at the next section of the Sermon on The Mount. Following the beatitudes, Jesus goes on to make some pretty radical affirmations of the calling an...

A New Way With Words: Kingdom Identity - The Good Life
This week Mikey begins our new series of A New Way, with words: Kingdom Identity. We start with Matthew 5 and the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus shares the radical lifestyle of a follower of him.

A New Way - Vision Day
We kick off the new year with Becca Jupp, Joe Gisbey & Jon Jolly introducing our new teaching theme 'A New Way'. God is often doing a new thing, He makes new paths, offers new ways of thinking and doing things. What new things do we want to...

Wings: Angels & Shepherds
Joe Gisbey continues continues our 'Wings' series looking at Angels as we continue into the festive season. Looking at Luke 2: 10-12 we focus in on the Shepherd's encounter with the Angels, leading them to become not only the first witnesses of...

Wings: Angel Gabriel & Mary
Joanne Gisbey continues continues our 'Wings' series looking at Angels as we continue into the festive season. We take a look at Luke 1:26-38, Mary's obedient, trusting response to the angel that changed history forever. Thank God for Mary's ye...

Wings: Angel & Zachariah
This week Becca Jupp continues our 'Wings' series looking at Angels as we enter into the festive season. Zachariah and Elizabeth were prepared for Gods miracle in their lives through their faithfulness. They gave birth to John the Baptist who p...

Roots & Wings: Wings - Retirement Interview
This week we continue our Roots and Wings series and look at thriving in retirement and in our calling in our life, as Kat Archer interviews Pat & Norman from our church family. We all have a destiny and a calling to accomplish and fulfil -...

Roots & Wings: Wings - Family Interview
This week we continue our Roots and Wings series and look at thriving in relationships and family as Becca Jupp interviews Jon & Esther from our church family. Sharing from their own personal journeys as well as about where we are now as a ...

Roots & Wings: Wings - Family
This week Becca Jupp continues our Roots and Wings series as we are look at thriving in relationships and family as part of our Wings topic. We are looking at what connects us and what we can do to bring healthy connection into all our relation...

Roots & Wings: Wings - Workplace
This week Jon Jolly continues our Wings series looking at how we can thrive at work. All of us need to work and while it can be rewarding, often it is difficult, frustrating, confusing or exhausting! As followers of Jesus, shouldn't our burden ...

Roots & Wings: Wings - Workplace Interview
In this episode, Joan and Anthony share their journey of moving from Hong Kong to the UK, discussing the challenges, surprises, and how their faith has guided them through this life-changing transition.

CAP Sunday
This week is CAP Sunday, looking at how as a church we partner with Christians Against Poverty. Helping those struggling in our community, to become debt free and to hear about how much God loves them!

Roots & Wings: Wings - Healing
This week Joe continues to explore our theme of 'Wings' and specifically how the scriptures connect both wings and healing, culminating with the miraculous healing of a lady who was forever changed by reaching out to touch the 'hem' of Jesus' g...

Thanksgiving Sunday
This week we celebrate what we are thankful for and Becca Jupp looks at the Joy of the Lord being our strength in Nehemiah 8. Let's see why Nehemiah says that and how joy brings us strength.
Roots & Wings: Wings - Refuge
This week, Joe continues our Wings series, looking at God's amazing promises of protection and provision in every circumstance as we take refuge in Him!

Roots & Wings: Wings - Perspective
This week, Mikey continues our Wings series, looking at Colossians 3:1-2 where Paul challenges us on where our perspective is focussed, whether it's on what is right in front of us, or far wider and eternal.

Roots & Wings: Wings - Strength
This week Joanne continues our series on 'Wings', looking at strength from Isaiah 40:31. When we wait on the Lord He renews our strength, what are we going to do with this God given strength?