A Force To Be Reckoned With

203. Practical Things You Can Do TODAY To Move Toward a Healthier Life

Bethany and Corey Adkins / Adkins Media Co.

Ever wonder why focusing on just one aspect of health doesn’t seem to cut it? Traci Zizza sheds light on her seven essential health pillars—rest, nutrition, body connection, detoxing, stress management, movement, and life peace—and reveals how achieving balance across these areas is the key to overall well-being.

Struggling to maintain a healthy diet amid the plethora of choices and information? Traci breaks down the importance of personalized nutrition plans that cater to individual preferences and lifestyles, whether you're following keto, paleo, or another diet. We also delve into the role of detoxification in boosting your overall health and provide a curated Costco shopping list filled with clean, healthy, prepared, and packaged foods. Learn how to navigate the complexities of nutrition and make informed decisions that benefit your well-being.

From homemade household products to non-toxic personal care items, we explore easy, practical alternatives that enhance health without draining you. Traci also highlights the benefits of tailored exercise regimens, sharing personal stories of transitioning from intense workouts to more mindful activities like walking.

Tune in to hear practical tips that empower you to make positive, cost-effective changes to your lifestyle.

Episode Highlights: 

  • Traci’s 7 Pillars.
  • Body connection is the foundation.
  • The importance of rest.
  • Nutrition: finding what’s best for you.
  • All about detoxing.
  • Stress management.
  • Moving your body in a way that serves you.
  • Striving for peace.
  • Choosing a sustainable lifestyle.

Find More on Traci:

Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

Speaker 1:

We are at war and it's not against our neighbors, spouses, children, politicians or whatever else we feel like we're battling against. So the questions are who's the fight against, and are we winning or losing? We're the Adkins and we are a force to be reckoned with.

Speaker 2:

Are you ready to?

Speaker 1:

join the force. Okay, welcome back everybody for week two of the series that I haven't named, but with tracy and this week. So last week we just talked about the overall kind of general why behind, why we should even care about this stuff and how it ties into being a force to be reckoned with. Today we're going to give you're going to walk away with. We had some practical stuff last week, but you're going to have even more this week, practical things that you're going to walk away feeling a little bit more empowered and like, okay, I can do these things. It's not even going to cost me any money and I'm ready to start. So we're just going to dive right in.

Speaker 1:

Tracy, you teach you're a functional nutritionist, but we don't just focus on food. Together you have seven different pillars focusing on everything from rest to life piece. So it's rest, nutrition, body connection, detoxing, stress management, movement and life piece. And so if we're just hyper-focused on one of those things, you don't have the whole picture of health. But when you can really truly start to master each thing, that's when you have a very well-rounded and healthy life. And so Tracy's just gonna give us kind of a tip from each one of those health pillars today and I'm excited to dive in Okay. So what I wanna say before we move on is, if you haven't listened to episode one of this series with Tracy, you're gonna wanna go ahead and do that, because it's gonna give you a really good foundation and a baseline of why we're talking about what we're talking about today. And also, I just want to welcome you back, Tracy, so thanks again for joining us.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for having me. I just love talking with you and just bringing all of the fruit that we've worked on with you together and sharing it with your audience, so this is really exciting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, so do you feel so we have the seven health pillars and do you just want to briefly explain, like I mean, I think I'd said it's all encompassing, but is that really why you focus on? Do you find that some people, when they come in, they're hyper focused on one more than the other?

Speaker 2:

Yes, everybody wants to learn, everybody wants me to tell them what to eat, right, like how, what am I eating to be healthy? And I think probably the biggest takeaway that people get after we finished the whole program is that nutrition was only one component of it, because when we're eating and if we're stressed out when we're eating, our body doesn't break down that food and receive it well and and the nutrients and minerals and things like that that we think are coming into our system, they don't, um, because of the way the state of our body when that happens. So, um, but I will talk about nutrition usually first, because everyone gets really excited about that and they can start to learn what to avoid and what's to bring in. And it's exciting and it's fun and we do see like incredible changes. But I think a good point to bring in and you just mentioned all the pillars, and the reason why I have so many pillars is because all of that makes up our health and you can't just work on one area without affecting the other areas.

Speaker 2:

So it happens in a good way, but also like maybe a negative way too, because let's just say that you are working with nutrition.

Speaker 2:

You're going to feel so much better once you make those nutritional choices that you are going to sleep better and you are going to have more patients and things like that, because the inflammation in your body is going to change.

Speaker 2:

But if you're like I was just saying, if you're super stressed out and you're not sleeping well and the way that you behave, and just if you're moving your body too much or not enough, or you're bringing a ton of toxins in your system, like it, just it doesn't work well and the body can't find its harmony. So that's why I think that touching on all of those things together will bring it all together. So, so that's why I think that touching on all of those things together will bring it all together. So, in the negative way, if you're just working on nutrition but you're really stressed out or you're in like an ultra toxic environmental area or ultra toxic like mental, emotional place, then the body is not going to be able to find health. So that's why it's you know they're, they're pillars and that when we work on balancing and improving each of those areas, that's when we find whole body health.

Speaker 1:

Amazing. Okay, so I'm excited to dive in. What's the first one? Is this going to kind of be like a rapid fire of each pillar and I'm you're going to just share a world of knowledge and a couple minutes on each topic. So get ready to take notes if you're available. But what is the first? What's the first one?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so the first one is body connection and this is like, really in no particular order, but it does help to have the body connection kind of as your foundation, because when you connect with your body, so the first one is connecting with your body, and I call it empowered connection in nourishment, because you do become more empowered to take on your health when you know and understand your body. Because when you do, then you're like all right, I know you and I understand you and I know what I can give you to make you work more efficiently. And I think the biggest part of that is that most people, especially women, are really hard on themselves and they want to like, force their body into, like submission with all the different things Like why won't you lose weight? Like, why don't you have energy, you want to kind of force it to do it. But, um, I, I spend a decent amount of time on this because it's so important to love your body back to health by understanding her.

Speaker 2:

Um, or him, you know, depending on who's taking this course, you know, for our dad, nourishment, you know. So if you understand what your body needs, you can give it what it needs and then, like, you can find your ebb and flow, because you're like I'm going to, that's how you can make your, your decisions intentionally, because when you, you understand it, you know, like, how to decide. So, but you, but in order to do that, you have to be connected. So we do a whole pillar on understanding how to connect with your body and then you can give it what it needs so that it runs efficiently. So that's the first one. So the next one is rest, and so when I say rest, I said rest instead of sleep, because even though sleep is so important and our body relies on it to function, the next day our bodies won't be go, go, go, um, that we spend a lot of time talking about in our first episode. Uh, but yeah, rest, you gotta, you gotta put it in park uh, for just a little bit of time.

Speaker 2:

So it can look like just, um, intentionally setting aside sometime during your day where you, when you look at each day and when my clients get really good at this, they just know we set up their daily rhythm and routine in a way that, once they connect with their body, they can now go all right. So now that I know how I connect with my body and what it needs, this is how I'm going to go through my day. Some people need their rest in the morning, some people love the rest in the afternoon and some people can only rest in the evening. But it's not in bed, right, it's there when they just like, take that exhale during the day. And some people need to rest sometime in the morning, sometime in the evening, and sometimes in the afternoon and sometimes in the evening. So it could even just look like 20 minutes of like, just completely unplugging and just relaxing the mind.

Speaker 2:

And I'll be honest, it shouldn't be with technology, that's the best thing to do. But I have to say that like, even like when I'm with my kids and you know, even that can be a lot Um, my favorite thing is to just sit quietly and sometimes I'll like, I'll pray or just be outside on my front swing and just like notice nature, listen to a bird, right, something like that. But every once in a while and this is how you know that I'm human I like to rest with like five minutes of Instagram. It's just, people are so funny and they make me laugh and I just appreciate that people will make reels and it's like my life and I'm like this. They are so funny, they they need something that is like my life, but, um, we could definitely overdo it and binge with it. So it's like all right, we can rest and I can be a part of it. I think that that like checking out laughing.

Speaker 2:

I have no problem with that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like if it's a healthy thing where you're getting on and you're laughing and you're finding things that are encouraging, as opposed to. I think some people can sometimes be in a healthy space of social media with, like, the comparison or feeling left out. So figure out what your relationship is with that and if it's beneficial to you. But the whole point is that that rest pocket should be something that's pouring into you.

Speaker 2:

Totally. It's nourishing, right. So you'll start to hear and feel that during all of my work and that's why I named my program Nourishment, because we're nourishing our body so is what I'm doing during that rest going to nourish my body or deplete it? So I might say, like, all right, you could have five minutes on Instagram. We're looking at puppies and chickens, right, and funny kid things. Like I try to really just not have anything else on there. That's what I'm on there for and it's funny. And then after that I'm just, I'm just being, I'm relaxing and close my eyes, whether I'm inside or outside. Sometimes I'll go in a room by myself and and just be, and then, um, you know, it's kind of like a disconnect to reconnect, kind of thing. Um, fill your cup so that we could pour into others, right, we have all of our kids are standing there with their cups. You know others, right, we have all of our kids are standing there with their cups. You know, metaphorically, and we got to give. So if we kind of supercharge ourselves by resting our mind and resting our body, then we will come back in stronger to take on and with more intention, because we're we're just aware, like you know, I like to.

Speaker 2:

When I'm sitting there and in that rest I'm usually thinking like all right, how did they get, how'd the day go so far, you know, and how do I want it to go from here on out? And we, we have the ability to pivot and shift depending on how that went. Sometimes I'm like gosh, I was so impatient, I did not like how I was during that, the morning or whatever, and it's like so what is it? And it's like maybe I, maybe this rest needs to be longer. Actually, maybe I need to get back with the kids, but then, like, take another rest, maybe I'm canceling everything else for the rest of the day. Uh, because clearly I am irritable and frustrated and stressed for whatever reason, and it's not going to serve me to do all those other things. What is necessary right now, um, and what can wait till, till tomorrow, and that's kind of like the fruit of what comes that's the heart.

Speaker 2:

That's one of the hardest ones for me oh 100, especially when you know my practice is paved with um, the type a, go, go, go, like perfectionist people, especially mom, so we're gonna do it all, uh. But I think the most empowering thing is to be like but I'm not going to do it. Today I can do it, but I'm going to choose not to because it's not going to serve me and it's definitely not going to serve my family. And in five years from now is it going to matter that I went and tackled you know X, y, z, or is it better that I, I really was just like at peace and we just did one thing really nicely and well, that's it. And so I think that I know when you started to do that, you were like this feels really weird and I kind of want to do more. But I like it and I'm going to go with it, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Okay. And then the next one is we'll touch a little bit on nutrition, and so you know there's a bazillion things that we could do with nutrition, but I think that's something that we can just touch on is, I'm not going to say, you know, you should eat this or you shouldn't eat that, but I think that there's. You know, just an angle to come at nutrition with is pay attention to ingredients. If you start to look at ingredients of every single thing that you put in your body, you're going to have a lot more awareness of what's going into your body, right? So people are just grabbing certain things because they say paleo or healthy or natural, but they're not looking at ingredients, and certain ingredients are really going to mess us up. You know, we know about the seed oils, we know about the preservatives, and I go into all that and give my clients like some really solid lists that are simple and easy to follow so that they know, like, what to avoid and certain brands and things like that. Once you know the brands that are easy, um, like your go-to brands, you can get into that more, but it's very eyeopening, and when you're aware of those ingredients and what they will do to your body. I'll teach you that. Then you're just going to put it down.

Speaker 2:

And I think one of the most frustrating things is people are like, ah, there's nothing I can eat. It's like there's a lot of things you can eat, but you're just going to things that are convenient for you and you're feeling like there's nothing you can eat. And that's the point is like food is so toxic and it's hurting you and it's why you feel the way that you feel. You know a big reason why so, uh, so pay attention to those ingredients, uh, and then also how you feel after you eat it, because maybe even, uh, my clients tell on themselves all the time. They're like, well, I was aware that this was in it, but I ate it anyway and I really like a lesson learned. I felt terrible from it and that's that's really important. It's not a, it's not a fail, it's feedback. Yeah Right, they got feedback. They knew that really affected me.

Speaker 1:

So you know food can feel really overwhelming, especially with this social media stuff where everybody's talking about different diets and what's working for them and all of that. And you just simplify it so well and you figure out. You get to know your clients really well and you figure out exactly what works for them and what's working against them and, yeah, it really just is so helpful and simple. And just one more thing that I want to say. We'll talk about it a little bit at the end.

Speaker 1:

But while it's great to know, like all the ingredients that you should avoid and how to read labels and that really empowers you you also have done so much of the work for other people and so we actually have a shopping list Costco. Everybody knows I love Costco and you love Costco too so many people do. But you have a Costco shopping list that that is going to be our free freebie for this episode, so make sure you check that out. In the show notes, tracy went ahead for all of us and just compose like her favorite shopping list foods from Costco. So make sure you grab that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that shopping list is, you know, costco kind of brings different um products in and out, which is frustrating, because I feel like sometimes, when I'm like, yes, they carry this, and sometimes I'm like, oh, where'd it go?

Speaker 2:

Like it's not here anymore, but they always get, you know, good stuff in. But I think it's important because I don't live on a farm, you know I wish that I did and the bottom line is is that we do rely on certain things that are prepared and maybe packaged, but the items that are on that list are things that are that I've approved, that are clean, like really super duper clean, like there is not one ingredient on there that I'm like it's fine, nope, I don't let it on there. So it's a good list, and it's it's. I think a good point is that there are things that exist out there that are packaged, that aren't necessarily processed and that aren't going to hurt us, and that could be convenience. It doesn't have to be so awful for us, but you have to know what you're working with.

Speaker 2:

And the other thing I want to say, when we're talking about nutrition that you touched on, is that you know there is keto, there is paleo, there is carnivore, there's whatever, and you know, for I think, like the question comes up like, what do I promote? And the point is is? Or one thing I want to say to that is that I think they're all really good and I think that it depends on, like who is the person that is asking and what is best for them? Because I might say carnivore is the best. I think it's going to get you the fastest results, but if you're not willing to do that, then it's not the best for you. You know, and do you need to do that and maybe you work really well with, you know, having some vegetables and fruit and things like that. So it's bio-individual and I think that that's something that's nice because, like um, like I say, like I find the Instagram meal is really funny and entertaining, but I love the one where I don't know if you see this one where it's like like trying to eat in 2024.

Speaker 2:

And the person is looking at you know, maybe Instagram or something, and it's like eggs are the best for you, you should eat eggs. And so they're cracking the eggs and the next thing is like don't eat eggs. Eggs are the worst. It's like eat oatmeal. Oatmeal is so good for you. And they're trying and then like there's nothing to eat, right, and so I get that. I feel it. So I think that there's a way that we can understand produce in this world and the GMOs and the herbicides and pesticides and organic and all that stuff Right, and like really simplify it and be like all right, but then there's also my body, there's also my life and how I could put it all together. What am I doing? What am I doing and what is healthy for me? And I think that that's like my forte to come in and be like for you. And the holistic part of it is like I want to hear from you Like what, what do you think? And then let's put it together and let's find like a sweet spot with that.

Speaker 2:

So, um, but paying attention to your ingredients and how you feel after eating them is really big All right. And then the next is um, going into the detoxification pillar, and that is the best defense is a good offense. And so detoxification is you know it's it's a whole thing of basically just moving toxins out of the body, and sometimes for me it's, you know it's it's a whole thing of basically just moving toxins out of the body, and sometimes for me it's all the time. But for some people it getting those things, the toxins out of their body can be very unpleasant, very costly, um, and they can kind of put us down. But you know, like, we need downtime for that. And so, yes, we can do that and I can make that a very smooth process for you so that you don't have that downtime and that you don't feel unpleasant as you go through it. Um, took me a long time to figure that out, but I've got it and it works. But if you can prevent some of these things from coming into your body in the first place and your kids are going to feel it the most because they're they're living with more stuff we did not grow up with these toxins Definitely not, you know like and I think laundry is one of the biggest places you can see that, right, you see all these commercials.

Speaker 2:

We don't need our, our laundry to smell 10 times the fragrance for 85 days, right, there's like scented beads and stuff like that. I'm like I tell my kids I don't ever use that, you know. So I make my own laundry detergent. Never thought I would be that person. It takes me like three seconds to do it and I am like a little bit of like a gangster when it comes to recipes. I just can kind of like throw them in, I follow it one time and then after that I just know how to do it. I don't like measuring perfectly, but it works.

Speaker 2:

And then household cleaners, personal care products like don't underestimate, with household cleaning, the power of vinegar. It is just amazing, especially with, like mold and bacteria and stuff like that. You know, fun fact at one point I was a trained and certified disinfection specialist, so I actually have, um, an element of that where I can help my moms and dads who are cleaning their houses understand like what do we really need to be doing? Like what let's choose our toxins, you know, with intention. Um, so, yeah, so just preventing those things. And then, like, there are special things that I talk to my clients about with, like, just what personal care products are we using? Do you need to have everything under your bathroom saying packed out to the max, or can we just choose like two or three products? That's what we're using? Simple, your house is neat.

Speaker 2:

Unless it's coming into your body, you could still smell good, especially with teens. I know they all wanted. Everyone wants to smell amazing, um, and there's, there's great um companies out there that will not give you, uh, toxins and disrupt hormones. So that's that's huge, yeah, huge that for detoxification, um, and then let's go into movement.

Speaker 2:

So, exercise, movement I just feel like it's like, it's almost like in the same realm as nutrition now, where there's just so much out there and it's like bar ballet is great for you, no, it's CrossFit.

Speaker 2:

No, it's cycling, no, it's you know nothing, um, and I think again it's by individual, uh, but I think overall, like, like with nutrition, overall, right, it's like overall, eating real whole food is going to make you better, and the same thing with movement.

Speaker 2:

Overall, moving your body is going to make you better, but the right type of movement for your body is really the key and for most people, I think that we're overdoing it. You know, you and I were talking about this earlier and they're overdoing it in terms of like intensity, where they feel like they've got to be up every day at 5am, where their body may have been like I actually needed that sleep really bad, and maybe your hormones would have been better during the day if you slept a little bit longer or you didn't get up and like pedal to the metal, because if you don't have right with your hormonal response, what it takes to give that exercise right, like to give to that movement, your body is just going to end up further depleted. So you really want to look at movement with is do I feel better after I move my body or do I feel worse? Do I have more energy or am I like tanked and that's a good way to gauge whether it's a right movement for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would just want to add to that one that that was like one of the biggest things for me is that we had I had adrenal fatigue and I didn't even realize it and for my whole life, like the like, I played sports in high school and so we would lift a little bit then and do conditioning, but for the most part on my own.

Speaker 1:

When I worked out, it was just running, and so that was just what I was comfortable with, that was what I did and I enjoyed it. And then, like I just realized, man, I'm starting to feel like crap when I run, but I would just push harder and push harder and push harder, and I realized I was just completely burning myself out, staying in fight or flight. And then that was like one of the biggest pivotal things when I came to you was changing how I move my body, and when I stopped forcing things and stopped pushing myself so hard, the weight came off and the inflammation went down and I felt less irritable and it was just really nuts. So it was, yeah, definitely eyeopening.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that really encompasses a bunch of the pillars, because you were stressing your body out by moving too much. And the way that you were able to understand what your body needed was by connecting with your body and learning and understanding it. And we did do some labs, right. We saw where your cortisol was, we saw where your adrenals were. We were like, girl, you don't have anything to give, your adrenals are not functioning. And when you knew that, then you were able to be like all right, so what do my adrenals need? What do I do in order to get my body to shift? And it was, like you know, rest more. Walking is beautiful, that now everyone can walk and everyone can, um, you can get a lot out of it. And so you know, I kind of did the same thing.

Speaker 2:

And as we become adults and start doing more and more and more, there's more stress. And then at some point, what we did in our twenties, all of a sudden that felt really good, all of a sudden really depletes us in our 30s and 40s and 50s because our body's already under so much stress. So we want our movement to be nourishing and not further depleting. So it really comes into that. But I was always like, no, I was a runner and I did spin, and when I did those things, my body felt great and I was fit and I loved how I looked and my clothes fit. But then, when all the other stress of life kept pouring in because I allowed it to come in right, I didn't have any boundaries, I didn't understand what my life needed. Then, all of a sudden, what I used to do for movement was awful and it made my body worse and it threw off my hormones and you know that whole cycle. So, yeah, I think that that's it's really important to to know that for your body.

Speaker 2:

And then, last is striving for peace. So life, peace is a pillar that I bring into my practice. That might be. I think it's unique. I've never really seen another program that has peace as one of the pillars that they work with.

Speaker 2:

And the reason why I brought it in is because if you're not aware that you need peace or that you want peace, you're never going to achieve peace. Right, it has to be something that you are like no, I'm going to have peace in my body, I'm going to have peace in my home, I'm going to have peace in my soul. Right, because your body peace in my home I'm going to have peace in my soul. Right, because your body feels your emotions. It feels the resentment that you might have or the guilt that you might have or the shame, and if you don't let those things go, it's so hard to heal, it's so hard to let toxins go, it's so hard for organs and glands and things like that to heal. So we look for life peace with that kind of stuff. But then we also look for peace because it's going to be the thing that motivates you to keep you on track, to set the boundaries, to have intention, to pay attention to your ingredients, to get rid of the toxins. And I like to say to my clients, like the goal is peace. So change your life and keep changing it until you have achieved peace.

Speaker 2:

Because you know, like you and I both saw, we started to do certain things and, yes, things got better, but not everything got better right away and it was like all right, so nutrition didn't do all of it. What else do I have to do when we start tweaking all of this? And that's the whole person, whole body, everything. And when you do that is when you have whole person health, and that's where all the beauty comes in. And I'll just leave you know everybody with this.

Speaker 2:

One thing is that, um and I was touching on this in the last episode is that you, you can't just go in and say I'm only going to change my nutrition and expect everything else to get better.

Speaker 2:

If you're really stressed out but it will get better once you start changing that nutrition in one way, your stress will feel it, it will get better.

Speaker 2:

But if you're like I'm only going to change that nutrition, but I'm going to just stay stressed out to the max, your body is not going to feel it. So, on one hand, when you make a positive change in one of these areas, the rest will feel it, and then, on the other hand, when you make a positive change in one of these areas, the rest will feel it, and then, on the other hand, if there is a major deficit in one of these areas, the rest of the body will feel it. So that's why it has to be whole person and that's why we get such good results and people could make those changes, and it is sustainable forever. And when we get off track, we know exactly how to get back on track. So that's why I love working with families and things like that, and kids need to know this, like why the heck Could you imagine what your life would look like if you grew up understanding this? Oh my gosh, like it would be a completely different story, right.

Speaker 1:

Right, which is what makes me so excited, because we have the opportunity to do that for our kids and their kids. So it's just like I just want to shout it from the rooftops I love it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, me too.

Speaker 1:

Was that all seven of them? That was all seven. Oh my gosh, I like sit here so quietly just listening and soaking it all in because it's just such good, good information. Wow, that was like quick and full, packed full of information and again, that was like so very surface level but just gives you an idea of the different pillars that Tracy talks through, the different things that she works through, which, if each of her clients she, you know just takes them, it takes each one and gets to know them and figures out like what is going to work best for me and my family.

Speaker 1:

We're all very similar but also different in some ways and we might have very similar lives, but our bodies process things different and metabolize things different and and receive exercise different and we might handle stress differently. So, yeah, you're just so good at like pinpointing things and, yeah, it's just really awesome. So, okay, we that this is just going to be, I guess, a short and sweet episode, but what I want to send people away with is that Costco shopping list. So if just really quickly, do you just want to share like your two favorite go-to snacks that you are like loving right now for on the go, your busy mom, maybe something you send your kids off without the door, just like what you're loving. Or maybe like a quick dinner recipe.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I think my kids' favorite snack from Costco which is also like so cost-efficient, there are the chomp meat sticks and I love them because it's protein. There's some good fat in there and it just like helps them stabilize like on my end right, like I know it's going to stabilize their blood sugar, it's going to keep them full, it's going to give them good protein. Their blood sugar. It's going to keep them full, it's going to give them good protein, especially for my boys and also my daughter. Yeah, so I love the chomps and that's. You know, whenever I go, I get like at least two bags of them because we go through them really fast, but I'm grateful that they have like the bigger bag there.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we fly. We're a family of six, yeah, we fly through them. And then I think I also like hmm, they I'll give you a couple. They have the bear chips that are like the uh, it's like just like dried or I think they're it's baked apple chips okay and the brand is bear, um, so those are great.

Speaker 2:

siete has a giant bag of chips there and like, notice, notice, like I'm a nutritionist, I'm talking about chips and and, uh, you know, like package things, but like these are things that like aren't going to hurt us. Like they're, they're made with real ingredients. Um, you know, like the chips are cooked with avocado oil, um, you know which, which isn't going to be inflammatory in the system. We also love the avocado cups, so that's great. They also have we like the unreal bars, and my kids like to put them in the freezer and those are like little chocolate. They're like it's like coconut dipped in chocolate. It's like a little mounds bar, but, and they're little. Sometimes we need a couple of them, but sometimes they just like to have like a little something, but again, clean, it's like coconut, cocoa powder or, you know, like chocolate, Um, and you know, whatever the sweetener is, I think it's, it might even just be sugar, but it's, you know, it's a low amount and that's it.

Speaker 2:

There is no like. I'll give you a couple of ingredients to say we from like, one of the biggest ones that I see, especially when I'm at Costco, is, um, well, high fructose corn syrup. But like that was out like a long, long time ago, right, like that was like a big one everyone looked at. But for me it's soy lectin, because a lot of products will say paleo or clean or natural and my kids will like run up to me and I'm like did you look at the ingredients? And they're like you know, they kind of roll their eyes at me and they're like oh, there's nothing we can have in here. Because I was like and I'll just point, and they're like I see it. They'll roll their eyes and like they already know what the ingredients are. But I think that they're waiting for me to like definitely check them. But you know, a lot of these brands on there are wonderful because they don't have it. But you have to put down, there's so many options on there that don't have that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so check out that shopping list. She, if I wasn't already obsessed with Costco which I was, it's, it's, yeah, it's a game changer for busy big families. So check it out. And I just want to say thank you for sharing your knowledge, and we're also going to put the links to mom and dad nourishment and the show notes. And then we have one more week, which I'm most excited about because it's where Corey and I have been through like episode one, episode two, all the practical things, and then there was a point where I was like I still am having trouble. What is this? And you'll have to come back to find out what we're walking through with Tracy right now by listening next week. So thank you again, tracy, we appreciate you so much.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're welcome. It's my pleasure. I love talking about this stuff, especially with you, and I love that I have an opportunity to share it with more and more people. So, yay, exciting.