A Force To Be Reckoned With
A Force To Be Reckoned With.Life is full of hardships and trials. It’s easy to feel defeated, broken, lost, and weary—which is exactly where the enemy wants you. Each of us are called to fight our own battles, and we have to choose how we will respond when things get hard. Will you wave a white flag in surrender, or will you press on and let battle scars be part of your legacy?We are choosing to rise up and not go down without a fight. We are A Force to Be Reckoned With.Will you join us?
227 episodes
227. PGE: Peeing In The Shower (Spoiler Alert- We All Do It)
Be honest… Do you pee in the shower? Or are you now questioning every shared shower you’ve ever stepped foot in? This time on Parents Google Everything, we dive into some highly scientific research (aka Goog...

226. Why We Stepped Into Foster Care
What would happen if we stopped seeing foster care as someone else’s problem?Right now, there are nearly 400,000 children in the foster care system, and behind each number is a real child, a real family, a real story. In this epis...

225. Money and Marriage: Failure is Not an Option
How would you define your relationship with money in your marriage—a seamless partnership, a constant tug-of-war, or something you avoid talking about altogether?In this episode, we’re getting real about marriage and money—because...

224. Lies From the Enemy: I Can Walk This Road Alone
Do you have a friend you can be completely real with, no masks, no pretending—just you?This episode is all about the power of deep, intentional relationships—whether in marriage, friendship, or community. We talk about what it mea...

223. Life Update: Honest Feedback, Healthy Conflict, and Spiritual Warfare in Relationships
Anyone else wondering how we’re already in February?Feels like we were just ringing in the new year, and now we’re knee-deep in real life. This episode, we’re hitting pause to reflect, laugh at the messiness, and talk about what’s...

222. Healing Through Adversity: The Story Behind The Bohemian Mama
Have you ever thought about how the hardest moments in life can become the foundation for something beautiful?In this episode, we chat with Vivian Brinkman, the force behind The Bohemian Mama, a natural skincare brand with a heart...

221. Money and Marriage
What do car payments, surprise home repairs, and clashing love languages have in common? They’ve all put our marriage to the test—and taught us some unforgettable lessons.In this episode, we’re spilling the tea (and maybe a few te...

220. Lies From the Enemy: Did God REALLY Say That?
How do you discern the voice of God when life feels overwhelming?In today’s episode, we’re cutting through the noise to expose the lies of the enemy and uncover the truth about the spiritual battlefield we all face. From the very ...

219. 2025 is Gonna ...SUCK!
How can we turn the twists and turns of last year into opportunities for growth?As we step into 2025, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the past year—the resolutions that got derailed, the unexpected messes, and the lessons learned.

218. Lacking Peace?
Ever feel like you're just stuck in a funk?In this episode, we dive into finding peace in the middle of life’s chaos. If you’ve ever felt lost or uncertain about your path, you’re not alone. We chat about how doubt can sneak into ...

217. Family Meetings
Do you have family meetings at your house?It might seem like a small thing, but these casual hangouts can actually be a game-changer when it comes to staying organized and keeping everyone connected. We chat about how weekly famil...

216. Thanksgiving Traditions: Connection Over Perfection
Ever wondered what it truly means to be thankful without the pressure of perfection? With a healthy dose of humor and a pinch of nostalgia, we’re hitting pause to reflect on what truly matters: family, home, and the incredibl...

215. The Fight for Balance: Faith, Rest, and Family
Have you ever felt like you're doing lots of 'good things', but not doing any of them 'well'?Join us for a candid discussion on the challenge of balancing multiple roles and commitments, especially when trying to uphold Christian values...

214. Life Update: Your Coffee Goes Where?!
Have you ever found yourself in a season that feels both exhausting and unexpectedly beautiful? In our heartfelt reflections on fostering, we explore the emotional journey of welcoming two sweet little ones into our family. W...

213. United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Is the growing polarization of today’s political climate a reflection of a deeper spiritual struggle?In this episode, we dig into how faith and politics intersect, especially during election season. We share our journey of moving ...

212. Jaliyah's Story Pt 2: This Is Just the Beginning
Have you ever considered the impact that foster parents can make not only on the children in their care, but also in the bio parents?Through the raw and emotional recounting of her experiences, Jaliyah emphasizes the importance of empath...

211. A Peek Behind the Curtain: Jaliyah’s Story - Part 1
Have you ever wondered what our foster kiddo's bio mom's story might be?Jaliyah's journey is nothing short of inspiring. Raised in Cleveland, Ohio, she recounts her challenging childhood, marked by separation from her siblings and paren...

210. This is Only The Beginning (and we need your help): Our Foster Care Journey Part 3
Did you know that the goal of foster care is reunification?Join us as we share our deeply personal journey through the foster care system. We'll capture the pivotal moments of hope when the kids' mother entered rehab, sparking hope of re...

209. The Gut Wrenching Reality: Our Foster Care Journey - Part 2
Can you imagine leaving a child you've grown to love in an unfamiliar place, not knowing if you'll ever see them again?This episode takes you through the gut-wrenching experience we faced on July 28th, 2023. We also share how prayer beca...

208. Thank You For Your Support: Behind the Scenes of Our Foster Care Journey - Part 1
This week on the podcast we are sharing about our foster care journey. So many of you have been deeply invested through prayer, lending a helping hand, and checking in. We know that so much of our story has been fragmented due to the rollercoas...

207. Struggling to Read Your Bible? Listen to This
Do you ever struggle to find time to read the Bible? Have you ever felt intimidated by it or like you don't know where to start?Join us for an enlightening conversation with Kristin Nave, a powerful voice on social media dedicated to stu...

206. Life Update: We Think We Might Like Each Other
Have you ever felt God nudge you to do something challenging?We're back with another life update. From high stakes to minor conflicts, we dig deep into the real battles that test our resilience every day. Despite the chaos, we find stre...

205. When God Says ‘Go!’ with Wendi Cross
Are you willing to step into the unknown with God at the reigns? Meet Wendi Cross, our remarkable guest whose story of adopting her son from Ethiopia is a beacon of hope and resilience. Wendi sheds light on the trials and victories her ...

204. Mold, Wi-Fi, and EMFs, Oh My!
Do you often wake up feeling exhausted, battling brain fog, or dealing with chronic sinus infections without knowing what's causing it? Join us in our enlightening discussion with Traci Zizza as we explore common culprits that could be ...

203. Practical Things You Can Do TODAY To Move Toward a Healthier Life
Ever wonder why focusing on just one aspect of health doesn’t seem to cut it? Traci Zizza sheds light on her seven essential health pillars—rest, nutrition, body connection, detoxing, stress management, movement, and life peace—and reveals how ...