A Force To Be Reckoned With
A Force To Be Reckoned With
204. Mold, Wi-Fi, and EMFs, Oh My!
Do you often wake up feeling exhausted, battling brain fog, or dealing with chronic sinus infections without knowing what's causing it?
Join us in our enlightening discussion with Traci Zizza as we explore common culprits that could be silently wreaking havoc on your health. Traci unpacks the effects of these invisible threats, particularly focusing on how they can disrupt your sleep and overall energy. She offers practical tips on mitigating these impacts, such as spending more time outdoors, unplugging devices, and minimizing indoor exposure.
Our conversation takes a deeply personal turn as we recount our struggle with mold in our own home, sharing the profound health challenges it brought into our lives. Learn about the often overlooked symptoms of mold exposure, like brain fog, chronic fatigue, and inflammation, and understand why even new homes aren't immune.
Traci's guidance doesn't stop at identification; she provides insights into the importance of proper mold remediation and living with intention and gratitude. Ending on a heartfelt note, we reflect on our journey of overcoming health issues with Traci's unwavering support, inspiring you to pursue a healthier, more intentional life.
Episode Highlights:
- What are the concerns with Wi-Fi and EMF exposure?
- Could the problem be mold?
- What are the next steps?
Find More on Traci:
- Interested in Traci's Nourishment Program? Click Here!
- Follow Traci on Instagram
- Parent Nourishment for Sports Tournaments FREE PDF
- Traci’s Costco Favorites FREE PDF
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:
- Jointheforce.us
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This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.
We are at war and it's not against our neighbors, spouses, children, politicians or whatever else we feel like we're battling against. So the questions are who's the fight against, and are we winning or losing? We're the Adkins, and we are a force to be reckoned with.
Speaker 2:Are you ready to?
Speaker 1:join the force. All right, welcome back everyone. We are back for week three with Tracy. Thank you so much for joining us again for this third week and, honestly and selfishly, it's the one I'm most excited about, because it's just what we're walking through right now.
Speaker 2:So welcome back. Thank you for having me. I'm excited to continue our conversation. Yes, Okay.
Speaker 1:So as you guys can tell from the title, I think we're calling this one like something like mold, wi-fi and EMFs oh my, like lions and tigers and bears, oh my, and this is honestly kind of scarier than lions and tigers and bears. But first we're going to talk about like screens, emfs, wi-fi. We're going to just brief over that, and then a big bulk of what we're going to talk about today is mold, because Corey and I have recently realized we had mold in our house and and I have recently realized we had mold in our house and we'll get into that whole thing briefly in a couple of minutes. But OK, so there's been a lot of talk on social media, on just in real life, in books, about the concern with like Wi-Fi, emf screen and blue light exposure, like. Is that something we really need to be worrying about? I guess that's my first question.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and the answer is yes, we do. And I think, just to make it like very general, for like the time we have on here, the bottom line is that human beings were not created with wifi for a reason. Right, we were. We were created without EMF because those aren't natural things that nourish our bodies, so having exposure to them are going to have negative health impact. So we just have to be aware of that and we just have to kind of do our due diligence.
Speaker 2:I think that there are practitioners who have hardwired everything in their home and that's definitely the best way to live. I wish that I could do that. It's not really feasible for our home right now. Maybe one day we'll be able to. Some won't even bring a cell phone into their home. They'll make it so that their cell phone is like in a shed or something in their yard, in a box, and then they have an app on their computer and it's hardwired and you know that's amazing. Their bodies really aren't going to be affected negatively when you do that. But I bring that up just to say that, like it's a thing and because people in my position are aware of what it does to the body, they will go through like those lengths to protect themselves.
Speaker 1:Do you know, like exactly what it is that it does?
Speaker 2:So that's what I think I'm just going to give like a general explanation.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like a general explanation is is that it's an obstacle to our health? Right, it's something? It's draining our energy, it is. It's kind of just disrupting what our bodies are trying to do, and like there's something. There's a such thing as dirty electricity and it's too much voltage and that voltage is interrupting our body's normal processes and it is stealing our energy. And now our bodies, especially at night when we sleep, are trying to do the most amount of detoxification. And when we're exposed to Wi-Fi and you know this high voltage of electricity you know, from the outlets in our rooms and things like that, now that's draining our energy. And now, instead of being focused on using that energy for our detoxification, our energy is now drained because it's being exposed to this, you know, like Wi-Fi and voltage and things like that. So that like just very generally, that's like, I think, just like the takeaway from it, without you know, spending too much time kind of digging in there, so it has an impact on our energy. Humans have never been exposed to this kind of stuff or, you know, even long periods of time, and so we're we're kind of we're the first ones out of the gates with this. You know, to have it in our homes.
Speaker 2:I share this in my program that at one point when we I don't know what happened with our I think we had like an upgrade or something with our cable and they put the router in my bedroom. It was like the right place for the company that came in and did it, for I think we have Verizon and like it made sense, like with the setup of our property, for it to be there. And I remember being like I just feel like it's not right that it's in there and at that point so you know, a bunch of years ago I could hear like a ringing sound and I was like that can't be good for us if I could hear that, and that was that was having a big impact. I finally was like they have to come back here and move this. I know that it's affecting my sleep and it was, and when I moved it out I felt a lot better. So that's something I definitely talk to my clients about is definitely getting that stuff out of their room, lowering the voltage of maybe the dirty electricity that's coming into their home.
Speaker 2:There's simple, practical things that we could do. Some of it's free, right. You could just unplug certain things that are in your bedroom and even around the house there's different meters that you can use to see what the voltage is in your home and things like that. And the best thing that you can do, I think, if I can give you like maybe like three quick tips for EMFs and Wi-Fi and things like that is get outside as much as possible, get your kids outside we really shouldn't be indoors as much as we are and unplug as often as possible, like actually unplug things from the outlets and also unplug, you know, from being in front of screens. And then the third one would be to put your Wi-Fi on a timer at night and then this way, at least when you go to sleep, you're not getting that exposure to the Wi-Fi when your body's trying to detoxify.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, and I just want to say, like I know this all sounds crazy and I will even say a year, maybe two years ago I'm like hearing this stuff and I'm like this is nuts. I don't know, I don't know, I don't believe this at all. But I will say, like the ringing, I have experienced that when I'm in my office I can hear it. That's right where our router is. I'm in my office right now. I can hear the ringing as we speak.
Speaker 1:I've seen so many different things of like guys who have their phones in their pockets and then developing cancer, and so many doctors are coming out and saying it's because of the EMS exposure from the cell phones. Kids who have their bedrooms right beside like refrigerators, right on the other side of the wall, developing cancer. Like I truly believe that this is a real thing. So if you are a skeptic, I would encourage you don't completely shut us out, just do a little bit of research. I know that there's, like always, two extremes. I think that there's like somewhere in the middle. That's right. But I love the tips that you gave on these really important things which we there's just so much to cover, but I really want to focus on mold for the next like 10 minutes. So, talking about health, first episode if you guys haven't listened, go back and listen. It's just like a general episode on like why Tracy does what she does in the heart behind it. Second one she gave practical tips.
Speaker 1:Sometimes, though, we can do all of the right things and go through all of these motions and do the detox and take the supplements and we're getting better, but we could just tell we're not 100% yet, and that is kind of where I was, um, really still am, and I'm working on it, worked with Tracy, did all my protocols, did a Dutch test. She does really extensive labs If you request it. Um, the Dutch test that we did was like a more in depth one, and it had it was like I don't know 15 pages long the results, like it's insane the stuff that they can pull, and she interprets them all and goes over them with you, and one of the things, one of the many things that came up, was that I have brain inflammation, which I knew because I could feel it and my brain was foggy and my brain just felt like it was on fire, and I attributed it to having COVID a couple of years prior. But what she had told me is that, while there were some things that we were going to work on, another thing to consider is that we might have mold exposure. And at the time I was like, yeah, I'm not, I'm going to do all of these other things, first, because mold exposure is clearly the most expensive, most extensive.
Speaker 1:And so for the last year, like I've had that in the back of my head, worked hard at healing all of my other things, but yet, like feeling better, doing better, but still like having different seasons where I'm like super inflamed, super unhealthy, very forgetful, mentally foggy, feeling like, oh my gosh, I almost feel like I'm developing Alzheimer's, like it's really, really bad.
Speaker 1:And so, finally, I just had somebody come out and look, and we did. We ended up having mold, which I know, tracy, you guys had the same thing out and look, and we did. We ended up having mold, which I know, tracy, you guys had the same thing last summer. You dealt with this and yeah, so we're in the process of like we're going to be out of our home for two weeks. They're remediating, remediating the mold. It's like super sad, super discouraging, but also so much clarity in that like I've been so discouraged with like how much work I've been putting in and I am feeling better, but there's still something that's off. And knowing that, okay, this is probably it. So yeah, I just would you just share a little bit about the mold thing and then like what, maybe what people can look for whatever you really want about mold, really Okay.
Speaker 2:Okay, yes, so I had the same situation as you did with the mold. It's just like this tricky thing because you can't, in a lot of situations you don't see it and you don't even smell it, but you're experiencing some like pretty crazy health issues, the right things, just like you were, and everything was wonderful. My body, um, you know it finally budged and I felt really great until I didn't, and I was like you know, it was out of nowhere and I'm like you know yeah, you know, I also had COVID and stuff like that and I was like, oh, could it be this virus, could it be this? And it probably had to do with stuff like that. But then there were things that were like hanging out and I was like like this is so frustrating. It was especially frustrating as a practitioner that like all of out, and I was like this is so frustrating. It was especially frustrating as a practitioner that like, all of a sudden, like I was gaining weight, I had brain fog all the time and I was kind of like, is what I'm doing not working? Like, should I just pull the plug on this operation? Because it was, you know I was doing great with it, but anyway.
Speaker 2:So it has to do with mold and it's a. It can be a really tricky thing because you can't always see it, um, or smell it, like I said, um, and a lot of times people will say, like well, I live in new construction, but I just want to say, like just from the get-go, that that doesn't mean that there isn't mold there, like, all you need is is moisture in the wrong way, um, or some sort of water intrusion situation and or some good condensation and boom, you'll get mold exposure. So, if you're listening, we could save you a lot of time, energy, money and frustration by not ruling out new construction if you're experiencing some health things. So I think a big thing to focus on with mold is that it is a root cause of many health situations that people don't know that it's from old, and just to name a few, it's things like brain fog, inflammation, chronic gut imbalances, maybe feeling like your chest is tight upon waking, anxiety, sinus infections, a suppressed immune system, extreme fatigue. Did I say brain fog? I think I did. You did the first one, yeah, and so you don't have to have all the symptoms in order for it to be mold. It could just be some of them For me.
Speaker 2:I would wake up really inflamed, like my eyes would be super puffy always in the summer right, it was for two summers. And I would be super puffy always in the summer right, it was for two summers and I would be like, and then like into the fall and it was when we had our air conditioning on and I would be like why do I look like this? Like haven't changed what I'm eating. I have my stress is good, like what could this possibly be? And I think it could have been like maybe it's mold or like seasonal allergies or things like that, but like nothing in my house changed. We didn't have anything significant. But what I didn't realize was that under my house was changing and I have a dirt crawl space and the water table in our area due to, like you know, certain hurricanes and things like that happening. You know, I live on Long Island and so I'm surrounded by water and the water table shifted and we were getting a lot of water under the house and that was leading to a moist environment which was leading to a mold situation. And I was like, once we became aware of that, I still didn't make the connection because I didn't go in my crawl space. I never spent any time down there or anything like that, but what was happening is a big point that I learned in our remediation is that our homes breathe from the bottom up, so we were getting that exposure from just like the normal, like cracks and spaces between, like pipes and things like that that maybe like two or three times a year throughout each season when, like we didn't have the air on or we, you know, didn't have the heat on, and like the house was like a little bit more humid.
Speaker 2:I live in a humid environment here on Long Island and you know, maybe like you smelled a little of that like musty smell, and then before you were like, is that something? It was gone, and so, you know, we didn't really think very much of it, and so I was the first one to go down with, like my symptoms and I was experiencing waking sinus infections, brain fog and inflammation. That was for me. And then, when my husband went down, I was like, oh, this is something Like we need to like figure this out and pay attention. And then, when we started to realize the water situation under the house, I was like, oh, this is something big, like we need to like figure this out and pay attention. And then, when we started to realize the water situation under the house, I was like, okay, that mold is affecting us, we know it.
Speaker 2:And when we started to make the changes in our life to get rid of the molds and our bodies like adjusted, you know, and responded so easily like that, um, it was just. It was like it was the mold for crying out loud. It was the mold, so it was frustrating and, um, you know, it could be bedwetting in kids. It could be, um, like extreme behavior where they're just like kind of acting out and it's just, uh, you know, it has an impact on different people in different ways. So you can have a house full of people all with significant or maybe mild health challenges, all stemming from mold, but just presenting themselves in a different way in each person. So, yeah, pretty crazy.
Speaker 1:Sorry, no, that's okay. The biggest takeaway that I want to just say from this whole entire situation is I feel like so often in life, we go through life feeling like just okay, knowing that we could like feel so much better, but the idea of like digging into what all of our issues are feel so overwhelming and so daunting, and so, again, I would just encourage you like go back and listen to this entire series and figure out where you want to begin, and maybe you have been living like a really healthy life. But same thing for me, like when I realized it just a couple of weeks ago that weather was hot. We turned on our air. I had been feeling good for about six weeks, but we didn't have our heat on, didn't have our air on, and anybody who has dealt with mold or knows anything about houses, you know that your HVAC system is are the lungs of the home, and so as soon the day that we turn the air on, I was doing so good and was feeling so great and not inflamed. I woke up the next day and, like my cheeks were so puffy and I was just like OK, that's it. Like I know that this is what the issue is.
Speaker 1:So I guess, like the whole thing from this entire series, if you take anything away is if you're feeling like, just OK, don't let that be enough. Like, figure out where you want to start. Maybe do some research online, maybe read a good book and just start implementing small changes. Reach out to Tracy. She has so many wonderful programs Mom nourishment, dad nourishment, their go at your own pace. But there's also some room for like dialogue and live classes. But, like we, we only have one life and like we should, we're called to live that life to the fullest. It's living out our God given purpose making an impact, taking care of our kids, taking care of our families, making disciples. Like to be a person of impact, you have to be like firing on all cylinders and you can't do that if you're not healthy and if you're just feeling okay. So yeah, it truly is just like so game changing and eye opening.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and you know, pay attention to your intuition. I think both of us were kind of like ah, it's not that right, there's so many practitioners that kind of even fall into the same place. But I think that a couple of things I just want to share with everyone is that if you see mold or you smell it, that could be enough that to know like it's there and you're getting the mold exposure. And if you have symptoms, or anyone in your home has any symptom, I don't whatever joint pain, arthritis, right, gut stuff it's it could even be learning disabilities. We are going to point the finger at mold for that and we're going to try to go after it. Number two, that it can be from any point in your life, not just your current life situation. So you know, if you had it in your home growing up, in your closet, in that AC college, whatever like that, it could be in your system from then. And mycotoxins are a thing, so that's like this. I kind of think of it as like an off guessing, like byproduct from molds that we can breathe, that we can't see it and they can stay in the environment. So you have to remediate it properly and I think that also to to the point is that you don't even necessarily need to know that you have molds. I think that, like from my point of view, it's that if you have it, I'll help you see that you have it in a way, like we can, we can find out if it's there in your body, maybe through testing, but maybe just through symptoms and maybe through, like you know, all the other angles that we come at with your health is that we can determine if that's something that you should put your time and resources into looking for like that would be my job, to kind of help you find that. And then just some things to consider is like have you ever had a leak in your house or any kind of water intrusion, moisture, air systems, basements, new construction? I already mentioned that that doesn't mean there's mold. And just again to reiterate that mold is a root cause of a lot of the symptoms that we experience. So definitely don't be discouraged.
Speaker 2:I think that it's not a matter of if we will ever be exposed to mold in our life. I think it's a matter of when we will, and it doesn't have to be a scary thing as long as we know how to navigate it. And so there's strategic ways that we can get rid of it from our body and then also from our homes and protect ourselves. And then, once you know how to do that, especially with, like certain strategic supplements, it's like not a big deal. You can travel, you can stay in Airbnbs there might be mold there and things like that, or hotels are notorious for having mold. You'll know how to navigate it and it's not a big deal. It's just a part of life, like mold is a natural you know thing that that just grows in in moisture. So I think that once you're armed with that information, you could like take a deep breath and be like all right, so there's a way to get through this. She knows how to do it, bethany's doing it, we can figure it out and we'll be okay.
Speaker 1:Yes, I love that and and through everything that you teach you have said like so much of what you do. It's just like teaching us, giving us the equipment to like learn how to basically ride a bike. And then life happens and sometimes you're just going to fall off the bike and things are going to be crazy and chaotic and a mess. But the point is like you know how to get back on and ride the bike and like right now, for those of you out there that you're like I don't even know where to begin, you just don't even know how to ride the bike.
Speaker 1:So it's not like it's this you know lifelong thing where you're just you need help forever and ever and ever. But you need the tools to learn how to navigate, like navigate your life and your boundaries and your health or your mold or whatever it is you have going on, and so that is kind of what you do through all of your education. So it is so valuable. I just never thought when I reached out, you know, five or six years ago, that we would be here and like talking about mold, when the whole time I thought it was just like gluten and dairy.
Speaker 2:Gluten and dairy, like gluten and dairy gluten and dairy so.
Speaker 1:But it all ties into just being being that force and truly living with intention, and you do that so well. I am just very grateful for you. I aspire to be more like you and, yeah, you're such an encouragement and I just really appreciate you.
Speaker 2:Well, thank you very much. I appreciate you as well and I love watching you guys live out. It's a testimony to all of this and it helps me to continue, because sometimes it's hard. And sometimes it's hard because I'm always working with people who don't feel good, so to see the fruit of my labor be put into play and how you extend it out to everyone. You know, if anybody knows Bethany, you know that like they are living this way and they are always working so hard and her and Corey are making, you know, these really intentional, hard decisions to make their life better and to give more to everyone, and they're walking the walk. So I'm very proud of you and I'm going to give you a graduation cap that you can wear proudly.
Speaker 1:I love it. All right, guys. Well, this is it. This concludes the series, but that doesn't mean that you don't have access to Tracy anymore, so we have all of the resources mentioned in previous episodes and this week's show notes how you can reach out to her. If you just want to um ask her a question, you could probably message her on instagram or through email and um, she has really great content coming on her instagram as well, as, I think, do you do free consults?
Speaker 2:I do yeah.
Speaker 1:So, um yeah, and if none of that, just we hope that you took away some, just some wisdom and some things that you can walk away with to implement practically into your life. You