The Ashley O Show
The Ashley O Show is a giant work-in-progress. I'm not sure exactly where we are going, but I'm glad you are here.
The Ashley O Show
288. NURSES - The Weight Loss Industry is GASLIGHTING You
Let's dive into a topic that's been on my mind a lot lately: weight loss gaslighting. I may have made this term up, but the impact is very real. It's a critical look at how the weight loss industry has a habit of pointing fingers at individuals for their weight loss challenges, completely overlooking the myriad of underlying health issues that could be at play. Instead of looking at flaws in our programming, obstacles we need to overcome, or root causes in the body that need to be addressed, the industry calls you lazy, unmotivated, or undisciplined. It's a narrative that's all too common, and it's time we rewrite the story.
It's not just about the numbers on the scale; it's about the overall well-being of the individual. No one knows your body better than you do (even if they have more certifications, degrees, or letters after their name) and it's time we advocate for ourselves and learn how to trust our own intuition.
Next week we will be answering more of your questions, so ask YOUR question RIGHT HERE for me answer LIVE on the show!
The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @ashleyoshow! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at ashleyoshow@gmail.com.