The Ashley O Show
The Ashley O Show is a giant work-in-progress. I'm not sure exactly where we are going, but I'm glad you are here.
307 episodes
3. The Next Chapter - Part Three
The long and short - I'm ready to come back to the microphone after depression pulled my feet out from under me, but I can promise that it will not be the same as it was. So over the next few episodes, I just want to be honest about where I've ...
Episode 3
2. The Job Search and Beyond - Part Two
The long and short - I'm ready to come back to the microphone after depression pulled my feet out from under me, but I can promise that it will not be the same as it was. So over the next few episodes, I just want to be honest about where I've ...
Episode 2
1. Standing Back Up - Part One
The long and short - I'm ready to come back to the microphone after depression pulled my feet out from under me, but I can promise that it will not be the same as it was. So over the next few episodes, I just want to be honest about where I've ...
Episode 1
304. The Healing Healthcare Podcast is officially LIVE - Don't wait!
It's OFFICIAL!! 🎉 Our new home, and our NEW podcast Healing Healthcare is launched and live! Head on over to the Healing Healthcare podcast HER...
Episode 304
303. For when you are questioning everything...Just Keep Going.
A quick pep talk for when you are questioning everything. I feel like I have at least a day or two every single month where I question every decision I've ever made, and this is the pep talk I wish I had to lift me out of it. Use this whenever ...
Episode 303
302. How to ditch COMPARISON and a podcast update!
This past week, I got on a call with one of my one-on-one clients and spent almost an hour digging into comparison, the scale, body image, and what really mattered to her in the long run. Our conversation really got my thinking about the impact...
Episode 302
301. Getting fired up while digging into Nurses' comment sections
I have been known to go on a nice little doom scroll from time to time, and I often find myself deep into the comment sections on posts made by nurses, infuriated by the audacity of others. 🤣 I just get so fired up, and I can be pretty defensiv...
Episode 301
300. Secrets to the perfect post-shift routine
The hours after a long shifts are some of the most important when it comes to our sanity as nurses. And yet, we often spend the moments after work binge eating, numbing out on the couch, doom scrolling, or just generally "rotting." And while re...
Episode 300
299. Nursing is not a competition, It's time you ran your own race
This is the reminder we all need. Nursing culture often becomes about hierarchies, competition, or "who has it worse" and it's burning us out. Listen to this one when you need to remember your freaking worth as a nurse. Regardless of what kind ...
Episode 299
298. We are Officially Denver Residents!!
Hi friends! I am EXHAUSTED. We have spent the last five days unpacking, building furniture, shopping, and just generally putting together an entire 2 bedroom apartment from scratch. Today I just wanted to say hi and give you a quick recap befor...
Episode 298
297. Reflecting on One Year Sober!
Hey friends! Grab a tea or coffee and join me for a little chat/celebration for 365 days without alcohol, AND a new chapter for our podcast community! This is definitely a casual episode, so pop it on on your way to work or while your cooking d...
Episode 297
296. Nurses Don't Need Diets to Feel Amazing with Dietitian Katy Harvey
Today I am sharing an amazing conversation I had with registered dietitian Katy Harvey! Katy is a non-diet dietitian who teaches women how to ditch dieting and trust themselves with food by learning to listen to their bodies again. She's passio...
Episode 296
295. Just A Nurse with RN/Author Ashley Chancellor
Today is a BIGGIE - because I am bringing on one of my favorite humans, RN and now AUTHOR Ashley Chancellor! Ashley and I first met when we started working together to help her heal through burnout, and a beautiful friendship formed. As part of...
Episode 295
294. Barbados Recap: You don't have to "earn" your rest
HAPPY NURSES WEEK! 🎉🎉🎉 Today I wanted to share a little bit about my week in Barbados and some of the juiciest takeaways from this epic experience. PLUS - I have a special deal for 1:1 coaching packages for the entire month of May in celebratio...
Episode 294
293. How to INSTANTLY feel like you've lost 10 lbs
It sounds simple, but the clothes we wear on our weight loss journey can make a huge difference. Too often, our tendency is to hide our body in baggy clothes, dark colors, and clothes that just don't fit "until we lose the weight." This sets us...
Episode 293
292. A New Chapter for the Business and Health Updates! [LIFE UPDATE]
Today's episode is raw, real update on a brand new chapter for the business AND what the heck has been going on with my health! Think of this as a coffee chat with your bestie where you just play catch up on life and work. I'm sharing about two...
Episode 292
291. Asking "Is this the life I really want?" with Nurse Karen Hart
If you have ever found yourself asking, "is this career I have built really the one I want?" then this episode is meant for you! We are digging into how to make difficult decisions in your career that align with your values, managing your time ...
Episode 291
290. The Role of Nurses in the Spiritual Care Team with Reverend Christine
Today we are digging into belief, grief, loss, and how to navigate the heavier parts of life as a healthcare professional. Reverend Christine is an experienced hospital chaplain, and joins us to discuss her role as a chaplain, some of the misco...
Episode 290
289. Protecting the Legacy You Build in Your Nursing Career with Nena Hart
Nena Hart PhD RN, BC-TN, CDONA, CHPN is a dedicated Registered Nurse based in Tennessee, and is committed to supporting struggling healthcare providers and empowering fellow nurses. Through mentorship and coaching, she equips fellow nurses with...
Episode 289
288. NURSES - The Weight Loss Industry is GASLIGHTING You
Let's dive into a topic that's been on my mind a lot lately: weight loss gaslighting. I may have made this term up, but the impact is very real. It's a critical look at how the weight loss industry has a habit of pointing fingers at individuals...
Episode 288
287. Creating a calorie deficit that WORKS
In today's episode we dive deep into two crucial aspects of your weight loss journey: sustainable calorie deficits and the importance of preserving muscle. *Hint - your deficit doesn't have to be as big as you think*Episode Highlights...
Episode 287
286. Giving Nurses permission to GRIEVE with Shelby Forsythia
Shelby Forsythia is a grief guide, author, and podcast host, and today she joins us to share a brand new perspective on GRIEF. Shelby helps us welcome grief as a teacher and explains how we can create meaningful lives that honor and include the...
Episode 286
285. Stop comparing yourself to who you used to be: How to be a beginner again
There’s a pretty popular quote out there that says - “the only person you should be comparing yourself to is who you were before." Today I'm offering a heartfelt rebuttal to this quote. Too many of us spend our energy thinking about who we used...
Episode 285
284. Breathing LIFE back into your Nursing career with Dr. Christina Fontana
Join me in welcoming Dr. Christina Fontana, whose mission mirrors our community's - to help heal the world. Christina is a pharmacist, holistic healer, award-winning rapid transformation business coach, speaker, and 5-time author. In t...
Episode 284
283. Where the heck do you START when you're trying to get healthy as a nurse? (And should nursing students regret their choice?)
Monday's are for YOUR questions! I was recently answering a really good question in my DMs and thought to myself: "why don't I answer this on the podcast?" It was then that I realized that I get SO many excellent questions from you all in my DM...
Episode 283