The Ashley O Show
The Ashley O Show is a giant work-in-progress. I'm not sure exactly where we are going, but I'm glad you are here.
The Ashley O Show
297. Reflecting on One Year Sober!
Hey friends! Grab a tea or coffee and join me for a little chat/celebration for 365 days without alcohol, AND a new chapter for our podcast community! This is definitely a casual episode, so pop it on on your way to work or while your cooking dinner, and let's dig into it.
I'd also love to take a second just to share my gratitude that you are here. It means the world to me to hang out with you each week, and I really hope you get something out of your time here too.
**DON'T FORGET - To celebrate Nurse's Week, get up to 3 months of 1:1 coaching for 50% off (over $600 value) if you sign up in May. Learn more HERE!
Have you heard the news?!
On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses-> Go FOLLOW & Check out the new website
The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @healthcoachfornurses! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at ashley@healthcoachfornurses.com