The Ashley O Show
The Ashley O Show is a giant work-in-progress. I'm not sure exactly where we are going, but I'm glad you are here.
The Ashley O Show
296. Nurses Don't Need Diets to Feel Amazing with Dietitian Katy Harvey
Today I am sharing an amazing conversation I had with registered dietitian Katy Harvey! Katy is a non-diet dietitian who teaches women how to ditch dieting and trust themselves with food by learning to listen to their bodies again. She's passionate about intuitive eating, weight neutrality and finding effective ways of taking care of our health without being on and off diets and "healthy eating" plans for the rest of our lives.
We dig into all of this and more in our conversation today, and as an incredibly busy nurse with zero time for weighing, measuring, or following a bunch of food rules, this episode is meant for YOU.
Connect with Katy:
IG: @katyharvey.rd
Podcast: Rebuilding Trust With Your Body
**DON'T FORGET - To celebrate Nurse's Week, get up to 3 months of 1:1 coaching for 50% off (over $600 value) if you sign up in May. Learn more HERE!
Have you heard the news?!
On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses-> Go FOLLOW & Check out the new website
The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @healthcoachfornurses! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at ashley@healthcoachfornurses.com