The Ashley O Show
The Ashley O Show is a giant work-in-progress. I'm not sure exactly where we are going, but I'm glad you are here.
The Ashley O Show
293. How to INSTANTLY feel like you've lost 10 lbs
It sounds simple, but the clothes we wear on our weight loss journey can make a huge difference. Too often, our tendency is to hide our body in baggy clothes, dark colors, and clothes that just don't fit "until we lose the weight." This sets us up for failure, and impedes any progress we might make. It's the classic "I'll be happy when..." idea, and it doesn't work.
Dressing in clothing that fits your body, gives you shape, and aligns with your individual style can make an enormous impact. It's time we honor your incredible body, and stop trying to hide out of fear of "unworthiness." We explore this idea in-depth on today's episode, and I cannot wait to hear your thoughts!
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On Instagram, we are starting a fresh page @healthcoachfornurses -> Go FOLLOW & Check out the new website
The Ashley O Show community is a space where nurses and caregivers come together to understand that their identity extends beyond the humans that they care for. If that's you, then join us on a mission to change conversations and redefine ideas over on IG @healthcoachfornurses! As always, message me with any feedback, comments, or questions on Instagram, or shoot me an email at ashley@healthcoachfornurses.com