Madison Reformed Church
Sermons & more from Madison Reformed Church (URCNA) in beautiful Madison, Indiana.
340 episodes
Belgic Confession 1 (part 8) "God Is Infinite"
Gen. 14:17–24 2 Chron. 6:12–21 Matt. 11:25–27 Acts 7:44–50 Confessing that God is infinite means acknowledging that He is not and cannot be contained. In this message, we explore how the Bible rev...
Season 13
Episode 8

Genesis 29:1–30:24 "The Church Multiplies"
At the beginning of creation, God told humankind to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth and subdue it. But in redemption, God has taken that command and turned it into a blessing: “God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful a...
Season 10
Episode 41

Belgic Confession 1 (part 7) "God Is Unchangeable"
Exod. 3:1–15 Mal. 3:5–7 John 5:25–29 Jas. 1:16–18 The attribute of immutability or unchangeability teaches us that God does not and cannot change. In this message, we ask and ans...
Season 13
Episode 7

Genesis 28:1–22 "God's Presence on the Journey"
The Christian life is a journey. The way of the Lord is set before. Real spiritual enemies are on every side. And you are called to come and know Christ, and to mature in Him. Jacob gives us a glimpse of this journey. When he comes back in late...
Season 10
Episode 40

Belgic Confession 1 (part 6) "God Is Invisible"
Exod. 33:17–23Judg. 13:15–25 John 1:14–18 1 Tim. 6:13–16It is easy to make religious and theological things sound ridiculous. It’s easy for atheists and doubters to speak about "the invisible man in the sky...
Season 13
Episode 6

Genesis 25:19–34 & 27:1–46 "God's Plans, Our Scams"
Every Christian wrestles serious uncertainties about the future. In the Jacob and Esau story, Scripture has a warning and an encouragement. The warning is to those who mimic [1] Isaac and Esau. They rebel altogether against God’s plans because ...
Season 10
Episode 39

Genesis 26:1–35 "Where to Find Water"
Christians—like the patriarch of Genesis—are sojourners, and a sojourner’s top priority is to find water. This reminds of Jesus' powerful message to the woman at the well in John 4:13–14, “…whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will ...
Season 10
Episode 38

Belgic Confession 1 (part 5) "God Is Incomprehensible"
Deut. 29:22–29 Job. 11:7–12 Matt. 16:13–20 Rom. 11:33–36The attribute of God called incomprehensibility is that we cannot know God as He is, but only as He reveals Himself to us. In this messa...
Season 13
Episode 5

Genesis 25:1–34 "Abraham's Death & Descendants"
We discover in Genesis 25 that every good gift comes from God. Even unbelievers enjoy the blessings of life, family, and legacy. And those things come from the Lord. But this passage is emphatic that the blessing of salvation also and especiall...
Season 10
Episode 37

Belgic Confession 1 (part 4) "God Is Eternal"
Deut. 33:26–29 Ps. 102:12–28 John 17:1–5 2 Pet. 3:8–10 In this message, we focus the attribute of eternity. This is true of God alone, and so is an incommunicable attribute. As we’ll lear...
Season 13
Episode 4

Genesis 24:1–67 "Seeking the Son's Bride"
At 67 verses, Genesis 24 is the longest chapter in Genesis. But it's important because it signals a kind of changing of the guard from Abraham to Isaac. It's the love story between the chosen son and his faithful bride, Rebekah. In this story, ...
Season 10
Episode 36

Belgic Confession 1 (part 3) "The Three S's of God: Single, Spiritual, Simple"
Gen. 22:15–18 Dan. 4:34–37 John 4:23–26 Heb. 6:13–20 Sometimes we wish that He had just published a glossary with all His attributes listed out with simple definitions. But God is not a textbook. He ...
Season 13
Episode 3

Genesis 23:1–20 "The Purchased Land?"
With the death of his wife Sarah, Abraham realizes for certain that the fulfillment of the Promise Land is still in the future. This is a passage about waiting for God to provide a homeland, a final resting place not in death, but in eternal li...
Season 10
Episode 35

Belgic Confession 1 (part 2) "The Incommunicable & Communicable Attributes of God: How We're Unlike & Like God""
Exod. 8:8–15 Isa. 40:18–26 Luke 6:32–36 1 Pet. 1:13–21 The doctrine of God is the foundation of all theology. In a very important sense, it is theology. That word “theology” puts two Greek words together and simpl...
Season 13
Episode 2

Genesis 22:15–18 "The Gates of Hades Overcome"
Back in the story of the sacrifice of Isaac, and zooming in on God's oath, we learn about the outcome of the spiritual war that has been going on since the serpent arrived in the Garden. God tells Abraham that his descendants will triumph again...
Season 10
Episode 34

Belgic Confession 1 (part 1) "To Believe & Confess"
Deut. 30:11–14 Joel 2:30–32 Luke 12:8–12 Rom. 10:11–14 Among the many pressing needs among Christians in the west is a better understanding of the main teachings of the Bible. Even we Reformed Christians, who love our doctrine...
Season 13
Episode 1

Genesis 22:1–24 "The Only Son Offered Up"
One of the essential components of the Christian life is cross-bearing. Jesus says to all who claim to follow Him that it requires self-denial and taking up their cross. In the passage today, Abraham takes the wood of the burnt offering and (v....
Season 10
Episode 33

Genesis 21:22–34 "Temporary Goods, Everlasting God"
We’ve come to a very ordinary section of Abraham’s life. He interacts with a local king, makes a deal, and life goes on. Passages like this can seem a little random to us. But it’s exactly because it tells such an ordinary story that it also sh...
Season 10
Episode 32

"Back to the Basics of Prayer: How to Conclude" – Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 52 (part 2)
Deut. 9:1–5 1 Chron. 29:10–13 Mark 11:20–25 Phil. 4:14–20 In this final message on the Lord's Prayer, we first build our confidence in Scripture by learning how to handle a difference between some copies of Matthew 6:13, then we...
Season 11
Episode 29

6. Final Lord's Day of 2024 – Revelation 21:5–8 "Resolved to Thirst & Conquer"
"Resolved: that in the coming year, we would thirst for God more deeply and conquer by His power." On this final Lord’s Day of 2024, we look at Revelation 21, where John reveals to us the new things that God promises to do for those wh...
Season 12
Episode 6

5. Christmas Eve – "God in a Feeding Trough" Lessons & Carols Homily
The homily from Luke 2 during our annual Festival of Lessons & Carols at MRC. A joyful time celebrating the birth of the Savior of the World.
Season 12
Episode 5

Bonus: Christmas Eve – FULL 2024 Lessons & Carols
The full service of our annual Festival of Lessons & Carols at MRC on Christmas Eve 2024. The audio begins midway through the first carol, "Once in Royal David's City." Homily at minute 42.Song list:1. “Once ...
Season 12
Episode 6

"Firmly Resisting until Finally Winning" – Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 51 (part 1)
Exod. 13:17–22 Josh. 1:5–9 Matt. 10:16–25 1 Pet. 5:5–11 When you open Scripture and ask—who are the enemies of God’s people?, the answer ends up circling around three main categories: the world, the devil, and our flesh...
Season 11
Episode 28

4. Advent 2024 – Luke 1:39–45 "The Fulfillment of What Was Spoken"
No one likes the feeling of being duped. In some situations in life, it's important to bring healthy suspicion. But we go astray when apply that suspicion to God’s Word. Even Christians who have no problem believing things like the Virgin birth...
Season 12
Episode 4

"Daily Bread, Constant Forgiveness" – Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Days 50–51
Gen. 33:1–11 Prov. 15:15–17 Luke 7:36–50 2 Cor. 2:5–11 Because Christian teaching has so seriously fallen apart in the Western world, we have to remind ourselves of the basics. In this message, we continue le...
Season 11
Episode 27