Enneagram at Work

167. Bullet Points or Backstory? Type 3 and Type 4 Coworker Dynamic

Enneagram MBA

Type 3 & Type 4 at Work: When Efficiency Meets Emotion

Ever been in a meeting where one person wants just the bullet points while the other wants to share the full backstory first? If so, you might be witnessing a classic Type 3 & Type 4 workplace dynamic! (But definitely not limited to these two types.)

In this Coworker Compatibility episode, you'll get a breakdown of:

  • The core motivations & strengths of Type 3 (The Achiever) & Type 4 (The Individualist)
  • Why Type 3 values efficiency & action, while Type 4 thrives on depth & meaning
  • The friction point of communication styles—quick summaries vs. storytelling
  • Practical tips to work better together without frustration

Have a request for a future episode? Drop a text here!

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