The Other Side of the Struggle (Healing from Betrayal Trauma)
Healing from betrayal trauma is no small feat! It takes a lot of work, time, and focus in order to do it. That's all great, but then there's the "HOW?" In this podcast, we will talk about Betrayal Trauma, my past with it, how I healed from it using Christian Scripture, and how you can do the same thing.
The Other Side of the Struggle (Healing from Betrayal Trauma)
Healing from Betrayal, What Does It Really Take?
What if your deepest pain could become your greatest source of strength? Join Erin Anderson as she welcomes Heather Nilsen to discuss healing from betrayal trauma and how recognizing our divine identity can transform our lives. Heather shares exciting details about the upcoming Divine Daughter event in Layton, Utah, on August 3rd, 2024, a one-day retreat aimed at helping Christian women reconnect with their inherent worth. Together, Erin and Heather explore the event’s inspiration and the critical need for women to fill their spiritual buckets amidst their busy lives.
How does understanding our divine identity intersect with business success? In this insightful conversation, we delve into the transformative power of embracing our inherent worth and how this realization can lead to profound personal and professional growth. Erin and Heather share personal experiences of overcoming feelings of unworthiness, emphasizing that true humility stems from acknowledging our divine creation. By internalizing the belief that we are children of God, we can significantly impact our actions, creations, and ultimately, our success.
Finally, we explore the emotional aftermath of betrayal and the pivotal choices we face in its wake. Erin and Heather discuss the critical decision to either wallow in negative emotions or use them as catalysts for personal growth. Through personal anecdotes, they highlight the importance of moving beyond a victim mentality to a place of empowerment and resilience. To stay connected and access a wealth of supportive resources, Erin invites you to join her free Facebook group, "The Other Side of the Struggle Healing from Betrayal Trauma," and follow her on Instagram for ongoing encouragement and community support.
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Hey everyone, it's Erin Anderson with the Erin Anderson Betrayal Trauma Coaching. I am super excited that you have tuned in. Today. Let's get talking about how to heal from betrayal trauma. Welcome to the other side of the struggle trauma, how to heal it and then how to take it and use it to unlock your mission and your potential and to use it to live your very best dream life. When you're dealing with betrayal trauma, it can be hard to know how to heal it, how to stop the pain and to know what your next steps are to take in your own life, and these are the questions that we try to answer here. Trauma has the ability to rob us of our joy and identity, which is why it's so miserable to experience. But with the right tools and with the right mindset, we can totally reclaim that joy and even use this trauma to strengthen ourselves. So that way, trauma does not knock us off of our joy again. Living your dream life should be a non-negotiable, but trauma tends to try to negotiate that with you. And even though trauma is not something that we will completely ever be free of in our life, the pain is negotiable. This is why I created Erin Anderson Betrayal Trauma Coaching and this podcast is because I want my listeners, I want my clients, to live truly live free from the prison that trauma can put you in. I want you to live on the other side of the struggle.
Speaker 1:Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode of the Other Side of the Struggle Guys. I'm really excited. I have a really special guest with me today. Her name is Heather Nilsen and Heather is actually putting on the event that's coming up August 3rd 2024 in Layton Is that right? Layton, utah? Yeah, it is, and it's going to be the Divine Daughter event, where Christian women can come together and we can talk to you guys about, like, how to step into your divine self, your divine life, your divine beauty, like this person you were actually created to be, which is so cool to actually understand, and like it's so it lends some power, and we're going to talk about that actually today in this podcast and, if you guys like it, if you love what you hear today, I totally want you guys to come and join us for the Divine Daughter event. So, without further ado, heather, so excited to have you on and tell us a little bit about the event that we're doing.
Speaker 2:Oh, absolutely. Thank you, erin. Okay, so the name of the event is Divine Daughter, you Are Worthy, and it is just a one-day retreat. It's one day because as women, we are busy, we wear so many different hats, right, and so for me to go to a three day event is a major ordeal. So, yeah, it's like really hard, almost impossible, especially because I still have some young kids at home, and so it's one day. It's meant to be this day that we just come and we just get filled up and we leave with what we need. Our bucket is full and the focus is divine daughter, right, stepping into our divine identity, and so often we do wear so many hats that that divine daughter hat I mean like when do we pull that out? Right, like we're busy being like mom, cook, chauffeur. It's summer, so then we're like activities coordinator, entertainer, like all the things, and so that part of ourselves can get lost and get buried, and then, along with that, you are worthy.
Speaker 2:Now there's been a lot about worthiness, and the way that this event even came up is it was back in March. I heard a song on the radio you are of worth, and I was. It really touched me. I was like, wow, that would be a great topic for an event. And my brain was like, yeah, but you have an event in April, so you have to focus on that event right now. So, and so I did. And then it came up again like, remember, you had that idea and it was still April. By then it was March and it was April. I was like, yep, but we're in the midst of this event. And then finally, in May, when the event was over, I was like, okay, I get it, I'm finding a venue. So it took a few divine nudges, which is actually, I mean, I love that.
Speaker 2:That's what we're talking about at the event is like being being in tune with spirits and being guided, and this is for any Christian women, all faiths, all denominations, and it really has a focus for people that are business owners.
Speaker 2:But as long as you know, like if you don't have a business but you feel like, oh my gosh, this is still a topic I want to come feel you are welcome. I mean, you're welcome if you're not Christian, but just know the audience and what we're going to be talking about. But it really is just going to help us because, especially as business owners, that's, that's like another dozen hats or so, right as we're doing, like marketing and sales and course creation and all these things. And so how can we yeah, how can we pull that all together? And then, really, when we are, we are divinely connected and it changes who we are, it changes how we show up, it changes the ideas we get, as I can attest to and it just changes us from the inside out, and so that's a lot what we're going to be talking about at this event.
Speaker 1:Oh, I love it and you know that's going to be so much fun because I'll tell you, like I've been doing coaching for 11 years, right, helping women through betrayal trauma and I can tell you that when I first understood my divinity, I was not an entrepreneur, or at least I didn't think I was. Honestly, I truly believe now that every mother is an entrepreneur, like you have to have entrepreneur skills just to be a mom, like you totally do. I don't know if you could hear the Aborigines in the background just a couple of seconds ago, but, yeah, like you get what I'm saying, like I do. But you know, that's the cool thing about this is, once you start to understand this divinity, this mission, this purpose, like, like this calling this is, this is an event for women who have a calling. Absolutely, that's what I'm hearing, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely. And the speakers are amazing, like, our keynote speaker is Tiffany Peterson. If you don't know, tiff, you are in for a treat and there is a VIP option. So the VIP option you get to have a private lunch with her and you'll get a signed copy of her book, her creation journal. So I mean that VIP is amazing. But if you, if that's not in your budget or whatever, still just come for the general admission. It's going to be so good.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, and we do have a really good lineup of speakers and a lot of them have actually been on this podcast. Like there's Seidel Schultz, kelly K Walker, she both of them have been on this podcast and, like like some really, really amazing speakers and a lot of amazing women in general who have taken that calling and made it into something more. So it's going to be really awesome to awaken and bring that new you out, absolutely.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So let's talk a little bit about you, because you're one of the speakers. I'm so excited to have you.
Speaker 1:So, because this is faith based, talk a little bit about how you integrate your faith in with your business practices a latter-day saint, right, and I will say that my general people are Christian, right, they're not just latter-day saints, but they're Christian in general, and so they have this deep faith and this deep belief in Christ. And when you understand that deep faith and that deep belief in Christ, there are two main components that happen you are a truth seeker, a seeker of all truth. You are a truth seeker, a seeker of all truth, and you are deeply respectful, which is really interesting, and these are two keys that actually facilitate healing as well. See, you know, because you guys have, like, you guys have heard me talk about, um, my betrayal and my traumas and and the things that have hurt me, right in the past, and I'll tell you now, I'm still not immune to betrayal and trauma. I'm not, but I have a lot of tools in my belt, but the two key tools that I pull out almost every single time that I've had a new betrayal or a new trauma is that truth, what is true in this situation?
Speaker 1:And second, how can I be deeply respectful for myself and for everyone else? Right, because really, if you talk about faith, faith incorporates those two elements almost exactly. We faith is an action, right, we take action based upon the things that we know to be true, and we take action based out of self-respect. So you know, talking about my, my like, my message, my, my being like everything, I've learned everything I do. It is due to those two elements right there.
Speaker 2:I love that. I love being a seeker of truth, because I I always consider myself a lifelong learner and I hadn't actually made that jump from like a lifelong learner to truth seeker. But you're absolutely right, and so I'm so glad you brought that up, because that was like an aha moment for me, like, oh yeah, I'm not just seeking learning, I'm seeking truth. So love, love that, so so much. And you've already kind of touched on this. But do you want to talk more about how embracing your divine identity and your innate worth has helped you in your business?
Speaker 1:like it sounds like it's all you talk about, like you gotta get it in here so you can show up yes, well, and you know, okay, I love this topic so much because here's the deal. Okay, healing is all about gospel, it's all about divinity, right, like christ's whole purpose, his whole being, his whole thing was about healing, right, yeah, that's what he did, but it's because they saw a transformation in themselves. They went back back to their roots, they went back to who they were divinely. Okay. Now let me tell you something. When I decided to heal, the first thing that God showed me was, like, the different relationships, and if you guys want to know more about that, you know there's the relational tears episode. That's a few episodes down, so you might have to dig for it, but it's there if you want to learn more about the relational tears.
Speaker 1:But it was a little while later that I had these like feelings of do I deserve this? Had these like feelings of do I deserve this? Right, like, like, do I really deserve this? And like this feeling of like, who am I? I'm just this little potent kid from Emory County, right, like, and those of you that know Emory County, like a tumbleweed is probably going to be your best friend over there, because that's like all that's there, right, and like, nothing against people listening from Emory County. I love you, but you guys know what I mean. Like we didn't get a stoplight until maybe like five years ago.
Speaker 2:I understand.
Speaker 1:We still don't have a stoplight in my county, so it's like, like little tiny things so it's like, like little, tiny things, and it's like when you, when you come from a little tiny community, sometimes you tend to think of yourself as little and tiny and that's not true, like it's absolutely not true.
Speaker 1:God created us to be divine and if you think about this, god is divine. He put that inside of us, so there's something really big there and it wasn't. I didn't feel that major shift in myself until I started understanding myself that way he showed me and it was the most humble experience. Like like people are afraid that if they believe in themselves to that degree where they are in awe of what they created, if they're in awe of who they are, if they're in awe of themselves, then all of a sudden, man, maybe I'm prideful, right, but the truth of the matter is is when you feel those things, that is actually the definition of humility. I've never been more humbled in my entire life as I am when God gives me these little bits and snippets of who I was actually divinely created to be and he shows me how pleased and how proud he is of me.
Speaker 2:Well, I love that you brought that up, because what, what like the thing is. I've heard that for years, you know decades. I'm a child of God. I'm a daughter of God, but it was all cerebral. It needs to move from our head into our heart, and that's what this event is about, because when it moves from your head to your heart and that's what this event is about because when it moves from your head to your heart.
Speaker 1:That's the big difference. Yes, and it's so true and it's not prideful at all, like actually accepting the fact that you are a child of god. Therefore you have inside of you godly characteristics, because, hello, who who out there does not have characteristics of their parents? Even even adopted children still have characteristics of birth parents and adopted parents. We, just we do, we tend to. Yeah, right, if that's the case, and you have, like, this vision of who god is and he's this grand, your being, well, what does that make you? And if he is this great creator, what does that make you? Right, yeah, maybe, maybe not at his scale yet, and I I'm not there. I'm still walking around the planet on a skin suit, like I'm just saying yeah, but like simply creating what I have created has brought me closer to that vision that God has given me, and it's something you cannot deny.
Speaker 2:Yeah, vision that God has given me and it's something you cannot deny. Yeah, yeah, and so I really want to invite people that are are struggling with that. This is the exact event you need to attend, because if you're feeling disconnected, that's why you need to be here. If you're already feeling connected, wonderful, just come and be filled up. But if you're like sitting here, going, I hear the words but they're not touching me, this event is for you.
Speaker 1:Yes. Well, let me tell you something else that's really interesting. Okay, I'll make a. I'm totally going to make a big announcement here by telling this, but I'm putting together a book myself, right? Yes, and it's. It's all about my pillars, the seven pillars of living an unashamed life.
Speaker 2:That's what it's going to be called right, and I'm going to explain the pillars of depth it's going to be awesome. So am I the first one who knows this?
Speaker 1:No, there's a few people, but I haven't actually made an announcement that I'm doing it yet, but it's a big announcement, it's getting out there there, but I'll tell you that after my book is out, it's been a bit of a paper bag moment. These are what I call the paper bag moments, where you're like, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, what am I doing? And it's a whole lot like god is in a a stingray corvette, driving like 150 000 miles an hour right, and your face is like your cheeks are hitting the back of the car right, like it's like one of those moments like, oh my gosh, is this really happening? Right, but here's the deal. It comes back to this you're a divine creator. Once you start creating and you start creating this beauty, more creation comes from you, and more creation comes from you and it becomes bigger and more exact and more beautiful.
Speaker 1:And I'm going through it again, guys, it's like, holy cow, am I really going to be able to handle this? But God is reminding me. Remember when I called you to be a coach? You have the same kind of experience, right, and now you lean into it. You've been doing it for a while. We're stepping in to more right, and this is the beauty of divinity. Like it seems scary, and this is why actually a lot of people, I think, don't step into it is because it seems so vast, it seems so big and it sometimes seems bigger than what we are. But even if you've been building a business, even if you're just starting, the truth of the matter is there is a next version of yourself, and that's what we get to experience in this particular event.
Speaker 2:Yeah, what you were saying reminded me of that quote. I don't have it in front of me, but it's Marianne Williamson. Like people are not afraid of, do you know what? Quote? I'm talking about yeah, it's what about basically like if you could like see how big you know, basically stop living small, I mean, that was kind of the basis. But oh, that's such a good quote. I wish I had it because it was so long. With what you were just saying, it's all good. It's all good.
Speaker 1:There's so many really good ones out there and like another one, another book you were just saying it's all good, it's all good, there's so many really good ones out there and like another one, another book, um, it's that. It's that like where you raise the ceiling, like the glass ceiling or something, or the big leap, oh, the big leap love that book right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's a good book too, where you're raising your ceiling right, and we get to do that as we see ourselves as divine yeah, well, if anyone, if anyone, has read Jamie Kern Lima's book Worthy that just came out a few months ago.
Speaker 2:She says your self-worth is your ceiling. And so, yeah, as we recognize our worth and we're like, is my worth here? I mean our worth is way up here, but like, where are we living? But if our self-worth is our ceiling, we got to feel it. We got to feel it all the way into our heart so we can raise it.
Speaker 1:And then our you know our- finances and our relationships and everything goes up when we know who we are and we value ourselves Seriously seriously.
Speaker 2:It really does. It really does, yeah, okay. So I want to ask you one more question, okay, without giving away too much, because we want people actually come and listen to you, but give them a little tidbit. Let me see if I got the title right Finding your Thread of Gold in your Betrayal Trauma? Yes, is that your title? Tell us just a few tidbits so we know we can come and get some really good value from that.
Speaker 1:Well, let me first say there is not a single person walking around this planet that has not experienced betrayal. Right? God, like our sweet, wonderful savior, has experienced betrayal. God himself has experienced betrayal. That's why we have a Lucifer right, like every single person on this planet has experienced betrayal. What you do with it matters. That's the key ingredient and that's what a lot of what I'm going to be talking about, because you can do one of two things. You can sit there and wallow in it and say why me, right, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing, because I know every single person that has experienced betrayal. There's feelings of anger, shame, guilt, right, like all of these things that come along with that betrayal. And when you're still grappling with those, you can get very, very angry when somebody says it's what you choose to do with it, right can get really angry.
Speaker 2:I remember I was actually but, but.
Speaker 1:But I actually remember I was at an event with tiffany peterson I think it was elevates event. I can't remember, it was a while ago, it was a while ago. But she had a speaker on the stage and I was still kind of deeply in my betrayal at this time. And speaker said for things to change, I must change. For things to get better, I must get better. Right, I wanted to huck a tomato at him. I was so mad. I was like how dare you? You do not know who I am, you do not know what I've been through. Blah, blahah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 1:And this is what's really key is people don't understand that everybody else in the room has experienced betrayal. You think it's you, and only you, that has experienced what you've experienced. I've talked to people who have had some really grotesque betrayals, to the point of satanic ritual abuse. Right, yeah, pretty, pretty grotesque, pretty horrible things that have happened. Right, but in every single case, it's what they chose to do with it that makes the difference.
Speaker 1:Right, and this is what I'm talking about when it comes to you know your betrayal, because you know, looking at my own personal experience and looking at the experiences of my clients, understanding that there's actually a thread of gold in there.
Speaker 1:Okay, like you might see all of the rock, you might see all of the coal dust you might. You might feel like you're completely underground, digging for gold, trying to find meaning, trying to find purpose, trying to find all these things, and you're like running from dynamite and rocks literally just being thrown in your direction and you're like I don't know if I'm going to survive and maybe you even feel like the whole mine has caved in on you and you're running out of air. Right, there's still a thread of gold. There's still a thread of gold in this and there's four components that come from trauma that, if you understand them because that's what happens when you have that great, huge explosion what's underneath is actually some thread of truth. Now, it doesn't mean like the truth is that you're a horrible person or that you're not deserving or anything like that. That's what we tend to hear, that's what we tend to think after betrayal, but it's not true. The threat of gold is value, and if it's not making you feel valuable, then it's a lie.
Speaker 2:Oh, I love that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I'm going to be talking about those four components.
Speaker 2:Oh, I can't wait to hear that to be so good. So we did not pre-plan this, so I'm throwing this at you. How do you help people that are stuck in victimhood? Like you know, there's people that the things to change you have to change and they are just like are you kidding me? Look at what I've been through. How do we help people realize that there is a better way, or that they cannot have to? They don't have to be a victim, because I think a lot of times with betrayal, they're used to playing the victim role. Oh yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and again, like it's understandable right, yeah, yeah, sometimes they've been through some really horrific, horrific things. Yes, yes, absolutely.
Speaker 1:Yes, and I have a good friend, like I said that I, I, when she told me her story, I was like, uh right, like holy, that it's, it's quite. It is by far the worst story of betrayal I've ever heard and because it's so bad, I don't share it here because it would literally it's that bad. But I can say this You're talking about my second pillar, right?
Speaker 1:Every one of the pillars. Actually, yeah, every one of the pillars has an adversary right. Every truth has a lie. Pillars has an adversary Right. Every truth has a lie, everything has an opposite. And if we understand that concept, that in and of itself is a big freedom buster from betrayal. Okay, that's awesome.
Speaker 2:So everyone needs to come and hear pillar two.
Speaker 1:Well, I may talk about pillar two.
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 1:I'm probably not. I can't do like.
Speaker 2:We can't do all of them. I get it.
Speaker 1:No in 20 minutes. No no no, no, it takes a lot longer than that, but Pillar, the adversary number two, is the victim.
Speaker 1:Right when we're sitting there feeling like why me, why did this happen to me? Poor, poor me, all of these things? Right, it's not that we want to get rid of that, it's that we need to actually listen, right? Do we like what we're hearing? And if we're uncomfortable with that, the opposite is, um, the bounce back. Or basically what we're talking about? Understanding your divinity. Ok, because a person who truly understands their divinity does not understand themselves as a victim.
Speaker 2:Oh, I love that this is all coming together beautifully.
Speaker 1:Yes, and it's true, right. It's people who truly understand who they are and see themselves clearly put on the god goggles and actually see themselves the way god sees them. They do not see themselves as a victim, and the reason why is because and I say this with love, guys, just just let you know but the person who saw themselves as the victim first was the one who fell from heaven, and he refuses to see himself as anything else, that's interesting because, as you were saying, I was gonna be like, yeah, christ doesn't see himself as a victim, he's the.
Speaker 2:Was gonna be like, yeah, christ doesn't see himself as a victim, he's the savior, right. But like if you look at everything he went through, yeah, someone might be like, oh wow, yeah, that was, that was horrible yeah, that was pretty rough what he went through and he understands betrayal like this is a story we use a lot in my coaching.
Speaker 1:Right, but he never lost sight of who he was and his divinity. And that's the key. Now we do, that's what makes us imperfect, Right, but when God says be therefore perfect, he's not saying never make a mistake. He's saying remember who you are.
Speaker 2:Oh, I love that too. That's so good, well, and I love that you're going to be talking about healing, right, like this whole thing is healing and the thing is, as we heal, something could happen to us and instead we recognize this barb that someone tried to shoot at us. It doesn't hit us, we recognize they are hurting and so all of a sudden you're like like because this happened recently to me and so, um, oh, it was okay, I was fine because I knew what it was. It wasn't, it wasn't me, it was a demonstration of their pain and where they were at. But that sets the question like, how do you help people get out of victimhood? So, yeah, we have to help them feel their divinity and know their worth. So here here we go, right back to the beginning. Yeah, I love it, it's true, it's true.
Speaker 1:And I will say that once you understand that you can't go back either. Yeah, can you get mad at people? Yeah, can you be like, seriously, guys, seriously? Yeah, can you want to shake people and be like will you please wake up? Yes, but the truth of the matter is is the only person you can actually get through the door to heaven is you? Yeah, that's the only person. I love my kids. I've got six of them. I don't know if you can hear them in the background, but, like I said, aborigines right, they're cute. They're cute little curly-headed, brown-eyed, blue-eyed, blonde-haired, like all kinds of mixtures in there knocking at my door. Mom, I need you right now, even though I'm in the middle of a podcast kind of a thing. Right, total aborigines. But I can't even get them through the door of heaven. I can show them the way I only by me living it I love it this is the piece that we've got to understand, and you can't do that.
Speaker 1:if you're stuck in victim mode, somebody can completely victimize you, but that doesn't mean you have to victimize yourself.
Speaker 2:Absolutely and, like I said, because I was in a good place when someone threw these barbs at me, it didn't hurt, like there was a family member that said something to me was like, oh, it's OK, it didn't bother me, like it truly didn't bother me, it just meant they are really hurting. And I was like man, how can I help them? How can I help them Because they're hurting so much? And you know we've heard that hurt people, hurt people. Anyway, we've kind of gone off track a little bit but this has been beautiful.
Speaker 1:So could, um, so could we go ahead and share the link? Or how do you typically share things with your podcast? We can talk about that. Yes, tell me, tell, tell everybody the link. How do they get tickets to this? And, um, I'm curious to some people, like I have. I have an audience literally that is global. I have people from all over the world that might not be able to fly in to. Utah, so are we opening up it's getting close.
Speaker 2:It's getting really close. So go to mydivinejoycom and you'll hear all. You'll hear more about it. Oh, what's? Oh, can you hear me again?
Speaker 2:My headset is acting up, okay, so mydivinejoycom get more info. There at the very bottom it has a place to sign up in person and, like I said, it's in Layton, utah, so just North of Salt Lake a little bit. However, we are creating an online wait list and we are getting close to be able to opening that. So people just go and they'll. As soon as I we get it built, we can get it out to people. But again, we being in person is special. If you are close by, come also check out the VIP option. The VIP option I can just like. If I was going, I would want to have the VIP option.
Speaker 2:Yes, I would too. I would too, and it's only $100 extra and what you get is fabulous. It's so worth it and you are worth it, right. You are worthy of VIP.
Speaker 1:Yes, you are, you are worth it. Right, you are worthy of VIP. Yes, you are, you are, you absolutely are, you absolutely are. And I will say, being in person is a is a completely different experience, because not only are you feeding off you know the energy of the presenters but you're feeding off the energy of the room and so you get like a lot more being there in person, but we also understand that not everybody can be there.
Speaker 1:You know, absolutely Like you know a person in France, yeah, I wouldn't, I wouldn't mind if you want to come, but just just just plan a few extra days, oh and I want to say that right now.
Speaker 2:So, if they listen, soon we have a coupon code. You can save $30 with the word miracle, ooh. So, yes, miracle, save $30 and go grab your ticket now. We really could sell out, right Like it's a large event, but it could sell out. So the sooner you get your ticket, the better, and the VIP is even more limited.
Speaker 1:So if you want that.
Speaker 2:VIP snag, that soon. Vip is even more limited. So if you want that VIP snag, that suit and the miracle, the $30 is for the VIP or the general admission.
Speaker 1:Is that capitalized or non-cap?
Speaker 2:You know, I think any of them will work. Honestly, I think when I type it in, it makes it cap. So it just. If you do all caps, that's great, but I think it should work. Maybe it is all caps, I don't know. That's a good question.
Speaker 1:I should ask my tech people Try it both ways, just in case. So you definitely get that discount, because 30 bucks off that's a good deal. Yes, yeah, it's going to help a lot. Okay, for sure, awesome, yeah, come attend. We've got some amazing, amazing speakers and it is seriously going to fill your bucket and help you so much.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'll just throw a little bit out. Like we've mentioned Tiffany, we've mentioned Seidel and Kelly K Walker. Of course, you, me, someone, everyone who loves you is also gonna love Cherie Pack. She's flying in from Michigan. We have Marlena Hollis flying in from Tennessee. She's a pastor and she is a go-getter. I'm so excited to meet her in person. We also have Cindy Bayless and Christy Corliss. Who am I missing? Cause I've stopped counting. I know I know. Oh, we have Melissa Price. Did I get everyone? Now I feel like I might be missing someone. I don't know. Anyway, it's a really great lineup. So if you know even a few of those names, you're like wow, this is an amazing group of women.
Speaker 1:Yes, it really is, and I get to work personally with a lot of them, so, yeah, it's fun.
Speaker 2:All right, thank you, erin. I so appreciate you having me on and look forward to seeing you in just a couple weeks.
Speaker 1:Yes, and for anybody listening, like I said, come join us, you guys. This is so worth it. It's totally affordable too, which is amazing. So go grab your ticket, go snag it, miracle, divinejoycom, and I'll see you guys there, it's MyDivineJoycom.
Speaker 2:Oh, mydivinejoy, thank you for fixing that.
Speaker 1:Yes, so, mydiv, my divine joy, oh, my divine joy. Thank you for fixing that. Yeah, so my divine joycom miracle for $30 off. Come see us, absolutely, like I totally want to see you. Come give me a big hug. Okay, all right, you guys.
Speaker 1:Thank you, eric, y'all. Thank you so much, heather. It was such a amazing, amazing podcast and until next week, you guys, I'll see you on the other side, bye, bye. Okay, so I've got a question for you. Have you joined my free Facebook group or Instagram page yet? If you haven't, go and do that and this is the reason why I always post my freebies, updated information and all kinds of goodies for my community in that page.
Speaker 1:I'm also really active. I post videos, I answer questions. So if you guys really really want to get in and interact with me, go like me on Facebook, go join my group. The Other Side of the Struggle Healing from Betrayal Trauma. Come find me on Instagram, erin Anderson, betrayal Trauma Coach and come follow me, because I always have something good there just for you, my audience, and I love connecting with you there. I also post anytime that I have groups going on. I talk sometimes about my programs. So if you guys are interested in working with me or even just following me and getting as much free content as you possibly can, go, hang out in my group, go connect with the ladies that are there. Um, also come and join immune and unashamed uh, for those married couples that are following me, because in that group, me and my business partner kyson kid are also talking and offering some great content.