The Other Side of the Struggle (Healing from Betrayal Trauma)
Healing from betrayal trauma is no small feat! It takes a lot of work, time, and focus in order to do it. That's all great, but then there's the "HOW?" In this podcast, we will talk about Betrayal Trauma, my past with it, how I healed from it using Christian Scripture, and how you can do the same thing.
The Other Side of the Struggle (Healing from Betrayal Trauma)
Women need Their Own Money
Healing from betrayal trauma and reclaiming your joy starts here. Join me, Erin Anderson, in this transformative episode of "The Other Side of the Struggle" podcast as I unveil the exciting transition to our new "Boundary Boss Babes" podcast. Discover the empowering steps to achieve financial independence, especially for women navigating betrayal or abusive situations, and learn how creating personal income streams can redefine your life. From reading books and blogging about your passions to turning your unique skills into profitable ventures, this episode lays out practical advice to help you take control of your financial future.
Embark on my personal journey to financial independence, beginning with creative endeavors like making and selling unique cards and mini scrapbooks, and evolving into a successful network marketing career with doTERRA and a flourishing coaching business. I share how following your passions and leveraging your skills can lead to multiple income streams and financial freedom. Additionally, meet Stephanie Wilden, our new betrayal trauma coach, who will be available for ongoing support. Connect with our supportive community through my free Facebook group and Instagram page, and explore opportunities for healing and growth as we conclude this chapter and open the door to new beginnings.
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Hey everyone, it's Erin Anderson with the Erin Anderson Betrayal Trauma Coaching. I am super excited that you have tuned in. Today. Let's get talking about how to heal from betrayal trauma. Welcome to the other side of the struggle trauma, how to heal it and then how to take it and use it to unlock your mission and your potential and to use it to live your very best dream life. When you're dealing with betrayal trauma, it can be hard to know how to heal it, how to stop the pain and to know what your next steps are to take in your own life, and these are the questions that we try to answer here. Trauma has the ability to rob us of our joy and identity, which is why it's so miserable to experience. But with the right tools and with the right mindset, we can totally reclaim that joy and even use this trauma to strengthen ourselves. So that way, trauma does not knock us off of our joy again. Living your dream life should be a non-negotiable, but trauma tends to try to negotiate that with you. And even though trauma is not something that we will completely ever be free of in our life, the pain is negotiable. This is why I created Erin Anderson Betrayal Trauma Coaching and this podcast is because I want my listeners, I want my clients, to live, truly live free from the prison that trauma can put you in. I want you to live on the other side of the struggle. Hey, my loves, welcome back to the last episode of the other side of the struggle. Oh, my goodness, I can't believe that we're actually here at this point um, kind of sad, honestly, um, but I'm really excited for what's coming up because, um, I really truly am moving into the boundaryoundary Boss Babes. That podcast, by this point, should be up and running in all of your favorite places, so wherever you're listening to the other side of the struggle, you should be able to find the Boundary Boss Babes podcast as well. And the benefit to this, to the new podcast, like you're going to learn about, like all types of relationships and healing from trauma in this particular podcast, which is great. But if you're really ready to start earning your own money and taking, like, the information you have and shifting it, um, and changing the way you actually believe about your relationship so you can create money in your life, then the Boundary Boss Babes podcast is for you, because that's what we're going to be focusing on.
Speaker 1:I really do have a love for women, not only healing from trauma, but also creating their own money and creating a life, a sustainable life, for themselves and their children. So here's what I want to say to you in my last episode. It's actually about creating your own money, because I hear a lot of times, especially from moms whose husbands have been less than faithful or possibly in abusive situations or in some way they're being hurt, and I get this question a lot like I don't feel, or this, this objection, I should say a lot like I don't feel like I can move forward because I'm tied to him financially. So my loves um, I get where you're coming from, okay, uh, women love feeling taken care of and I like I love feeling taken care of too and I love knowing. But I'll tell you, I love knowing that I can actually get and create money more than I like the idea of being taken care of. Because if something ever happened to my husband you know whether we ever did divorce or if maybe he died or just maybe he became disabled I think it's really important that women have their own income streams so that way, if something like that ever does happen to their husband and their husband's ability to provide, then we're still okay and especially, you need to be able to make your own decisions. I know there's a lot of you that have wanted to work with me and now Stephanie who's taking over.
Speaker 1:You know the title betrayal, trauma, coach and money has been a big issue for you guys, and I want to tell you that number one come listen to the Boundary Boss Babes podcast, because that's really seriously why I'm moving into that. Okay, because I know how much that is needed, but there are so many ways for you guys to earn at least $2,000 or more a month online. Now, $2,000 a month isn't going in today's society, isn't going to do much for you. I get that. You might even say that, and you might even say $2,000 a month isn't going to give me the ability to purchase coaching and getting out of this, to purchase coaching and getting out of this, but what I am going to tell you is this is the age of making money online. You can actually thank COVID-19 for that, because so many things actually had to go online to be able to operate properly. There's lots and lots and lots of online jobs now, so you can actually still be home with the kids and create some excuse me, some money. Some of those things are, and you can actually find them on Pinterest and maybe what I need to do is I need to probably unblock this particular piece out of my Pinterest. If you're following me on Pinterest, by the way, like total squirrel here, I'll be going to Erin Anderson Coaching. So if you still want to follow me, all of my things will be rebranded to Erin Anderson Coaching. Just a little caveat there. But and I'll be that I'm on Erin Anderson Official on Instagram and then I'll be Erin Anderson Official or Erin Anderson Coaching as well on Pinterest, still working through all of the rebranding cogs.
Speaker 1:But back to the earning the money thing. Okay, there are places online that will pay you to read books. Maybe you decide to become a blogger Now. If that's the case, please, please, please, start writing about something positive. Maybe it's about gardening, maybe it's about raising chickens, maybe it's about baking. Like, what are you passionate about? Start blogging about it. A lot of bloggers, not at the very beginning, like give yourself some time. But a lot of bloggers are making um goll. I know some that have made six figures in one month with their blog and they're making easily seven or eight figures at this point. Blogging, okay, um, you can get paid to read books, ghost writing if you're good at that kind of a thing, getting an Etsy shop, you know, writing speeches or articles and sending them into certain magazines. My point here and there's so many more, there's so many more the point is you have to get started on it. Okay, I get where you're at.
Speaker 1:When I started coaching 12 years ago 12 years guys, um, I was in a place, actually, I was in this place more than 12 years ago, probably actually from the get go of my marriage, especially from when I started having children, because when I was, when I first got married, I was going to school to become an elementary teacher and I loved it, you guys, like I loved the kids, I loved teaching. It was such a passion for me, um, but I, I gave up my teaching career so I could stay home and raise my children that I now have six of right my oldest is now 17, right At this point, I should say, and so easily. 17 years ago, I started realizing that without my teaching income, we were struggling, but nobody was paying me to raise my son, and so I really started having a bit of a problem because money was so incredibly tight and back then the internet like making money online wasn't as profitable now as what it was back then. So I started asking myself okay, so what is it that I can do right now? Um, that will, to buy diapers for my son. I was legit struggling to buy baby food, and there were times where I would make sure my husband and my son was fed and I would go the entire day without eating and then the next day with only one meal because I was so worried about money. Ok, so I started asking myself, what could I do, and so one of the things I and I started writing a list.
Speaker 1:Well, I started looking for, like, what some of the needs were in my community, and one of the things I noticed was that they there was a need for, like, cards for baptisms and blessings because I live in a very predominantly LDS community right, predominantly LDS community right and there just wasn't really any cards for people to go buy. Uh, where they could, they could, um something cute that they could give to people, and so I decided I was going to go get the materials and start making cards. Um, and one of the feedbacks I got was well, that's just really freaking expensive. And so I started creating more of like a, a mini scrapbook for blessings and for um baptisms, and started putting and started selling them um instead. And uh, what ended up happening is I started making enough like easily enough to cover diapers and a little more food, and, um, I started making like almost $300 extra a month just doing that Right, and then I take some of that money and I go back and rebuy supplies, and so I just kind of started a little side business for myself.
Speaker 1:When my second son came around around, I found it necessary to go out and get a substitute teaching job and that brought in roughly about five or six hundred dollars a month. And I that after I started having more kids, I started realizing that either I was going to start paying for daycare, which would have taken everything I made, so that was kind of pointless or I'd have to start staying home again and figuring out another way to earn money. And so I started looking into other options and I started into network marketing with doTERRA. Actually, I really loved the oils. I loved what I was getting from the oils and the benefits I'd get from the oils. You know, our health had improved, our mentality had. Mentalities had improved, our health had improved, our mentalities had improved and I felt like I was able to help my family be more healthy with them. So I started doing classes on essential oils and I started learning all I could about the essential oils and started teaching other people about them and I started building a downline and that brought in for a while, almost a thousand dollars a month.
Speaker 1:And then I realized that I really loved leadership. I loved leading my team, I loved helping them solve problems, I loved teaching them, and so I started my coaching business and that's bringing in anywhere like like I've made anywhere from five to ten thousand dollars a month at this point and it's easily bringing in a consistent five thousand a month right now. And so and it's still growing, it's still building and it's because I started looking for possibilities. Okay, now I don't tell you what I'm making to like flaunt anything. It's more or less to show you that there are so many possibilities out there when you start working with your passions and the things that you really do love.
Speaker 1:I was passionate about craft. I'm still passionate about crafting and artist artistry. I love being artistic, I love having fun, I love painting. I love drawing. I love these things, um. I love singing. I actually have been paid a couple of times to come and sing for people. I love writing music. I've made a little money off of my songs, um, I have made money off of teaching tools. I've made money.
Speaker 1:Oh, I also did teach online for a while too. There is that. I forgot about that aspect, um, and I was making a good $2,500 a month doing that. Um, and this is just my point my loves. I've never, I didn't have to ever leave. Well, that's not true. I did leave the comfort of my home when I was substitute teaching, um, but when I realized that I really needed to be home still with my kids, most of what I've made has been from the comfort of my home. Now that my coaching business is growing and my children are a lot older and they're able to be a lot more sufficient for themselves and help their, their younger sis, their younger siblings my goodness, where they're not as self-sufficient Now I'm able to get out and go, do more things and help more people and get in front of people a little bit more, and I've been doing speaking events. I've been promoting in person a lot more, which has actually built my business again more.
Speaker 1:Another thing I could do is I could start coaching teachers how to build an online, an online business, a successful, thriving online teaching business. Um, I could, you know, coach parents on how to help their kids with their their uh, math, their learning. I could write a homeschool program for crying out loud Like there's so many things that I could do that I'm passionate about, that will bring in income. Now you might say to me no, what about time? Leveraging your time? Well, yeah, yeah, right now for me, like coaching, you know you and like Boundary Boss Babes, now, right, that's taking up a lot of my time, plus my family. Right to help teachers become better online teachers or parents with their homeschooling and helping their kids understand or even in school understanding, math, reading, science, actually how to teach these things so your kids feel confident in their learning. I know how to do that and I could totally put together a program.
Speaker 1:My point here is, yes, leverage your time, but start asking yourself what could you do and take one thing and start running with it, because, my loves, if you want freedom financial freedom is going to be a piece of this you need to have your own money, money that helps you make sure that you are taken care of and that your kids are taken care of, that you are taking care of and that your kids are taking care of. Money that helps you, you know. Buy into the things that you need to buy into to get you the results you want. It's so important If you want to feel more relaxed, more feminine, not feeling like you have to actually rely on your husband or your mom and your dad for money. You've got to decide what it is you want to do and start taking action on that. Well, my loves, this is the last episode of the other side of the struggle.
Speaker 1:Now, if you're really ready to run and start taking action on not only healing your relationships, healing your trauma, but also start creating some serious money for yourself, come join me in the Boundaryed Babes podcast. Oh, my gosh, the Boundaryed Boss Babes podcast. Let me totally slaughter that for you. Come join me there. The link is now also in the descriptions below and for those of you that are still just processing trauma, that's okay. Eventually, come join me over in the Bondread Boss Babes, but I still love you. I have loved serving you for the last three years.
Speaker 1:This podcast is three years old, guys almost, and I've loved being here and being a supportive voice for you. Please feel free. This podcast isn't going anywhere. I'm just not adding new episodes to this particular podcast. I really want to focus on the Boundary Boss Babes. This podcast is going to stay here. I really want to focus on the Boundary Boss Babes. This podcast is going to stay here, still to support you, because I love you and feel free to also text this podcast.
Speaker 1:Any questions? Stephanie Wilden, she's the one that's taking over the title, like I said, of the Boundary oh, my gosh, too many B's. You guys, betrayal trauma coach, um, and she will be in touch with you to help answer any questions that you may have. Or you are also welcome to schedule with her, and her link will be in the description below on how to schedule a call with her. My loves, you're fabulous you're. You deserve so many good things and I promise you they're just at your door. You just gotta open it, signing off for the last time. I'll see you on the other side. Bye, guys.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I've got a question for you. Have you joined my free facebook group or instagram page yet? If you haven't, go and do that and this is the reason why I always post my freebies, updated information and all kinds of goodies for my community in that page. I'm also really active. I post videos, I answer questions. So if you guys really really want to get in and interact with me, go like me on facebook, go join my group the other side of the struggle healing from betrayal trauma. Come find me on instagram, erin anderson, betrayal trauma coach, and come follow me, because I always have something good there just for you, my audience, and I love connecting with you there. I also post anytime that I have groups going on. I talk sometimes about my programs. So if you guys are interested in working with me or even just following me and getting as much free content as you possibly can, go hang out in my group. Go connect with the ladies that are there. Um, also come and join immune and unashamed uh for those married couples that are following me, because in that group, me and my business partner, kyson kid, are also talking and offering some great