The Art of Online Business

Get More People to Actually Use Your Lead Magnet (So You Build More Cred)

Kwadwo [QUĀ] Sampany-Kessie Episode 853

I'm sharing crucial tips from a recent coaching call focused on increasing the percentage of people that ACTUALLY use your lead magnet. Because what's the point of growing your email list with folks that don't experience what your expertise can do for them?

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Speaker 0:

During one of my recent one-on-one meta ads coaching calls, a client asked a question and I just knew I had to share it with you, protecting their identity, of course, but so that you also could benefit from my response. Now for context, these are one-on-one Facebook and Instagram ads coaching calls, but we do touch upon funnels and we look at a client's funnel and Look for the areas in that funnel that we could optimize so that more people convert and they get an opportunity to serve more people with their gift and passion. So this client had asked me you know, quajo, we're paying for leads right to download a lead magnet and the client asked me they noticed they only had eight like an 80% open rate on that very first email. But only 40% of the people that opened that first email were downloading the lead magnet. And, very correctly, the client said well, so of the 80% that are opening, only 40% are downloading the lead magnet. And so we went through some steps. I asked some questions in order to help troubleshoot the problem, and these same questions will help you increase your lead magnet download rate or open rate, because the whole point of the lead magnet is so that somebody sees the value that you can give them and they get their problem solved, they trust you more and they can go on to work with you. You're paying for Facebook or Instagram ads. Let's get more people opening this once they get the email right.

Speaker 0:

So, first thing, this client didn't have the issue, but I've seen it in other clients that I've coached On the thank you page of a lead magnet. Do not give the lead magnet there for a direct download. Why? Because you want to point people to their inboxes so that they find that first email that delivers the lead magnet. Click on it and download it. This is about sending positive signals to your email service provider, such that it knows that you are a good person and it delivers more of your emails. Seriously, though, if you're sending out lots of emails that aren't being opened, that's a bad signal. So you definitely want people to not download your lead magnet on the thank you page, but to go to the email inbox, open up your email, hunt for it, whatever, and open up your email. So that's one thing. Now to this client's specific issues.

Speaker 0:

I started asking the question like okay, that first email that sends the lead magnet, is it a long email or a short email? The client told me it was pretty long. I'm like, okay, fine, how many links are in that email? One or two links, great. My next thought was where are the links? And as we looked in the email, we noticed that the links were at the bottom of the email, kind of two thirds of the way down and then all the way at the bottom. Well, this email was quite lengthy.

Speaker 0:

So, number one I recommend that you put your lead magnet download link at the very top of the email. I'm talking, thanks for trusting me by getting this lead magnet download and get started right here, like two lines of text tops, and then getting this lead magnet Download and get started right here, like two lines of text tops, and then download the lead magnet. That's because people came to you for a solution. They found the email in their inbox. Give them what they need. Don't spend too much time preparing them to use the lead magnet. Give them what they need. If you feel like your lead magnet needs a tutorial, then include a tutorial or more words about how to use it inside of the lead magnet itself. But we wanna lower the barrier to entry, so to speak, the barrier to download.

Speaker 0:

So now, also, if you have a long email. Put a link right in the beginning, put a link in the middle and a link in the bottom and maybe a link in the PS. For good measure, at what kind of links? Make sure your links are explicit call to actions. Here's what I mean. If your lead magnet is called the seven mistakes that online course creators make that burn through their Facebook ads results, it happens to be a lead magnet that I have the link to. That is in the description below. But let's say that's the name and in the email you're talking about this. A passive way to link to it is, every time you mention the lead magnet, just to put a link in those words. Right, there's not a specific call to action that says download it here. It's just all of a sudden the word changes to underline and the color of the font changes. That's okay. But I want your email to have you know like enter, enter between paragraph and explicit click here to download the guide. Okay, and then also, if you like to use a prettier email format, then maybe you want to put an actual button in your email that says click here to download the seven Most common mistakes that online course creators make that burn through their ad spend. That's the super long name, but, by the way, those are actual tutorials that I have seven tutorials Me inside of ad manager showing you the mistakes and then the solution. So not fluff there.

Speaker 0:

The other thing that I saw with this client and if you're doing this too, you'll want to change is in that first email. The email was preparing the reader to use the lead magnet in the best way possible, but then the email was also explaining the ways that the reader could engage my client in a paid capacity. Okay, the email was like multitasking trying to wear too many hats as a sales email and to other services, very tactfully done. By the way, when I looked at the email, I didn't feel like the client was overselling, it just was a lot of long text, right, and so what you can do, what I do personally and what I believe you should do and, by the way, I got this strategy from a previous podcast guest. Her name is Samantha Burmeister. I'll link her episode below.

Speaker 0:

But I purchased because I'm not super great at writing by myself. I purchased an email lead magnet opt-in delivery sequence, you know of seven emails from her. Why? Because she told me it converted really, really well and I was like well, my current one didn't convert really, really well into my paid services, so why don't I just buy one from a copywriter who knows what they're doing and then plug and play, type in my stuff into it and honestly, it's worked great. Way more than paid for itself, I think. So far it's gotten me two discovery calls that have resulted in two coaching clients.

Speaker 0:

I say that because if you're not gifted with the gift of email writing, conversion writing then go ahead to the link in the description below. The same email sequence that I purchased and have used is right down there. It works for me, it should work for you and that is an affiliate link. So thanks for supporting me in that way and supporting yourself. Now I got this idea from her, which was the first email, is short and sweet and to the point and it just delivers the lead magnet. That's it.

Speaker 0:

And in the second email then you can say, by the way, so-and-so reader, you'll be getting free and paid resources from me in the future. The paid resources are as follows and then you just bullet point one, two, three in my case, which is just the Facebook ads course or coaching with me or ads management. Right, you can outline that for yourself, but have that be in the second email. And guess what? It's okay to include a second email that says hey, just in case you missed the first one, here's the lead magnet to download, but definitely in that second email. Whatever your second email is, however you do it, put the download link for the lead magnet at the top and just say, just in case you missed it, here's the lead magnet that you've been waiting for to download, right here.

Speaker 0:

And that's the end of this episode. Short and sweet. Good way to increase your open rate. Please leave a rating for this episode or for the podcast episodes in general, especially if you're listening on Apple Podcasts. That would just bless my heart, and that review rating link is also in the show notes below. Until the next time you see me or hear from me, take care, be blessed, and I'll see you in the next one. Bye.

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