The Art of Online Business

Training Your AI Assistant to Think and Sound Like You With Kinsey Soderberg

Kwadwo [QUĀ] Sampany-Kessie Episode 864

Kinsey Soderberg, the creator of Authentic AI, shares how you can make your AI assistant sound more like you—more human. 

Kinsey also gives a peek into her dual business ventures, highlighting how AI tools can significantly streamline processes without compromising the personal touch that's crucial in today's digital landscape. 

Watch the previous episode ‘Use ChatGPT to Breeze Through Tech Issues With Kinsey Soderberg’ 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to an episode of the Art of Online Business. I have Kinsey Soderbergh back here. Hi, Kinsey.

Speaker 2:

Hello, I'm so excited to be here.

Speaker 1:

It's gonna be a good episode. I'm excited for you to share practical steps about how we can get our AI assistant to think and sound like us. I guess I've heard sound like us more than I've heard think like us, so I would love to hear your thoughts after I give you a proper introduction. To hear your thoughts after I give you a proper introduction. So if you haven't heard of Kinsey before, she is the owner of Authentic AI and that's also the name of her podcast, and she helps down to earth entrepreneurs leverage AI in their businesses without wasting time or sacrificing their authenticity. And something important here is that she'll help you make AI work for you instead of the other way around.

Speaker 1:

So she was in an episode with us which we just got done recording, but you can go down to the show notes below and click over to to just get snapshots really from how she's built her business and really what it looks like to build two businesses at the same time. So, kinsey, I feel like ChatGPT is already synonymous. Like when people look at a certain type of vehicle, they might call it a Jeep, even though Jeep is the brand of a vehicle and there's plenty of other vehicles in that class, or like there's plenty of tissues out there, but people call tissues almost by default Kleenex because it's the biggest brand in the industry. I feel like ChatGPT is like that. Now, what is your favorite AI assistant?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, I am a ChatGPT lover myself and the thing is that there are different tools there's Claude, there's Gemini, which is Google's, there's quite a few different other ones that you can go explore as well and you know they all have their own little things that they're a little bit better at. They all have like slightly different ways to use the tool or different features within the tools, right, but I myself like ChatGPT it's kind of the OG one, like you're saying and I think that it's really just about starting to use these tools and starting to dabble around in them and figuring out like, okay, which one is giving me the responses that I want to see. But what we'll be talking about as far as training, ai tools and whatnot, I'll definitely be talking about ChatGPT, but a lot of the stuff that I'm sharing is applicable to any of those other similar AI tools and large language models like ChatGPT. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

All right, so we'll just say ChatGPT, unless you share other names, like Claude, I don't know, but what do you mean by getting it to think like me, and how do we do that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, I think that this is one of those things that, if you've been using AI tools a lot, either you'll be like, of course, you got to train your AI assistant to think and sound like you, or you'll be like, wait what? But one of the traps that a lot of people fall into when they first start using AI tools, like ChatGPT, is just getting some of those generic prompts that people find on the Internet. They're like get 100 prompts or 1,000 prompts or whatever you know, and it's like write me a social media caption or these generic prompts that you might find online people sharing, and those are going to get you generic responses, right. If you ask ChatGPT a generic prompt, it's going to dish up the most generic response on the internet, which is how we end up with AI, obviously AI written content. That is annoying as heck to a lot of people who can spot it right away, like anytime you see a rocket emoji. Guys, we need to kind of stop using the rocket emojis. Let's be honest. Don't use unlock the power of in a subject line, please. I get one of those every day and I always screenshot it. I'm like great, another AI written subject line, right, and it can be really annoying for people.

Speaker 2:

Once you start spotting them, you're like, oh man, it can make you feel really down on AI tools and it can make you feel like the quality of content online is going downhill which it is.

Speaker 2:

But there's a way that you can use these tools to generate content that really does authentically reflect you and your brand, and it does go even deeper than getting AI to sound like you, which is kind of what you're sharing.

Speaker 2:

Here's the thing A lot of times, people will just start out by using generic prompts and get generic responses and then other people are like okay, you have to train it on your brand voice, you have to tweak your copy to make it more personality, like packed and stuff like that, and they'll be like be more friendly or be more professional and all that different stuff, and that does not still get you the responses that authentically reflect your brand right. So what you really need to do is go super, super deep into telling these tools all about your brand, your ideal customers, your brand personality and voice and writing style, and then also your offer suite, and that will allow ChachiPT to not just replicate your copy to get it to write content that sounds like you, but it can also think like your brand because it knows your entire brand strategy and it really really insanely gets better responses for you and your brand.

Speaker 1:

So break that down a bit. When you say feed it all about your brand, like what are the specific things that you're telling it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I like to get it to completely understand my entire brand strategy. Right, solopreneurs, who are just kind of like in the first few years of their business and they may not have had a lot of investment on their brand messaging or strategy or anything like that, like this practice can actually really, really help you to create a brand strategy document that is helpful for you, as well as training your ai assistant in the future, but also your human team members in the future too. Right, but when? But when it comes to training strategy PT on your brand, you're basically wanting to tell it the four core strategies actually five core strategies of your brand, right? Your brand core identity, which is your mission, vision, values, brand beliefs and opinions, all the different stuff. Also, you want to tell it about your ideal customers, because it needs to understand who you are speaking to in your copy, but also who you're helping in your business. So, telling it your ideal customer demographics, the psychographics, but also the pain points desires, really diving deep into that whole strategy.

Speaker 2:

Also, deep diving into your brand voice and writing style, which I'm a word nerd, for sure, and so I could like totally geek out about this, but your brand voice and writing style is more than just be friendly, be conversational, whatever it is. No, there's like different nuances. There's your formatting, your emoji preferences, your humor style, right that all go into your brand's personality and inform the copy that ChagiPT can create for you. And then also, if you want to get super deep and nerdy with it, really training it on your brand's offer suite so that it can think strategically as far as helping you to write that launch sequence or write that sales page or understand how you are moving people through your sales funnel and your business. That's so helpful. And then also training it on your messaging right, your core themes and topics and pillars that you talk about all the time, the message that you're spreading, and that's where you can really get it to help you with your content strategy as well.

Speaker 1:

So it sounds like you're telling, you really truly are telling ChatGPT everything about your business, everything.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, for the uninitiated. How do you get ChatGPT to remember all this nowadays?

Speaker 2:

Oh man. Well, firstly, it's a robot and it can like, hold and read so much more information than like we can think of as humans. Right, I actually create what I call a brand blueprint. Like we can think of as humans. I actually create what I call a brand blueprint. So this is like an 80 page Google doc that I created with the help of chat GPT. That's all about my brand. It has all that stuff that I just put in there that I just shared with you in this brand blueprints an 80 page Google doc that I created.

Speaker 2:

It took a little bit of time, even with chat GPT's help, but it still only took three hours probably. And that's with, like double checking, making sure everything's aligned with my brand. Once I have this brand blueprint for both my brands actually, I can now upload that with the file upload feature in ChatGPT, and ChatGPT can read it in 10 seconds and immediately just know everything about my brand. I can ask it questions. It can help me strategize. If I need to have it do something like help me write copies. Specifically, I will say please revisit the file I uploaded, go to the brand voice section and revisit my brand voice strategy, and then that will be able to get it to do that more. So the really cool thing about the brand blueprint is you can use it with regular chats, but you can also use it to train custom gpts for your brand too which is super fun and nerdy as well okay, all right, yeah, so.

Speaker 1:

So that's what you meant by get it to think like you. If it understands all of that that you shared about the business, like its purpose, its mission and the other three points that you shared, plus the offer suite, then I guess it can think like you, because it understands everything that you've put together on the business Provides. You've done that work. How did you figure this out?

Speaker 2:

I mean I have like a branding background in a way. Right, it was kind of it's so funny because it was kind of obvious to me in that way where I was like oh, of course, if I'm getting this thing okay. Okay, so you know, I'm from Colorado, we love our weed out here. No, I actually don't smoke, but I always laugh when I think about okay, imagine, like young high school intern who literally just went out back to smoke some weed. They come back in and they're like huh, it's my first day on the job. And you're like okay, write me a social media caption and you don't tell them anything else.

Speaker 1:

Don't use rocket emojis.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, don't use rocket Like no, like they, you need to tell these tools all about your brand in order for them to be able to do a good job for you, and so that was just kind of one of those things that I've had that background and I understand it and it's really, really fun because with these tools, you can do it yourself as, like a solopreneur who might not have that background right, like people will spend tens of thousands of dollars on brand and messaging strategies and like, do humans do a better job? Who have that background and ask those questions? For sure, but with the right prompts and understanding how to create these documents yourself, you can do it with strategy PT yourself for like $0 if you don't want to pay for the premium version.

Speaker 1:

Wow, Okay, I feel like the last question I want to ask is on behalf of the beginner who knows they should be using ChatGPT and has used it a few times and getting it to think like them seems like a daunting task. If you could just say one last thing to that person you know they already have successful online business. They just haven't yet incorporated AI into it. What is that last parting word you would leave them with?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, I am all for just slowly starting to work AI into the already established workflows that you have that are already working for your business, right, because a lot of times you'll start getting curious about AI tools and you'll start dipping your toes and learning about it and you'll have people be like AI-ify your entire business and life and use it for all the things. And that can be so overwhelming and actually reduce your productivity, because you can then feel like a deer in headlights or you can feel like, oh my gosh, I have to do all these things. And then also, too, people can feel like, when they start using these tools, if you don't train your assistant on your brand, then you'll get frustrated with the results that you're getting. I hear this a lot, where people are like okay, I tried to use Chachiphi to help me write an email, but they didn't give me what I wanted. Then I tried to tell it to be more friendly or more conversational, and then it went overboard with the cheese. So then I had to reel it back in and I wasted 30 minutes trying to go back and forth with it. I felt like I could have done it faster if I just did it myself.

Speaker 2:

I hear that a lot and it's so true. So just like starting to slowly dip your toes into these tools and then also just making sure that you're at least telling these tools the essentials of your business, right? Like I definitely just got super nerdy and excited about my brand blueprint 80 page document. But like you don't have to go that crazy, right? Even just having this go to one page or like brain dump about your brand, where I'm like hi, my name is Kinsey from Feel Good Social. I help down to earth entrepreneurs show up online without wasting their time or selling their soul, even that helps Chagi PT understand more about my brand, right? So even just like brain dumping for five minutes, all about who your brand is, who your ideal customers are, and like kind of your brand personality and like the language that you use. That can just so, so much more improve your results. And then when you start learning these tools and using them more, then you can create your 80 page document and it's super awesome.

Speaker 1:

All right, so the listener wants to get in touch with you. How can they get more info about how to use AI in their business in a way that AI is not controlling them, but they're controlling AI and saving time and having AI think like them, or their AI assistant think like them and talk like them, from you, like after this episode?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I have the Authentic AI podcast. I would love for you to come take a listen and then also DIY with dot. Ai is my website and I'm at Authentic AI for Entrepreneurs on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

DIY with dot AI. That's in the show notes below. Now and then. What was the Instagram URL?

Speaker 2:

that's in the show notes below. Now and then. What was the Instagram URL?

Speaker 1:

Authentic AI for entrepreneurs yeah, cool. Well, thank you for sharing this with us. Like I can say, this is quite practical. I hadn't thought about the first five points of like sharing my business mission with ChatGPT, but 100% agree with you on sharing, like, the product offer suite and the intent of each like I even share my sales pages with ai, so, like, I love that you gave me something even more that I can do to get chat gbt sounding better, and it's always a good reminder. No more rocket emojis, because chat gbt has been on the scene. We just can't use those emojis anymore.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yep, yep.

Speaker 1:

Right, so I'm not going to title the this episode. Unlock the power of anything like touch which you told me to I know.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh you guys the titles of. I actually have a blog post about avoiding ai cliches, because once you start seeing them, you can't unsee them. And it kind of sucks too, because I'm like sometimes unlock is a great word, but like now, with AI tropes, you kind of see it, you're like, oh, written by AI, so you know, just like, avoiding those little things and and also training AI tools to really reflect your authentic brand like authenticity, is so, so valuable. Now the AI tools are becoming more mainstream and more people are using them without worrying about authenticity, right. So I don't want, like AI tools, to like the lack of authenticity and the content that people are putting out there that was written by AI. I don't want that to make you avoid using these tools. There's a way you can use them and still be authentic, right.

Speaker 1:

Agreed, agreed. We're out of time. We could keep going on, but we got to stop. So thank you for being on this episode, kinsey.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me. This was so much fun.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely my pleasure and until the next time we see you, or you see me or hear from me, take care and

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