The Art of Online Business
Welcome to The Art of Online Business podcast, your go-to source for practical tips and strategies to boost profits and impact in your online business, WITHOUT the hustle.
Join fellow online course creators and coaches as we dive into things like
• sales and marketing optimization,
• and systems and processes
• funnels and of course
• Facebook & Instagram ads for seamless scaling!
Hosted by Kwadwo – sounds like [QUĀY.jo] – a & Facebook Ads Strategist for 6 & 7-figure online course creators, membership owners and coaches.
Enjoy a mix of actionable solo episodes, interviews with online experts (serving course creators), coaching case studies, and more to elevate your business.
You’ll get weekly insights on FB & IG ads mastery, scaling courses and memberships, email marketing, evergreen funnels and more.
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The Art of Online Business
How to Run Ads on Instagram in 2025 (for Course Creators and Coaches)
Hey there, Course Creators! Today, I share how to create impactful Instagram ads for 2025, focusing on two methods to launch an ad using existing high-performing Instagram posts or new video content.
- Cut your lead gen costs in HALF with my $37 mini-course–NOW only $17!
- Watch this episode on YouTube!
- Visit The Art of Online Business website for Facebook Ads help
I walk you through setting up your ad in Meta Ad Manager, selecting the right targeting options, and ensuring your ad is optimized for Instagram placements only.
If you're focusing on generating leads through Instagram, this will streamline your process and improve your ad performance!
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Kwadwo [QUĀY.jo] Sampany-Kessie’s Links:
Do you want to know how to make an Instagram ad in 2025? Well, I am a meta ads manager. Facebook and Instagram are my jam. I've managed over $3 million in ad spend and I will show you how to make an Instagram ad right now. And if you're like Quajo, I'm listening to the Art of Online Business podcast audio. How do I see what you're doing? Well, please click down in the show notes below and you'll find a link to this exact episode on YouTube so you can follow along if you want to make an Instagram ad.
Speaker 0:So, since I'm a meta ad manager that serves online course creators primarily, I'm going to assume that you want to make an Instagram ad that runs to a lead magnet that gives somebody a free, something of value in order to grow your email list. So, in this video, that is what I'll be doing. If you're a course creator, membership owner, coach, online expert with a lead magnet, this is for you. If you're doing e-com ads or any kind of other ads, this video is not for you. So there are two ways to make an Instagram ad, and I will show you both ways. The first way is going to be you have an Instagram post that's performing pretty well, you know that you shouldn't boost a post, especially if you have an iPhone, because you'll get charged 30% extra for nothing. Plus all the targeting is much better inside of meta ad manager, which means you can get better results. So let's say you have an Instagram post and you want that post to become an ad to show up on Instagram. Well, from the get-go you'll come to your ad manager and hit the create button and then you'll choose the leads objective, because that is the best one for getting leads choose manual campaign at the bottom and then, once you name your campaign correctly I love to have details, by the way I love to look at a campaign and an ad set and an ad and know exactly what it is. So I put the objective first, which is leads objective. I put what I'm running the ads to, which is the seven biggest mistakes, lead magnet, and then where I'm targeting US and the type of traffic. I like to turn off Advantage Campaign Budget Plus, because when I test, I like to control the budget at the ad set level.
Speaker 0:Now for an ad set name. I'm simply going to tell you that it's great if you can put who you're targeting first. So in this case I'll just put email list lookalike. I use a slightly different format for my naming scheme, as you may have seen just now in the videos I typed For you. I'll keep it simple all placements, so my ad will show up everywhere. Actually, no, we want it to show up only on Instagram placements because that is what somebody on my YouTube channel requested. So great, coming down here.
Speaker 0:Then I'm going to choose website, because I'm sending my leads off of Instagram. So, scrolling down here. I'm going to choose instant forms because this is a simple way to keep people on Facebook as they opt in for your free lead magnet and you will get. Usually you have to test this. I am not your ad manager, although I've managed over three and a half million dollars in ads for clients. I'm just giving you advice. Everything must be tested in your account to get the best performance, so I'm gonna choose instant form. The logic here is that if somebody does not have to click away from Facebook or Instagram in order to opt in, then you will get more people opting in.
Speaker 0:Right here, choose your Facebook page and then keep scrolling down. Performance goal is maximize number of leads, no catalogs, and then choose a daily budget that makes sense for the amount of money that you can spend on ads. I like to have ads go live the next day, weekday, in the morning at something like 5.30 am Eastern Standard Time, 2.30 am Pacific Time, and I'm going to choose the original audience. This is not a full tutorial on the differences between audiences and targeting, so we're going to choose original audience. If you choose Advantage Plus, it means that your targeting become like guidelines okay, and meta can stray outside of those guidelines. If you choose original audience, then your targeting is like hard targeting, so to speak. Meta cannot stray the algorithm cannot stray outside of your intended target audience. So I advertise to the US and I'll choose an age range that makes sense for me. The age range of my clients are usually here. We'll target all genders. You can choose. If you wanna target men or women, I'll turn off advantage detail targeting plus.
Speaker 0:And now you want to show your ad only on Instagram. So go ahead and click down here, edit placements and go to manual placements and then deselect all these other things so that you only have Instagram selected and just double check by scrolling down Instagram feed, instagram profile feed. I personally find that Instagram stories work better for me. You'll have to run some ads and see what works better for you. I'm going to deselect these and just show it to Instagram Stories, instagram Reels and then the Instagram Feed, and I don't even like showing it there Again. You'll only know what works for you by playing around with these options. I don't use search results. I don't recommend you use search results.
Speaker 0:And now we're to the part where you can set up your ad. And again there are two ways. Both ways I will show you in the video. The first way we're just gonna call this one Instagram organic post and instead of create ad, you're going to choose use existing post. Now, this works on Reels, right? I'm assuming you're going to use Reels, because video is performing super well. Go ahead and double click on the last part of that post, all the text between the two slashes. Double click and you should be able to copy it. And then what you're going to do is scroll down and instead of create ad, which is selected by default, you're going to choose use existing post. Select post here. Choose Instagram there. Paste your post ID. What you should see is the Instagram post and then you can click it.
Speaker 0:Now I want to say there will be a case where, if you're using copyrighted music, meta Ad Manager will tell you that you need to change the music and it will give you an option to select other music. Usually, the other music that it tells you to select is kind of lame, but well, at least you can still use the post. So here is the Instagram post that you hope to use as an ad. I'm going to click on the last digits or alphanumeric characters at the end of this post. A double click will highlight them up there in the address bar and then I'll copy that and come down to the ad. I'm going to name the ad IG organic post, and then I want to scroll down and instead of the default create ad, I'm going to choose use existing post from here. I'll click under ad creative, select post, click on Instagram and then paste the post ID from there. We should be able to see the post. If we can't see the post, it means the post is unavailable. Choose a different post. But if you can't see it, wonderful, click on continue. I will add that you might get a message from meta saying that you can't use a post because the music is copyrighted, in which case it will give you the option to choose some non copyrighted, slightly lamer music.
Speaker 0:So, like I said earlier, there are two ways for you to have a ad show up on Instagram. I'm going to show you the first way and then the second way. The first way is where you have an Instagram post that's just popping off and you wanna take it and put it or make it into an ad and you don't wanna boost a post, because boosting is bad and it wastes your money. So in this case, go ahead and highlight the alpha numeric digits at the end of the post, like that, copy them and then, where it says new leads ad, you can just name this something like IG organic post and then scroll down to where you see create ad instead, choose existing post. Turn that off. Scroll down here and go to change post or select post. Click Instagram and then paste the code there and you should see your post, select it as you're scrolling down. When you do this, whatever your primary text is as in whatever you had as the caption in the post before you ran the ad is going to be the text for your ad. Once you have the ad set up, you cannot come back and edit the post. So if you want to change your post's original caption, first do so before you run the ad. That hopefully saves you hours, because I have spent hours on that frustration alone back in the day. But that's why I'm here and I've done all the work, so you don't have to worry about this. I like to turn off my enhancements, just so you know, because I want to test the original post as I originally created it, without having any of these enhancements automatically applied to individual viewers of the ad. You can do as you choose and as you test inside of your account.
Speaker 0:Remember, we're talking about instant forms or running an ad to instant form. So if somebody clicks learn more, then they don't leave the platform. They stay right there on the platform. So of course, you'll need to create an instant form and link that up to your email service provider, your email CRM, which is outside of the scope of this video. But there are steps to do so. Mine's already connected and then you're good to go. That is one way to do the ad.
Speaker 0:However, what if you have a video already sitting on your computer and you want to upload that video to Meta and have that video show sitting on your computer and you want to upload that video to meta and have that video show up on Instagram. Well, in that case, just go here and go to create another ad. As you are getting ready to make the ad, in this case we'll just say uploaded video for the sake of this tutorial, all right. And then you're going to simply come here, click on set up ad creative and choose video ad for your primary text text or a test their headline here and then Learn more can be the call to action. Click on media. If you have a website that you're sending people to, I'll show you how to do that really quick too. Go to upload and from your drive so just kind of blur this part out as I'm navigating through it From your drive find the video and upload it. So once your video is uploaded, you want to click, select it here in blue and then click on next.
Speaker 0:I don't like to test with this option and I like to use the original vertical video for all placements or for all Instagram placements. Phew, meta can be sneaky with these optimizations and sometimes there's more that are hidden down here that are just on See. We discovered that I like to test with all optimizations off. That way I can be sure that I'm showing the same exact ad in the same exact format to everyone. Okay, now the video is uploaded and I make sure that it's connected. Oops, look, I have to add a headline again and I have to make the call to action again. Sometimes, meta resets these options and I select my form and then I can publish my ad. Oh, I want to turn this on so that I make sure the pixels tracking data.
Speaker 0:If you are not using a form, an instant form and you want to use or send people to your website to download your lead magnet, all you would have to do here is click website. All right, now, whenever you change this, it will change or it will reset all of your ad stuff, but from there, you can click on either of your ads and, if you notice, now you will have a website destination available, and so you simply type in the destination for your lead magnet and then people will be sent there. Make sure, then, to not have any browser add-ons, to not have people being sent to a form, and let me put my website here. It's always great to, inside of your ad, choose original. I just click this, all optimizations on and then turn them all off.
Speaker 0:There we go. So, as you have your primary text here, I just like to include the website link in the copy of the primary text at the bottom, and in some placements that text won't show up, so I'll put an emoji underneath, that way that final link will actually show up in your ad and then give it a headline. So that's it. If you have more questions, please DM me, because I do look at my DMs and I just may make a video addressing the issue or need that you had contacted me about. Until the next time you hear from me or see me, take care, be blessed and we'll chat in the next one.