Parental Alienation: From Couch to Courtroom and Beyond
Welcome to our podcast Parental Alienation: From Couch to Courtroom and Beyond. We will discuss the resisting and refusing dynamic, commonly referred to as Parental Alienation, how you know it’s happening and what can be done about it. The literature and research will be presented and show how this form of child abuse is a traumatic adverse childhood experience. Parental Alienation can cause stress and trauma in high conflict divorces. These podcasts focus on how attorneys and mental health professionals can support families and children.
Parental Alienation: From Couch to Courtroom and Beyond
Did you know? APA Recognizes Parental Alienation – PODCAST Ep #24
Dr. Bob Evans and NAOPAS
Season 1
Episode 24
Am. Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization recognizes Parental Alienation as being included in existing diagnoses and mental conditions. This episode reveals communications between the Parental Alienation Study Group (PASG) and the APA that establishes Parental Alienation as a mental disorders as incorporated into existing diagnoses. Also, a discussion on such controversy regarding the words "diagnosis", and "mental condition" is provided.
Please visit www.naopas.com or www.drbobevans.com for more information on parental alienation and Dr. Evans.