A Gluten Free Podcast

How To Improve 5 Areas of Patience In Your Coeliac & Gluten Free Life | Gluten Free Thoughts

Season 1 Episode 146

A Gluten Free Podcast 
Episode 146 

On today's episode of Gluten Free Thoughts I'll talk about the 5 areas of patience I have been working on in my own coeliac & gluten free life. I'll share tools around how I have been trying to improve my patience in all these areas & how my guests have also worked hard on their patience. 

In so many areas of our coeliac & gluten free lives we need to be patient. Whether that be obtaining a coeliac disease diagnosis or realising we need to be on a strict 100% gluten free diet for life, researching & learning the basics around coeliac disease & the gluten free diet, travelling & dining out gluten free or the mental health aspects of living gluten free - it's a hell of a lot to deal with. Processes which didn't take us long in the past now take much longer due to planning, preparation, communication or waiting for other reasons. How do we use patience to the best of our ability during these times? I've been working on this question for the past 4 years & I have learnt a lot along the way. I'll be sharing it all with you today. That's what we'll be talking about on today's episode of A Gluten Free Podcast! 

What we’ll cover:
* Patience in the process of being diagnosed with coeliac disease
* Patience in learning the basics of coeliac disease & the gluten free diet
* Patience in learning to read labels 
* Patience in navigating dining out & travelling with coeliac disease
* Patience in understanding the mental health aspects of living with coeliac disease & being gluten free 
* Tools I've discovered which have helped improve my patience in these areas of my own coeliac & gluten free life & how you can apply these tools 
* Teaser of next week's episode


Join A Gluten Free Podcast Facebook Group

Advice for those newly diagnosed with coeliac disease with Coeliac Dietitian Kristina Richardson of Coeliac Australia

Tips on How to travel gluten free with Matt Bzdel, creator of Gluten Free Street Gang

Tips on dining out with coeliac disease with founder of Pasta Di Casa, Anthony Dionne

Navigating the mental health impacts of Coeliac Disease a gluten free diet with Psychologist Juliette Thomson

Get in touch

You can find me on Instagram @a.gffamily or send an email to aglutenfreefamily@gmail.com  📩

You can also find my regular column for The Gluten Free Living magazine under the title Gluten Free Family  released quarterly for Coeliac Australia members.


The content on this podcast is not a substitution for professional medical advice. It is the opinion and experience of the show host or guests. Please seek professional medical advice from a medically qualified professional before making any decisions about your health or diet.