A Gluten Free Podcast

My Bone Density Scan Results: The Importance of Advocacy & Follow Up Care in Coeliac Disease

Season 1 Episode 169

A Gluten Free Podcast 
Episode 169

In today’s episode of A Gluten Free Podcast, I share something personal in the hope that it might help you on your own coeliac and gluten free journey. I recently had a bone density scan, and the results showed that I have osteopenia. This was a screening I had to push for. It wasn’t something that was automatically suggested to me. If I hadn’t advocated for myself, I wouldn’t have known about this issue or had the chance to address it early.

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition that affects much more than just digestion, and bone health is a big part of that. Many people with coeliac disease are at risk of low bone density due to years of malabsorption before diagnosis, yet routine follow-up care isn’t always offered. That’s why it’s so important to be proactive about your health.

In this episode, I talk about:

  • My experience getting a bone density scan – what led me to push for it and how I felt about the results.
  • The link between coeliac disease and osteopenia/osteoporosis – why coeliac disease can put people at risk for weakened bones.
  • The importance of follow-up care for coeliac disease – what health checks should be part of ongoing management.
  • Why you need to be your own best advocate – because if you don’t speak up for your health, things can be missed.

Follow-Up Care for Coeliac Disease

Coeliac Australia provides clear guidelines on what follow-up care should look like for people with coeliac disease. This includes:

  • Regular blood tests to check for nutrient deficiencies and coeliac antibodies
  • A repeat gastroscopy (if needed) to check for intestinal healing
  • Bone density scans for those at risk of osteoporosis or osteopenia
  • Monitoring for other autoimmune conditions linked to coeliac disease

Resources & Links

  • Coeliac Australia’s follow-up care recommendations: https://coeliac.org.au/learn/ongoing-management/
  • More information on coeliac disease and bone health: https://coeliac.org.au/article/osteoporosis/

Join the Conversation

Have you had a bone density scan? Were you offered one, or did you have to request it? I’d love to hear about your experience. Also, do you know a bone specialist who I could speak to on the podcast? Send me a message on Instagram @a.gffamily, join the conversation in our Facebook group, or shoot me an email: aglutenfreefamily@gmail.com 

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The content on this podcast is not a substitution for professional medical advice. It is the opinion and experience of the show host or guests. Please seek professional medical advice from a medically qualified professional before making any decisions about your health or diet.