Sincerely, Sherrise
Sincerely, Sherrise
Discovering Your TRUE SELF!
This week we dive into self-awareness, introspection, and personal growth. Sherrise introduces the Sincerely, Sherrise™ SELF acronym, emphasizing the importance of being spiritually rooted, enlightened, loving, and free; including a practical weekly challenge for listeners to engage in self-exploration, express their emotions, and practice gratitude.
Follow Sincerely, Sherrise™ and Sherrise Marshalleck on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sincerelysherrise https://www.instagram.com/sherrisemarshalleck
Share this episode with at least (3) three people. By doing that you’ll be inspiring them to be the best version of themselves and helping them to love themselves from the INSIDEOUT!
Catch Full Episodes of the Sincerely, Sherrise™ Podcast here (via YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/@sincerelysherrise/podcasts
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Grab a copy of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions. Click here
Want to catch a vibe? Press play on the Sincerely, Sherrise™ Mixxxes: https://www.sherrisemarshalleck.com/inthemixxxwithsincerelysherrise
Maybe you want to tap into Sherrise's personal journals via her blog: https://www.sherrisemarshalleck.com/blog
Have an amazing and blessed day!
-Sincerely, Sherrise
The more that you express and explore what you think, feel and emote, the more well-informed you become about yourself.
Hello, beautiful people!
Welcome to Sincerely, Sherrise™ a podcast or should I say a platform centered around wellness, self-care, personal development, creating a positive mindset and growth.
I'm your host Sherrise Marshalleck, author of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions.
Consider me your friend and confidant.
Join me each and every Monday for your weekly dose of positivity.
How you doing? How you feeling?
Please say that you're feeling SPIRITUALLY-ROOTED, ENLIGHTENED, LOVING, and FREE.
Question of the day is, if I were to ask you what it means to know yourself and or be your true authentic self, what comes to mind or what would your response be?
Please comment down below and let's get chatty.
SELF is defined as a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action.
As an advocate of introspection, I decided to dive deeper into self and as your friend and confidant, today I'll be sharing my findings with you.
I enjoy establishing personal meanings for words, especially words that hold value to me.
SELF being one of them.
As I evaluated the definition, I thought about how I arrived as myself and what that looked like in real life. I decided to create an acronym that would help to remind me of who I was whenever I needed a friendly reminder.
That's when the Sincerely, Sherrise™ SELF acronym was born.
SELF spiritually rooted, enlightened or empowered, loving or loved, free or channeling the feeling.
This week's challenge will help you to get closer to knowing your true authentic self.
Are you ready?
Please say yes.
[Monday] Have faith and believe in yourself
It's time to believe in your own abilities and capabilities and have complete trust and or faith in yourself. Head over to the Sincerely, Sherrise™ archives and tune in to our episode where we explore the importance of faith. I'll place the card up there somewhere.
[Tuesday] Be introspective
Take some time to think about who you are at your core from the INSIDEOUT What are the foundational pillars of your life? What do you value? What makes you you?
Feel free to head over to SherriseMarshalleck.com/Shop or /SincerelySherrise and grab a copy of The 30 Day Self Exploration E-workbook. If you need a little help,
I am feeling generous and would love to know if you'd be interested in having a personal CELEBRATINGYOU: In The Season You're In! consultation with me.
This was a workshop that was created for the INSIDEOUT Micro Retreat in Beacon, New York. It would be my pleasure to have a consultation with you. Feel free to head over to SherriseMarshalleck.com/Connect and fill out the contact form.
[Wednesday] Express and explore your thoughts, feelings and emotions
How you feel, what you think and what you experience emotionally are all valid.
Take some time to express yourself and indulge in what surfaces. The more that you express and explore what you think, feel and emote, the more well-informed you become about yourself.
You have the option to journal, record voice memos or express yourself to the people you interact with. Whether it's an expression of gratitude or something that you feel in the moment, you decide.
Let's take some time to be present and see which feelings come to life during some breath work.
If you're seated, sit with your hands in your lap.
If you're laying down, lay flat on your back with your arms to the sides of your body, if you're able.
Gently lighten your gaze and close your eyes.
Take a deep breath, inhaling for one, two, three, four, five.
and exhale gently for one, two, three, four, five.
As you inhale deeply and exhale gently, focus on your breathing. Embrace the moment of stillness and feel each breath.
As you continue to inhale deeply for one, two, three, four, five, and exhale gently for one, two, three, four, five.
Continue this breath work practice for at least 60 seconds, counting each inhalation and exhalation for four to five seconds.
Release any thoughts that surface and continue focusing on your breathing and each breath. Allow calmness to envelope you.
Focus on being grateful for this precious moment of flow, stillness, presence and visualization.
Before opening your eyes if and when you're ready, thank your mind, body and spirit for their loyalty.
Please also write down how you felt during your breathwork practice.
For me, I felt peace, joy and serenity.
[Thursday] Give and receive unconditional love
A love that's offered freely without expecting anything in return based on loving yourself for who you are, not what you do and treating others with the same grace.
Provide a consistent, unchanging and persistent love. I will elaborate on what unconditional love is in another episode, so please subscribe and or sign up to the newsletter to be up to date and get first access to the episode.
[Friday] Create and go with the flow
Indulge in an activity, a hobby or experience where time stands still. Free your day to do whatever comes to mind, void of time constraints.
[Saturday] Count your blessings and be grateful
Know that you are appreciated, blessed, favored, and most importantly, you are loved.
People express and showcase love in a variety of ways. The most beautiful thing about receiving love is that the kindness can be felt and not all acts of love are actually tangible, which is why it's important to be present and grateful daily.
It's time to count your blessings, literally.
What is one thing that you are grateful for so far today?
For me, I AM... Grateful that I have the ability to speak and connect with you. So thank you.
Thank you for indulging me.
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for joining the Sincerely, Sherrise™ Experience.
[Sunday} Feel and channel the feeling
Activate the senses that are available to you.
As mentioned in a prior episode, there are a variety of senses that are available to us. The most common senses are sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. Make it your duty to embrace each of the senses that are available to you.
For example, when you indulge in something to eat today, whether it's a three course meal, snack or a light refreshment, savor each chew.
Try chewing to liquid and explore the flavor profiles in each bite. Think about what you're eating, how it tastes and the feeling you feel eating that particular thing. Do this for each of the senses that you have available to you.
Feel free to let us know in the comments down below how the experience was. Enjoy.
Say it with me. I AM... Spiritually-rooted, enlightened, empowered, loving and loved, free and channeling the feeling. AND I WILL... Commit to knowing, loving and understanding myself from the INSIDEOUT.
Share this episode with at least three people. By doing that, you'll be inspiring them to be the best version of themselves and helping them to love and understand themselves from the INSIDEOUT If you need a little help affirming,
Or maybe you love the affirmation in this episode! Grab a copy of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions!
Join me on Instagram @SincerelySherrise or via my personal account @SherriseMarshalleck I'd love to say hi and engage a little.
Don't be shy to take a screenshot of this episode or tag me in a picture of your journal sessions using the workbooks which are available to download via SherriseMarshalleck.com/SincerelySherrise
Please rate and review the Sincerely, Sherrise™ podcast.
This is so helpful. It means so much to my team and I. It only takes a few seconds. If you'd like to share your affirmations with the Sincerely, Sherrise™ team and I, feel free to head over to SherriseMarshalleck.com/AffirmIt to submit your affirmations.
Additionally, head over to the blog for some provocative topics, personal journal entries, and so much more via SherriseMarshalleck.com/Blog
Tune in to the latest Sincerely, Sherrise™ mixxx to catch a vibe, vibe, vibe, vibe, vibe, vibe via SherriseMarshalleck.com/InTheMixxxWithSincerelySherrise
Learn more about INSIDEOUT: The World Tour of Wellness Experiences via SherriseMarshalleck.com/INSIDEOUT
As always, thank you so very much for tuning in and kickstarting your week with me.
Until next Monday,
Have yourself an amazing and blessed week.
Sincerely, Sherrise™.