Sincerely, Sherrise

How to Give and Receive Unconditional Love

Sherrise Marshalleck

Sherrise delves into the profound concept of unconditional love; emphasizing the importance of accepting others for who they are, the necessity of self-love, and the power of expressing gratitude and appreciation. Listeners are encouraged to embrace and activate their own experiences of unconditional love, fostering a sense of community and connection.


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Have an amazing and blessed day! 

-Sincerely, Sherrise 


Today, we're exploring the concept of unconditional love and how to give and receive a love that's offered freely without expecting anything in return based on loving others for who they are, not what they do, and to receive the same in return and ultimately provide and receive a consistent, unchanging and persistent love.

Being of and living through unconditional love is one of the strongest forms of loves. And it also showcases the love that you have for self.

Hello, beautiful people.

Welcome to Sincerely, Sherrise™ a podcast centered around wellness, self-care, personal development, creating a positive mindset and growth.

I'm your host Sherrise Marshalleck, author of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions.

Consider me your friend and confidant.

Join me each and every Monday for your weekly dose of positivity.

How you doing? How are you feeling?

Please say that you're feeling ADORED, LOVING, and LOVED!

When you hear the word love, what comes to mind?

Please comment down below and let us know.

Love is an intense feeling of deep affection.

Today, we're exploring the concept of unconditional love and how to give and receive a love that's offered freely without expecting anything in return based on loving others for who they are, not what they do, and to receive the same in return and ultimately provide and receive a consistent, unchanging and persistent love.

Our weekly challenge will activate a love that's deeper and truer than we could have ever imagined.

Are you ready?

Please say yes.

[Monday] Accept people for who they are

A key component to unconditional love is accepting people for who they are and being authentic to yourself, which will allow others to love you for who you are also.

The aim of love is not to control or possess others or have them dominate or try to possess you. It's to be free of expectations and preconceived notions. Whether the love you're experiencing is platonic or romantic, accept people for who they are.

The more honest we are about who we are and the more open we are to seeing people for who they truly are, the more fruitful our experiences with others become.

imagine a time when you felt forced or obligated to do something. How did it make you feel? Now imagine you placing a condition on the love that you give to or receive from someone and how that may make either of you feel. Freedom and love are conjoined.

[Tuesday] When somebody shows you who they are, please believe them.

Love is generally expressed in actions and words. Note that not all unconditional love is intimate and or romantic, which means that just because you have the capability to love unconditionally and receive unconditional love, it does not warrant you to welcome situations and or people into your life who are unaligned and unsafe, especially for you personally, which is why it's paramount that you love yourself unconditionally first and work on creating healthy boundaries for yourself, which will allow you to weed out the people who do not fit in your personal circle.

For example, the expression of unconditional love can be extended to a new friend, formerly referred to as a stranger. And although you express kindness, compassion, and empathy towards said person, they may exhibit characteristics that are triggering to you, which means that you show respect, kindness, and compassion in that moment.

But this person will most likely remain just a new friend that you met in that moment. And that's fine also. Being of and living through unconditional love is one of the strongest forms of loves. And it also showcases the love that you have for self.

[Wednesday] Share and express love

Share how you feel towards others and share what you love about them.

Take some time to express yourself and indulge in this process. It is so beautiful.

The more you express love, appreciation and gratitude, the more the law of reciprocity will work in your favor. Take some time right now to think about someone that you love and or appreciate. Why do you love and appreciate them? Now call, DM, email, FaceTime, text or visit them and let them know why you love and adore them. Please spread some love today!

[Thursday] Feel the love

It's okay to feel loved. You deserve it. Whenever you feel love, appreciate and acknowledge the feeling. You are worthy of a love that is free, kind, compassionate, tender, respectful, and void of expectations and or obligations. Let's take some time to be present and channel our feelings of unconditional love during some breath work.

If you're seated, sit with your hands in your lap.

If you're laying down, lay flat on your back with your arms to the sides of your body. If you're able, gently lighten your gaze and close your eyes.

Take a deep breath, inhaling deeply for four to five seconds and exhaling gently for four to five seconds.

Also, Inhale for one, two, three, four, five. And exhale for one, two, three, four, five.

As you inhale deeply and exhale gently, focus on your beautiful version of unconditional love.

What does it look and feel like to you?

Please visualize it.

Take some time, at least 60 seconds, to visualize what that love looks like. Embrace the unconditional love.

Counting each inhalation and exhalation for four to five seconds.

Affirm the love of your desires.

Maybe this is a love that you've yet to experience or a love that you cherish and have experienced.

Release any thoughts that surface taking you away from your version of unconditional love. Allow a beautiful unconditional love to envelope you.

Live through it.

Focus on being grateful for this precious moment of flow, stillness, presence and visualization before opening your eyes.

If and when you're ready, thank your mind, body and spirit for their loyalty.

Write down what came to mind during your visualization.

[Friday] Affirm it

You are deserving of unconditional love.

And today you'll make an I AM AND I WILL affirmation that will activate and empower your version of unconditional love, both given and received.

Feel free to grab a copy of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions if you need a little help.

[Saturday] Let's go of expectations

Remember that a fundamental function of unconditional love is expecting nothing in return for the love that you are giving. Love freely and enjoy being of love and light.

Unconditional love is void of barter remember that.

[Sunday] Practice love

Be an example of the unconditional love that you deserve and desire let's go let's get it

Say it with me: I AM... loving and loved AND I WILL... offer love freely without expecting anything in return, loving others for who they are, not what they do, and receive the same in return because I am worthy and deserving of unconditional love also.

Share this episode with at least three people. By doing that, you'll be inspiring them to be the best version of themselves and helping them to love and understand themselves from the INSIDEOUT If you need a little help affirming,

Or maybe you love the affirmation in this episode! Grab a copy of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions!

Join me on Instagram @SincerelySherrise or via my personal account @SherriseMarshalleck I'd love to say hi and engage a little.

Don't be shy to take a screenshot of this episode or tag me in a picture of your journal sessions using the workbooks which are available to download via

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This is so helpful. It means so much to my team and I. It only takes a few seconds. If you'd like to share your affirmations with the Sincerely, Sherrise™ team and I, feel free to head over to to submit your affirmations.

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As always, thank you so very much for tuning in and kickstarting your week with me. 
Until next Monday, 

Have yourself an amazing and blessed week. 

Sincerely, Sherrise™. 
