Renewing Your Mind with the Word of God Podcast
Renewing Your Mind with the Word of God Bible Study podcast is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by- chapter Bible study of the Word of God. The podcast's name is from Romans 12:2 which says “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” How do we renew our minds? by studying the Word of God, which is found in the Bible. So listen and begin to renew your mind unto the things of God! You can find all episodes of this podcast and our sister podcast The God Revelation Podcast at https://renewyourmindministries.org/
75 episodes
S5:E1-Acts 4:23-47-Jesus' disciples pray for boldness to teach about Jesus after being arrested
We finish chapter 4 of the Book of Acts. We look at verses 23-37. John and Peter were arrested for teaching people about Jesus. After being freed, they tell the other disciples about being arrested for teaching about Jesus. Then Jes...
Season 5
Episode 1

S4:E7 - Acts 4:1-22 - Peter and John are arrested for speaking about Jesus
We start chapter 4 of the Book of Acts. We look at verses 1-22. The religious leaders have Peter and John arrested for telling the crowd about Jesus after the healing of the crippled man at the Jewish Temple. Peter, who once was afr...
Season 4
Episode 7

S4-E6-Acts 3:11-26-Peter tells the crowd that it was faith in Jesus that healed the crippled man at the Temple
We continue and finish our look at chapter 3 of Acts. Specifically, verses 11-26, where Peter takes the opportunity to witness about Jesus to the crowd that gathered after the crippled man was healed at the Jewish Temple. Peter tells the crowd ...
Season 4
Episode 6

S4:E5-Acts 2:42-47 & Acts 3:1-10-Jesus'believers form a community & a crippled man is healed
We finish chapter 2 and begin chapter 3 of the Book of Acts. In chapter 2, verses 42-47, after 3000 were saved following Peter's speech about Jesus and the Holy Spirit, many of the new believers stayed in Jerusalem to devote themselves to...
Season 4
Episode 5

S4:E4-Acts 2:25-41-Part II-The Holy Spirit comes & Peter preaches to the crowd
In this episode, we continue to look at Peter preaching to the crowd after he and his fellow Jesus followers received the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus. Specifically, we look at verses 24-41 from Acts chapter 2. We see Peter quo...
Season 4
Episode 4

S4:E3-Acts 2:1-24-The Holy Spirit comes & Peter preaches to the crowd
In this episode, we start chapter 2 from the Book of Acts. We cover verses 1-24. We see the Holy Spirit come to start His earthly ministry as promised by Jesus. After the Holy Spirit comes and fills Jesus' believers during Pentecost...
Season 4
Episode 3

S4-E2 - Acts 1:12-26 - After Jesus' ascension back to Heaven, Matthias is chosen to replace Judas
In this episode, we continue our study of the Book of Acts. Specifically, chapter 1, verses 12-26. After Jesus ascends back into Heaven, having appeared to His followers for 40 days after His resurrection from the dead, Jesus' foll...
Season 4
Episode 2

S4-E1-Acts 1:1-11-After His resurrection, Jesus tells His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the coming of the Holy Spirit
In this episode, we start our study of the Book of Acts. Specifically, we cover chapter 1, verses 1-11. Acts is written by Dr. Luke. It was written about 63. Acts covers a period of approximately 30 years. In Acts we see the prominence of...
Season 4
Episode 1

S3-E16-John 21:18-25-Jesus predicts Peter’s crucifixion because of his faith in Jesus
We conclude our study of the Book of John. Specifically, we cover verses 18-25 of chapter 21. We see after Jesus restores Peter after Peter's denials of Jesus, Jesus predicts Peter will eventually be crucified because of Peter's faith in ...
Season 3
Episode 16

S3-E15-John 21:1-17--Jesus restores Peter although Peter had previously denied even knowing Jesus
In this episode we start our look at the Book of John's chapter 21, which is the last chapter of the book. We see Jesus restoring Peter to fellowship after Peter had previously denied knowing Him. Jesus gives Peter the commission to feed ...
Season 3
Episode 15

S3-E14-John 20:21-31--After His resurrection from the dead, Jesus appears to the disciples
In this episode, we finish chapter 20 of the Book of John. Jesus has been resurrected from the dead. Meanwhile, His disciples are in a locked room hiding from the Jewish leaders because they fear the Jewish leaders will execute them as we...
Season 3
Episode 14

S3-E13-John 20:1-20-Jesus' resurrection from the dead
In this episode, we look at the resurrection of Jesus from the dead as we start chapter 20 out of the Book of John. Jesus died for the sins of mankind; He was buried; and early on Sunday morning Jesus rose from the dead. Mary Magdal...
Season 3
Episode 13

E3-E12-John 19:31-42-Jesus is buried after dying for mankind's sins
In this episode, we finish our study of chapter 19 out of the Book of John; specifically, verses 31-42. We pick up where we left off in our last episode. In the last episode, Jesus said, "It is finished!" as He was dying on the cross.&nbs...
Season 3
Episode 12

S3-E11-John 19:16-30-Jesus is crucified for mankind's sins
In this episode, we continue our study of chapter 19 out of the Book of John; specifically, verses 16-30. Jesus is crucified after Pilate gives the order to crucify Him to keep the peace with the Jewish religious leaders and the mob they ...
Season 3
Episode 11

S3-E10-John 19:1-15--Pilate tries to release Jesus, but the religious leaders demand Jesus be killed
In this episode, we start chapter 19 out of the Book of John; specifically, verses 1-15. Pilate is still not convinced Jesus is guilty of anything, but to appease the Jewish religious leaders and the mob they have gathered, Pilate has Jes...
Season 3
Episode 10

S3-E9-John 18:28-40-The Jewish religious leaders turn Jesus over to Pilate to be executed
In this episode, we finish our look at chapter 18 out of the Book of John. We cover verses 28-40. After Jesus' arrest, after being questioned by Annas, and after an illegal and mockery of a trial before Caiaphas (the High Priest the Roman...
Season 3
Episode 8

E3-E8-John 18:19-27-After His arrest, Jesus is questioned by the Jewish High Priest; and Peter's 2nd and 3rd denials of following Jesus
In this episode, we continue our study of chapter 18 of the Book of John; specifically, verses 19-27. After Jesus is arrested, He is taken to Annas, the High Priest the Jews recognized. Annas questions Jesus. Jesus is assaulted for ...
Season 3
Episode 8

S3-E7-John 18:1-18-Jesus is arrested and Peter's first denial of knowing Jesus
In this episode, we start chapter 18 of the Book of John. Jesus and His disciples are just outside of Jerusalem at the Mount of Olives for Passover. Under the cover of darkness, Judas leads Roman soldiers and temple guards to where Jesus was to...
Season 3
Episode 7

S3-E6-John 17:16-26-Jesus prays for all those who will ever believe in Him
In this episode, we finish chapter 17. In verses 16-26, Jesus turns from praying for those disciples who were with Him and prays for all who will ever believe in Him. He prays that all believers will be in Him as He is in the Father. Jesus pray...
Season 3
Episode 6

S3-E5- John 16:28-33; John 17:1-15-Jesus prays for Himself and His disciples
In this episode, we finish chapter 16 from the Book of John and start chapter 17. Jesus is still talking with His disciples about the horrible things that are about to take place in a matter of hours. So, Jesus prays for Himself and His d...
Season 3
Episode 5

S3-E4-John 16:12-27-Jesus continues to teach about the Holy Spirit and to pray in His Name
In this episode, we look at verses 12-27 out of chapter 16 from the Book of John. Jesus continues to teach about the Holy Spirit after warning His disciples not to abandon the faith after He is crucified, and after they are persecuted bec...
Season 3
Episode 4

S3:E3-John 16:1-11-Jesus explains to His disciples why He has been telling them about the events that are about to happen
In this episode, we start chapter 16 of the Book of John; specifically, verses 1-11. Jesus is hours away from being arrested, beaten, and crucified for mankind's sins. He is still talking to His disciples about these things that are...
Season 3
Episode 3

S3:E2-John 15:18-27--Jesus teaches the world hates Him and therefore hates His followers, but the world loves its own
In this episode, we finish our study of chapter 15 of the Book of John; specifically, verses 18-27. Jesus is still reassuring His disciples after predicting His betrayal by One of His own and His death. He tells them that the since the wo...
Season 3
Episode 2

S3-E1-John 15:1-17-Jesus tells His disciples that those in Him bear much fruit; and to love one another
In this episode, we start our study of chapter 15 of the Book of John out of the New Testament of the Bible. We look at verses 1-17. Jesus uses the analogy of vines and branches to teach that He is the vine and the branches (that is...
Season 3
Episode 1

S2-E20-John 14:18-31-Jesus reassures and comforts His disciples after He predicts His coming death
In this episode, we finish ch. 14 of the Book of John. Jesus and His disciples are still at what would be Jesus' last Passover meal. Jesus has predicted His impending death so now He wants to comfort and reassure His disciples ...
Season 2
Episode 20