Islamic Blog for New Muslims: Support for New Muslim Converts
About The Sincere Seeker
The Sincere Seeker is an Islamic blog and online bookstore dedicated to supporting new Muslim converts. Offering resources to help you connect with God, find your life’s purpose, and deepen your understanding of Islam, I provide Islamic books, articles, and videos tailored to guide and inspire your faith journey.
My aim is to provide accessible, engaging, and educational content for new Muslim converts (reverts). I strive to guide you on your spiritual journey, deepen your understanding of Islam, and strengthen your connection with Allah through the Noble Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
About Me
As the creator of The Sincere Seeker, I hold a secular degree from a U.S. university and developed this platform in my spare time. I am not an Islamic scholar, and my work is not a substitute for the expertise of knowledgeable scholars. My goal is to inspire those seeking to get closer to God and share the beauty of Islam’s teachings.
The Verse of the Sword | "Kill Them Where You Find Them…" Verse

Is the Punishment for Apostasy Death in Islam?

Understanding Jizya, and is it a Non-Muslim Tax?

Penal Codes in Islam; What’s the Deal with Hand Cutting, Lashing, & Stoning?

What is Sharia Law in Islam? Do Muslims Want to Spread Islamic Sharia Law to Non-Muslim Countries?

Do Islamic Inheritance Laws Favor Men Over Women? Why Do Women Receive Half the Inheritance Share of a Man?

Why Did the Caliph Uthman Burn Different Versions of the Quran?

What is the Concept of Atonement in Islam? Is it Similar to That of Christianity? How Does One Seek Salvation from Hellfire & Enter Paradise?

Why are There Two Sects of Muslim? What is the Difference Between Sunni and Shia?

Does Islam Allow Slavery? The Treatment of Female Prisoners of War

Jihad, Holy War and Terrorism in Islam

Why Can Muslim Men Marry Up to Four Wives?

Is a Women's Testimony Worth Half of That of a Man in Islam?

Does Islam Allow Men to Beat their Wives?

Did Islam Spread by the Sword? How Did Islam Spread Throughout the World so Quickly?

Did Islam Start After Judaism and Christianity? Is Prophet Muhammad PBUH the Founder of Islam?

Are Women Oppressed in Islam?

Could Prophet Muhammad PBUH have Copied its Text from Another Source? Could the Holy Quran Be Inspired by Satan?

What is the Concept of Hell? Can Hell be Justified? Why Did God Create Hell, Knowing that Some People Will Be Condemned?

Does Islam Believe in Evolution?

If God Preordained Everything, Why Should I be held Accountable?

If God Exists, Why Does He Allow Evil, Pain, Suffering, and Sickness?

The Young Age of Aisha When She Married Prophet Muhammad PBUH

The Pilgrimage to Makkah

Fasting During the Month of Ramadan (For Self-Purification)