The Pre-Trib Prophecy Podcast
The Pre-Trib Prophecy Podcast
Latest Episodes
First Thessalonians Four, Part A: The Believer's Sanctification

First Thessalonians Three: Paul Defines Discipleship

First Thessalonians Two: Eschatology and Paul's Evangelism

First Thessalonians One: An Introduction to the Thessalonian Church

Revelation Twenty Two: Jesus is Coming Quickly

Fan Mail
I’ve listened to your podcast four times now. I can’t find any podcasts as uplifting and as close to what the scriptures say. One podcast says we’re going thru the tribulation, another says 144,000 are just Israelites going into the desert and the US would take care of them. Another idiot (well Paul said idiot , so I figured I could too ) he said the two witnesses would be taken up by technology. I got out of there as fast as possible. Anyways, I’m going on my 5th time listening to your podcast. Thanks for teaching from the scriptures and making sense There are so many flaky people out there Anyways, I'm going by what my spiritman says and when I'm having my quiet times with the Lord and that is Jesus Christ is returning soon. I'll continue to re-listen to your podcast Thank you Lauri K. PS: I will see you in Heaven in the very near future God Bless your Ministry
Tacoma, Washington