Not An Adult

Vegans Slapped With Steaks, Intercourse With Pizza, Microwaved Socks and much more!

Rudi & Lauren

Expect adult themes accompanied by child like perspectives finished with mellow undertones in this weeks edition of NAA.

Here's a breakdown of what to expect in this episode:
- The birth of a new podcast.
1:08 - What we have been upto this past week.
7:40 - This weeks shiiii top tip
9:38 - NAA News
19:34 - Storytime
37:49 - Topics

Bit of a shorter episode this week as Rudi's been trying to find a job IRL but back to normal shizz from next week onwards <3

If you'd like to contact us or submit any stories, AITA, confessions, or just want to chit chat, you can do so in person or anonymously. Contact us through our 24/7 NAA WhatsApp Hotline: +44 7553378431, or email us at

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