Not An Adult

Drunk Politics & Economics, Medical Mistakes, Criminal Submission and much more!

Rudi & Lauren

Welcome back for some more marmite flavoured yoghurt.
This weeks edition begins sober and slowly decents into drunkeness as we pre drink and prepare to go out for the night, even though we said we wouldn't last week. Usual bizness as always, enjoy the journey haha!


1:03 - What we have been upto this week.
Rudi gets 2 jobs and 1 bad haircut. Lauren buys some dodgy bookshelf from ikea and worrys about the night ahead.
9:08 - This weeks shiiii top tip!
And its an absolute belter sent in by AMY from Shropshire - BIG UP! <3
11:06 - NAA News with our national correspondant Lauren
Lauren discusses the M1 Motorway house which has recently come up for sale but there are some shady things about this property...
She also covers a story of a man who had his jewels accidentally removed when wrongly diognosed with a disease, woops.
15:46 - NAA News with our international correspondant Rudi
Rudi talks about a man who poo'd in the dj booth at an event in new castle and how the headliner ended up stepping in it.
Also how a bunch of teenagers from Bradford offered super glue customers of a supermarket pretending to offer hand sanitizer - GOLD
Also how a man was stopped for drink driving but instead made it way worse for himself.
21:28 - STORYTIME!
This week we have a submission from a REAL criminal, some wild shiiiii you lot been sending in haha!
Some other storys include a mans journey into intercourse with a coconut on repeated occasions which leads to disaster, a goldfish euthanasia gone wrong and much more.
51:04: Drunk Politics & Geopolitical Economics.
A fine masterclass in drunk geopolitical ranting, get ya notepad out.
1:0:04 - Outro and some infomation about upcoming shiizzz.

If you'd like to contact us or submit any stories, AITA, confessions, or just want to chit chat, you can do so in person or anonymously. Contact us through our 24/7 NAA WhatsApp Hotline: +44 7553378431, or email us at

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