Not An Adult

Stealing Money from Family Members and Spunking in a Shoe Box

Rudi & Lauren

Welcome back to the grey area of the podcast sphere and this week we talk 12 year olds consuming THC Gummies, people getting struck by 60mph cows and a first hand account of the worst surgery a nurse has ever done, honestly its a proper gross episode, enjoy it if you can.


1:08 - What we have been up to this past week.
Rudi & Lauren are both still suffering party blues, Lauren witnesses a car crash on the way home from work and Rudi talks what we did for 420.

9:56 - This weeks shiiii top tip!
This week we supply some state of the art tips on how to taccle hey fever this year, proper groundbreaking stuff...

13:46 - NAA News with Lozza G
Man throws full on tantrum on flight over crying baby.
A 20k Harry Potter wedding gets some stick online.
Marathon runner world record holder gets caught cheating, driving her car....

23:43 - NAA News with Rude, Live from Bosnia.
Fake james bond walks into the office and ends up getting armed response belled.
THC gummies get eaten in class by 12 year olds
Man gets hit by cow that gets hit by train.

29:05 - Storytime!
unbelievably gross this week!
Stealing money from siblings and then doing some nasty stuff to a shoe box.
someone that uses a pair of scissors to chop up there poo.
Story from a nurse

If you'd like to contact us or submit any stories, AITA, confessions, or just want to chit chat, you can do so in person or anonymously. Contact us through our 24/7 NAA WhatsApp Hotline: +44 7553378431, or email us at

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